May 8, 2016 - St. John the Baptist

Seventh Sunday of Easter/Ascension of the Lord
Year C
May 8, 2016
0S233 Church Street, Winfield, IL 60190
Fax 1-630-668-1074
Welcome - Bienvenido
Our Mission Statement
The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us
Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me; and
to proclaim: ‘Ecce Agnus Dei’ - Behold the Lamb of God;
those who welcome me welcome the one who
Behold the Good News of Jesus Christ.
sent me. (Mt 10:40) St. John the Baptist Church
Inspired by Luke 4:18 & John 1:29
wishes to welcome everyone to our
community as Jesus would. For information on Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
joining St. John’s, please call the parish office. Happy Mother’s Day! This Sunday we honor our
mothers and godmothers as well as celebrate the SoParish Directory
lemnity of the Ascension of our Lord into heaven. In
Pastor/Párroco: Fr. Matt Pratscher/Padre Mateo
the prayers of the Mass, we say that where the Head
Secretaries: Jennifer Kurtyka, Rosa Benavides
(Jesus Christ) has gone, the body (we, the Church)
………………….Ext 0 or 600…………………
hopes to follow. Christ draws us up into the heights
Secretaria Hispana: .……………………Ext 601
of the love of God. Certainly, being united to our
Director of Finance & Administration:
Lord, this is the mission of every Christian: to draw
…………….Deborah Birutis.………....Ext 616
all into the love of God. I am grateful for my mother,
Business & Facilities Manager:
godmother, grandmother, and aunts for doing this in
……………...Aaron Simpson..……........Ext 603
my life. Let us honor and pray for all mothers in our
Music Ministry: Adrienne Rose…630-653-1489
lives, and let us also remember in prayer those for whom this may be a challenging
Música Español: María Marquez.630-562-6894
day. May the Lord watch over and bless us all.
Religious Education:…………...Office:Ext 613
Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us!
Director: Maureen Brennan.………..Ext 612
RCIA (Convert Preparation)………..Ext 600
Adult Education & Youth Ministry:
Chris Strong…………………..630-673-3982
Grade School:………………….Office: Ext 618
Principal: Mickey Tovey…………..Ext 618
Phone: 630-668-2625, Fax: 630-668-7176
St Vincent de Paul Society.…………..Ext 692
Mass Schedule
Weekend…….Saturday (Vigil Mass) 5:00 pm;
Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am
Misa en Español……….….Domingo 1:30 pm
Weekday..M-F-7:30 am & Sat. 8:30 am
School Mass-Most Wednesdays at 8:15 am
Confessions: ..........Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
In Christ,
Fr. Matt
Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,
Feliz Día de la Madre! Este domingo honramos a nuestras madres y madrinas así
como celebramos la Solemnidad de la Ascensión de nuestro Señor en el cielo. En las
oraciones de la Misa, decimos donde la cabeza (Jesucristo) ha ido, el cuerpo
(nosotros, la iglesia) esperamos a seguir. Cristo nos trae arriba en las alturas del amor
de Dios. Ciertamente, querremos estar unidos a nuestro Señor, es la misión de cada
cristiano: atraer a todos en el amor de Dios. Estoy agradecido por mi madre, madrina,
abuela y tías por hacer esto en mi vida. Vamos a honrar y rezar por todas las madres
en nuestras vidas y recordemos también en oración aquellos que puede ser un día
difícil. Que el Señor vigilar y nos bendiga a todos.
María, Madre de la Misericordia, ruega por nosotros!
En Cristo,
Padre Mateo
A letter from our pastor, Father Matt/Una carta de nuestro párroco, Padre Mateo
Fr. Keith Wolfe
I have two older sisters and a twin brother. My mother works in special education, and my
grandmother taught me about the faith. My call deepened in junior high after she brought
me to the Carmelite Center in Darien and bought me a copy of St. John Paul II’s Gift and
Mystery, a book of reflections on his own priesthood. My grandmother arranged a meeting
with Fr. Dennis Paul where we talked about the priesthood. I also considered religious life
with the Jesuits. Despite these early experiences, I stopped practicing my faith in high
school, preferring a social life over my relationship with God. However, during my two
years of college at Northern Illinois University, I experienced a personal conversion and
entered the seminary in 2009 where I spent one year at St. John Vianney College Seminary on the campus of the University of Saint Thomas in the Twin Cities and then two years at Saint Gregory the Great
Seminary in Seward, Nebraska. In the summer of 2013, I transferred candidacy to the Diocese of Joliet. This has been
a source of many graces. I have completed four years of theological formation at Mundelein University. I am grateful
for all the blessings: a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Spanish language immersions in Guatemala and Mexico, spiritual
formation at the Institute of Priestly Formation, a mission trip to Louisiana, participation in the March for Life, etc.
