For Parents and Their Children Ages 10-14 This program helps parents and caregivers build on their strengths in showing love and setting limits, helps youth develop skills for building a positive future, and helps families grow together and become stronger. Free family meals Parent Workshops Family Activities Youth Activities Gift Cards for graduating families Free babysitting for siblings* *Minimum age 2 years FREE 7 Week Family Program “I learned many parents struggle with the same things I do.” - Parent “I learned that kids and parents think alike when they are stressed.” - Youth “I learned that expressing how we feel to our children doesn’t make us look like weak parents, but it lets them realize that mom and dad have feelings too!” “My family and I got closer than ever!” - Youth - Parent A collaboration between Community Charter School of Paterson and The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources, a program of Children’ s Aid and Family Services. Funded through a grant provided by the State of New Jersey, Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services. para padres y jóvenes de 10 a 14 años Este programa le ayuda a los padres a mostrar amor y establecer limites, ayuda a los jovenes a desarrollar habilidades para construir un futuro positivo, y ayuda a las familias a crecer mas fuerte. Actividadades para la familia Talleres para los padres Actividades para los jovenes Cena gratis para la familia Incentivos de regalos Niñeria GRATIS para los niño's pequenos* *Minimum age 2 years “Me entere que muchos padres “Yo aprendi que los niños y “He aprendido que cuando luchan con las misas cosas que yo.” los padres piensan igual cuando estan estresados.” expresamos nuestros sentimientos con nuestros hijos, no nos hace ver como padres debiles, si no que les permite dares cuenta de que mama y papa tienen sentimientos tambien! - Padre - Joven “Mi familia y yo estamos aun mas cerca!” - Joven - Padre Una colaboracion de Community Charter School of Paterson y The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources, un programa de Children ’ s Aid and Family Services. Financiado atravez de una subvencion concedida por El Departamento de la Salud Mental y servicios de addiciones, del Estado de Nueva Jersey.