But the greatest blessing has been the experiences in the parish as a future spiritual father.
I was ordained to the Diaconate on March 27, 2015 by Bishop Conlon at the Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus in
Joliet. I returned to my internship parish, Immaculate Conception in Elmhurst, where I am assigned as a Deacon for
this year while also finishing seminary. I had the joy of having Masses of Thanksgiving at St. Raphael in Naperville and
Immaculate Conception in Elmhurst. I was also privileged to assist as the deacon of the First Mass of recently ordained
Fr. Tom Dunn. I will be ordained to the Priesthood on May 21, 2016 and will begin ministry at St. John the Baptist Parish in Winfield as a parochial vicar on June 22nd. God motivates me to become a priest by the desire to share the reality of God’s love, especially in the parish and by a joyful priestly way of life in celibacy. I joyfully anticipate moving
into the Parish of St. John the Baptist and giving my life in service to the people of God.
In my spare time, I enjoy sports, especially watching the Chicago White Sox, Bears and Blackhawks. I also enjoy driving, recently got back into fishing, and love a good movie. I am looking forward to getting to know you and bringing
you closer to the love of God.
Padre Keith Wolfe
Tengo dos hermanas mayores y un hermano gemelo. Mi madre trabaja en la educación especial, y mi abuela me enseñó la fe. Mi llamada se hizo más profundo en la escuela secundaria después de que ella me llevó al Centro carmelita en Darién y me compró una copia de San Juan Pablo II's regalo y misterio, un libro de reflexiones sobre su propio
sacerdocio. Mi abuela organizó una reunión con el Padre Dennis Paúl donde hablamos sobre el sacerdocio. También
consideré la vida religiosa con los jesuitas. A pesar de estas primeras experiencias, dejé de practicar mi fe en la escuela secundaria, preferir una vida social sobre mi relación con Dios. Obstante, durante mis dos años de estudios universitarios en la Universidad del Norte de Illinois, experimenté una conversión personal y entré en el seminario en
2009, donde pasé un año en el Seminario de San Juan Vianney en el campus de la Universidad de Santo Tomás en las
ciudades gemelas y luego dos años en San Gregorio Magno Seminario en Seward, Nebraska. En el verano de 2013,
transferí a la candidatura a la Diócesis de Joliet. Esta ha sido una fuente de muchas gracias. Completé cuatro años de
formación teológica en la Universidad de Mundelein. Estoy agradecido por todas las bendiciones: una peregrinación a
la Tierra Santa, inmersión en el idioma español en Guatemala y México, formación espiritual en el Instituto de Formación Sacerdotal, un viaje de misión a Louisiana, la participación en la Marcha por la Vida, etc. Pero la bendición más
grande ha sido la experiencia en la parroquia como un futuro padre espiritual. Fui ordenado al Diaconado el 27 de
marzo 2015 por el Obispo Colón en la Catedral de San Ramón Nonato en Joliet. Regresé a mi pasantía Parroquia Inmaculada Concepción en Elmhurst, donde estoy asignado como diácono durante este año, mientras que terminó el seminario. Tuve la alegría de tener Misas de Gracias en San Rafael en Naperville y la Inmaculada Concepción en Elmhurst.
También fui privilegiado para asistir como el diácono de la Primera misa de recientemente ordenado Padre Tom Dunn.
Voy a ser ordenado al sacerdocio el 21 de mayo de 2016, y comenzaré el ministerio en la Parroquia de San Juan Bautista en Winfield como vicario parroquial el 22 de junio. Dios me motiva a ser sacerdote por el deseo de compartir la
realidad del amor de Dios, especialmente en la parroquia y por un camino sacerdotal alegre de la vida en el celibato.
Con alegría espero moverme en la Parroquia de San Juan Bautista y dar mi vida en el servicio a la gente de Dios. En
mi tiempo libre, me gustan los deportes, especialmente viendo los Chicago White Sox, Bears y Blackhawks. También
disfruto manejar en coche, recientemente regresé a la pesca, y amo mirar una película buena. Estoy deseando llegar
a conocerte y acércate al amor de Dios.
Please pray for our sick
Dorothy Aylward
Nancy Babcock
Lucy Bernard
James Bestler
Bernie Briody
Brian Burke
Lisa Cicero
Kathy Connor
Joann Eggebrecht
Jerry Enzweiler
Aaron Erickson
William Ferdinand
Patrocinia Fernandez
Mary Ferraro
Gregory Figiel
Fr. Hilary Fischer
John Flanigan, Jr.
Kyle Freed
Dolores Gabriel
Rosa Garay
Gregory Garlt
Manuel Garza
Judy Gonzalez
Myrla Gonzales
Dawn Grant
Destin Green
Jennifer Hammerschmidt
Please pray for those who
defend our nation,
those who serve
in Active Duty
Pvt James Luigi Akin
SRA Francis Beifuss
Captain John Berg
Sgt Melissa Brooker
Lt Deandra Carbone
CMR Nicholas Carbone
Pvt Timothy Conley
Lt. Jr. Gr. Nicholas Daly
Captain Daniel Durbin
SA Dakota Enders
AF3C John L. Enders
LCPI Ciro Esquivel, Jr.
Pvt Nicholas Gedvilas
Pv2 Nicholas Gorman
Sgt Pamela Gray
A1C Seth Kelley
Cpl David Lawless
Amn Robert Lawless
Navy Marco Angelo Lomibao
Lt Cmdr Matthew Luff
PFC Andrew John McCoy
GSCS (SS/SW) Timothy A. Newell
ABHAA Sean Phillips
1st Lt. Jason Ptak
A1C Alejandro Luis Sanchez
Sgt Ian Sarlitto
AN Michael Schieve
SSG Curtis Sigourney, US Army
Captain Jim Smolucha
Captain Mike Smolucha
SPC Thomas Stanhope
ABHAA Robert Twohill
Bonnie Hansen
John Heitzler, Jr.
Joseph Henczel
Joy Henczel
Cara Herbener
Vernon Herbener
Jane Hibbits
William Hibbits, Sr.
Edy Jacobs
Jason Jensen
Margarita Jimenez
Bill Johnson
Mary Kallas
Brandon Karimi
Ken Kasnicka
Carter Kettner
Margaret Krisch
Gerry Krug
Korrin Kupris
Dolores LaBruyere
Ivanna Lamb
Riley Lambert
Rick LeBreux
John Lechowicz
Dolores Lewandowski
Nancy Liden
Marilyn Loechl
Bernie Madden
Beth Majerczyk
Ursula Makowijczuk
Mike Malony
John Maltese
Linda Marczewski
Jan Masters
Al Mathieu
Alex McCall
Goldena McGee
Megan Mueller
Mary Lu Mulcahy
Roberto Musni
Becky Neal
Johnny Neal
Maura Neuens
Fr./Dr. William Nijm
Alex Novak
Lesley (Tobin) Nygaard
Joan Pacer
Josie Pasciak
Hector Perez
Bane Petrov
Ian Prosser
Tim Ptak
Elly T. Ransum
Mary Rauch
First Reading — Jesus tells the disciples that they will be witnesses to
the ends of the earth (Acts 1:1-11).
Psalm — God mounts his throne to
shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for
the Lord (Psalm 47).
Second Reading — God seated Jesus at his right hand in the heavens
(Ephesians 1:17-23) or Hebrews
9:24-28; 10:19-23.
Gospel — As Jesus blessed his disciples he parted from them and was
taken up to heaven (Luke 24:46-53).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary
for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English
in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Ascension of the
Lord; Mother’s Day;
World Communications
St. Damien de Veuster
Ss. Nereus and Achil leus;
St. Pancras
Our Lady of Fatima
St. Matthias
Confession Schedule/
Horario de Confesiones
Saturday, May 7
3:30 p.m.-Fr. Matt
Saturday, May 14
3:30 p.m.-Fr. Matt
Alicia Ricciardi
Cooper Rojas
Donna Rollo
Gertie Romero
Katherine Rose
Marvin Rothweil
Susan Rothweil
Helen Russ
Sven Segerlund
Jean Sekulski
John Shannon
Desireé Sheppard
Evelyn Skriba
Rosemary Sumang
Mary Tarchala
Virg Tobin
Jim Toman
Sheila Tomaszewski
Ed Underwood
Keith Venard
Genevieve Welch
Paula Winterhalder
Lexie Youngberg
*Mike Zierk
*New this week
Readings for the Week
Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab,
4-5acd, 6-7ab;
Jn 16:29-33
Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:1011, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a
Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:2930, 33-36ab;
Jn 17:11b-19
Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps
16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
Jn 17:20-26
Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:12, 11-12, 19-20ab;
Jn 21:15-19
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps
113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17
Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex
19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:15; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Rom 8:2227; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps
104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 1213 or Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn
14:15-16, 23b-26
Please pray for
Iwona Janczy
who passed away
Easter Weekend,
April, 2016.
Our sympathies are extended to
her husband, Tom,
and to all of her family and friends.
Mass Intentions for the Week
Saturday, May 7
8:30 a.m. ♥† CCW Living, Deceased & Peace (CCW)
Vigil for The Seventh Sunday of Easter
5:00 p.m. ♥† For All the Parishioners of St. John the Baptist Parish
Sunday, May 8
7:30 a.m. ♥† For Our Parish Mother’s Day Intentions
9:30 a.m. ♥† For Our Parish Mother’s Day Intentions
11:30 a.m. ♥† For Our Parish Mother’s Day Intentions
1:30 a.m. (Spanish) ♥† Por las intenciones del día de las madre de
la parroquia
Monday, May 9
7:30 a.m. ♥ Living, Joy Henczel, Birthday Blessings (Joe Henczel)
Tuesday, May 10
7:30 a.m. † Fr. John Stockinger, Anniversary of Death, 5/10/01
† McPheters & Faranda Families (Carol McPheters)
† Helen Sudol (Julian & Linda Piekarczyk)
† The Holy Souls in Purgatory (Anonymous)
♥ Living, Father Henry Wilkening
Wednesday, May 11
7:30 a.m. † Essie Lee “Pat” Aylward (Rita Grabowski)
8:15 a.m. School Mass-† Rudolph Simek (Sue Simek)
Thursday, May 12
7:30 a.m. † Betty Marecek (Rose Marie Lambert)
Friday, May 13
7:30 a.m. † Cullen Connors (Carol Connors)
Saturday, May 14
8:30 a.m. † Rose Rosati (The Pat Schopp Family)
Vigil for Pentecost Sunday
5:00 p.m. ♥† Knights of Columbus, Living & Deceased (K of C)
† Cathy Hanlock (Rita Wilke)
† Nora & Frank Sweeney (Mary Passini)
† The Holy Souls in Purgatory (Anonymous)
† Bonnie J. Curby (Dona & Phil Smith)
† Scott Weber (The Weber Family)
Sunday, May 15-Pentecost Sunday
7:30 a.m. ♥† For All the Parishioners of St. John the Baptist
9:30 a.m. ♥† For Our Parish Mother’s Day Intentions
11:30 a.m. ♥ Living, Joy & Joe Henczel, for Health (Joe Henczel)
1:30 a.m. (Spanish) ♥† Por las intenciones del día de las madre de
la parroquia
Our Sanctuary Lamps
This week, our Sanctuary Lamps* burn
in Memory of/in Honor of:
This Week at St. John’s
8a, 8:30a: CCW Rosary, then Mass, followed by May Crowning-Chapel
8:30a-4p: St. Mary’s Confirmation Meeting-Sebahar Hall
School Play Practice
At 5p Mass: Mass for 1st Communicants-Church
Reserved-Sebahar Hall
After 7:30a Mass: Rosary for Life-Chapel
8a-11a: K of C Pancake Breakfast-Mother’s Day Special!-School Hall
Guadalupanos-Parish Office Dining Room
Boy Scout Troop Mtg.-School Hall
St. Mary’s Confirmation Practice-Church, Chapel
Knights of Columbus Meeting-Sebahar Hall
24-Hour Eucharistic Adoration ends-Chapel
Cantor Practice-Church
Small Christian Community Meeting-Trinity Board Room
Parent Meeting for Family Life-School Hall
Choir Rehearsal-Church
Cantor Practice-Church
School Play Practice-School Hall
Guadalupanos Prayer Meeting-Youth Ministry Room
Handbell Practice-Church
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting-Sodonna Hall
Adult Education-Movie Night-The Way-Sebahar Hall
SJB Middle School Play, Beauty & the Beast, - St. Francis
High School-Kuhn Theatre
Rosary for Life-Chapel
24-Hour Eucharistic Adoration-Chapel
School Play Practice-School Hall
Worship Commission-Trinity Board Room
St. Mary’s Confirmation-Church, Sebahar Hall
FRIDAY, May 13
1p & 7p:
Winfield in Action Soccer Pictures, Grassy Area, School Hall
Funeral, then Luncheon-Church, Sebahar Hall
St. Vincent de Paul-Letter Carrier Food Drive-Sodonna Hall
SJB Middle School Play, Beauty & the Beast, - St. Francis High
School-Kuhn Theatre
SUNDAY, May 15
After 7:30a Mass: Rosary for Life-Chapel
After 7:30, 9:30a Masses: Donut Sunday & New Parishioner
Registration-Sebahar Hall
2:30p: Girl Scout Meeting-Youth Ministry Room
Cub Scout Pack Graduation-School Hall, Pavilion
6:30p: High School Youth Group Meeting-Youth Ministry Room
Chapel † James, Rose & Betty
Church † Bonnie J. Curby
*If you would like to request a sanctuary lamp to
burn in memory of/in honor of a loved one, please
contact the parish office. The cost is five dollars per
The 2017
Mass Intention
is open
Parish Photographer
Do you always
have your camera with you?
Do you like
capturing photos of family
and events? Is photography
your hobby or avocation? If
so, St John’s has need for
you. In conjunction with
updating the parish website,
we need a parish photographer to record the life and
times of our parish family.
Liturgies and sacraments,
school events and parish life
in general need to be captured by the lens and posted
to St John’s website for all
the parish to enjoy. So, if
you have the time and photographic talent, please contact Rich Loechl at 630-2225455
St. John the Baptist School
Disney’s Play,
Beauty and
the Beast
Friday, May 13, 7p
Saturday, May 14, 1p & 7p
St. Francis High School
in their Kuhn Cultural Arts Center
2130 W. Roosevelt Road
Wheaton, IL 60187
Adults: $8 Student: $5
Children 3 & Under: Free
For more information, contact:
Michelle Bucaro at
For advanced seating, contact
Melissa Imbrogno at
Fr. Tomy’s Farewell & Birthday Party-Thank You to
CCW & RE! - Thank you to our CCW and to the Religious
Education families who organized a wonderful farewell and
50th birthday party for Father Tomy after the 11:30 a.m.
Mass on April 24th in Sebahar Hall. So many parishioners
came to thank Father Tomy for his service to St. John’s.
Sacrificial Giving
We are ever grateful for your loving
generosity and sharing in the Ministries of Serving the Lord here at St.
John the Baptist.
Parish Collections
Abram tithed (giving at least 10%)
as a symbol that he depended totally on God. Moses said tithing
was holy and an act of worship.
Yes, even Jesus talked about
money because money is a necessary part of our lives and it is also
a necessary part of the viability of
the church. Our tithe is merely a
way to recognize that. Each family
should prayerfully discern their
own situation and understand that
tithing is God’s plan for supporting
the church and the poor. We are
ever grateful for your generosity
and sharing in the Ministries of Serving the Lord here at St. John the
Baptist. Please help us meet our
weekly needs of $25,619.
April 3……...….$24,381.89
April 10………..$22,712.41
April 17………..$22,052.32
April 24………..$18,924.15
Mother’s Day
Mass Intention
Mass Intention
cards are still
available before
and after Masses
this weekend for any mother, living or deceased, whom you wish
to have remembered during the
Masses on Mother’s Day & once
a week the rest of May. Each
card has two envelopes, one for a
free-will donation which you may
turn in at the parish office or
along with your Sunday offering,
and the second envelope is for
your personal Mass intention
card for the Mom in your life.
The Diocese of Joliet joyfully
announces and requests the honor
of your presence at the
Ordination of
Rev. Mr. Shaun Cieslik
to the
Sacred Order of the Priesthood
through the imposition of hands
and the invocation of the Holy
Spirit by His Excellency, the
Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon,
Bishop of Joliet
Saturday, May 21, 2016
11:00 a.m.
The Cathedral of
St. Raymond Nonnatus
604 N. Raynor Avenue
Joliet, Illinois
Reception following
the Ordination
Rev. Shaun Cieslik will celebrate
a Mass of Thanksgiving on
Knights of
Sunday, May 8
8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
St. John’s School Hall
All Mothers Receive a
Flower & Breakfast
Enjoy a menu that includes hot
buttermilk pancakes,
sausage links, golden
hash browns, country
fresh eggs, apple or
orange juice, and fresh
roasted coffee. Hungry?
Bring your mother or grandmother, invite some friends,
bring a group, support the parish, have a cup of coffee on us.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
11:30 a.m.
at St. John the Baptist
Winfield, Illinois
Any and all 2nd graders receiving
their First Eucharist eat free, as
well. Goodwill offerings kindly
Reception immediately following
the 11:30 a. m. Mass
in Sebahar Hall
The Knights provide over 70 million
hours of donated volunteer time
across the U.S. each year, all for
the betterment of our
Catholic Faith Communities.
Serra Club of DuPage, a national
organization supporting vocations to
the priesthood & religious life, invites you to :
Rosary, Mass, & Dinner
Monday, May 9, 2016
St. Petronille Parish, Glen Ellyn
6:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Tony Brandolino,
Chief Development Officer
for the Diocese of Joliet.
To find out more about SERRA or to
make a reservation for the dinner,
please contact Joann Carr at: or
Children’s Stewardship Corner
Here are just a few of the “offerings”
to God from the youths of St. John’s
for April 3 & April 10, 2016:
Courtney, Norby, Allie, Dirk, Henry,
Zachary, Alyssa, Kailey, Elizabeth,
Lauren, Emily, Julia, Sydney, Sabrina and Isabella all donated money
to the church. Their talents are soccer, talent show, helping mom, math,
cleaning up the yard & tennis.
Gifts from the youth's envelopes:
April 3, 2016, $27.00
April 10, 2016, $19.00
The Catholic
Movie Series
St. John the Baptist Blood Drive
at St. John the Baptist
Monday, May 16th
3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in Sebahar Hall
Sebahar Hall at 7 p.m.
The Way-Thursday, May 12th
This wonderful Martin Sheen
movie follows a
father going on a
Catholic pilgrimage to deal with
his grief over his
dead son.
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus #8002
A Knights of Columbus representative will be on hand in the
Narthex before & after Masses this weekend (5/7-5/8)
to sign-up parishioners
Or, sign-up online at or call Alan Kalitzky, 630-2405301, to make your appointment to save lives.
Appointments are appreciated, but walk-ins are ALWAYS welcome!
Photo ID is required.
Donate a pint of blood and you’ll get
a certificate for a FREE pint of
Baskin Robbins hand-packed ice cream!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to everyone who contributed
Catholics for Life
Rachel's Vineyard Weekend Retreats offer a beautiful opportunity
for healing to any woman or man
who has struggled with emotional or
spiritual pain of an abortion. The
next retreat sponsored by the Diocese of Joliet Life Office will be
held May 13 - 15, 2016. For full
details or call Kay Corcoran at 1866-99-4-GIVE (4483) for additional
to the Bridge Communities Lenten/Easter Collection!
Thank you to all who contributed cash, checks, coins and gift
cards to help those in need working with Bridge Communities.
The children in our parish collected their “Change for Change” in each class,
both in school and in the Religious Ed Program. Also, parishioners took Easter
Eggs from the narthex of church giving the requested donation found in the
Easter Eggs-we together collected the following:
Rolled quarters*
$50 gift cards
$35 gift cards
$30.00 gift cards
$25.00 gift cards
$20.00 gift cards
$15.00 gift cards
$ 230.00
Way to go, SJB Parishioners! Both young and ageless, once again you came
through with the funds to help those unable to help themselves! You are truly
an Act of Mercy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
~ Religious Education
*Hand rolled by the RE volunteers
**5 cards with no amount listed
The next Bar Talk Series Is Faith Reasonable?
Wednesdays, 11th & 18th7p-Emmett’s, downtown Wheaton
For more information and a list of
retreats in other locations, see: Or, call
the toll free national hotline at
877-HOPE-4ME, or
We will discuss whether our Catholic faith is reasonable, whether there is
any way to use reason to demonstrate God’s existence, and how we should
respond to people who liken our faith to belief in the tooth fairy or bigfoot.
Open to all adults
Questions? Contact Landon DePasquale
Director of New Evangelization, St. Michael Catholic Church.
(630) 462-5045
Thank You
Our Wonderful Volunteers!
The 7th grade Service Group and the Junior High Youth Ministry
are "working their magic"!
Today, we are thanking the
following families who helped
with the First Eucharist
reception on Saturday,
April 23, 2016:
The Schwarting Family
The Fleming Family
The Zagotta Family
The Parkitny Family
The Derma Family
The Tibble Family
The Piemonte Family
The Russo Family
The Pesavento Family
Maryann Dusza
We are so very grateful for each
of them giving their time for our
First Eucharist communicants
and their families!
Homeless MinistryVolunteers Needed for PADS
Please contact Rick Loechl if you
can help with PADS in Sebahar Hall
any block of time beginning Tuesday
evenings through Wednesdays this
summer. We are always looking for
a few more friendly faces to help
with this very worthwhile & necessary ministry. Service hours can be
earned. Please contact:
Rick Loechl at 630-222-5455, or
Rosary Road Scholars 5K Run/Walk
Sunday, May 15, 2016, at 9 am
Rosary High School
901 N. Edgelawn in Aurora
USATF-certified 3.1 mile course
Starts and ends at Rosary
Register online at http://
The 7th graders in the Religious Education Service Component
(pictured above and below), under the supervision of Mrs. Lynn
Ross, made treats for the Sweet Sunday Sale to benefit Catholic
Charities. They chose to make chocolate candy on a stick and
chocolate frosted pretzel rods. The Junior High Youth group,
under the supervision of Mrs. Jennipher Graf, made cookies and
other delicious treats. We will let you know in a subsequent bulletin how much money the sale raised for Catholic Charities.
Generations of Faith - Our April 14th Feed the Hungry Event
Was a Success!
Our final Generations of
Faith event focused on
caring for the homeless.
Parishioner Rick Loechl
shared with us a presentation on homelessness in
DuPage County. He described the work our own
parishioners do to help
them. There were more
than 30 parishioners
(some as young as 3
years old!) who assembled more than 60
lunches for the West Chicago Homeless Shelter.
The rest of the lunch
supplies provided by parishioner donations were
used at the day shelter in Wheaton or will be used at our summer
shelter. If you are interested in helping at our summer homeless
shelter, please contact Rick at Rich Loechl at 630-222-5455 or
For Parents of All School Age Children,
Preschool through 8thGrade
As parents of school age children, we know our decision related to their education will have one enormous
impact on their future; shaping values, forming friendships, and preparing them for future higher education opportunities.
Have you ever thought the following?
Is my child getting the attention and support she needs at
 Is my child challenged and working up to his full potential?
 Are fellow students providing a positive example and share
similar values?
 What is the real cost and value of a private school education?
If you have ever had one or more of these thoughts cross your mind, we encourage you to call Teri Hardesty, 630-668-0918, ext. 618, to learn more about
Project Student Shadow. What is Project Student Shadow? It is a program
that allows any student, preschool through eighth grade, to spend a day at St.
John the Baptist Catholic School in Winfield free of charge, participating in the
activities and curriculum of that day, talking to students about their real experience, and getting a sense of the overall environment at the school. Because
your child’s education is too important not to address immediately, we welcome guests into Project Student Shadow at any time of year. To schedule a
day for your child to shadow, please call 630-668-0918, ext. 618. We look forward to speaking with you!
to our Newly
May 1, 2016
Mackenzie Reegan Cano
Daughter of Nicole Kovacevic
& Mario Cano
Preschool Screening for
Winfield School District #34,
including St. John’s Students
Developmental Screening (ages 0-3) and
Early Childhood Screening (ages 3-5)
will be conducted on Tuesday, May 24,
2016. All children under the age of 5
who are not yet enrolled in kindergarten
are eligible for this screening (including
children in District #34 enrolled at St.
John’s or considering enrolling at St.
John’s) The free screening is conducted
to identify children who may have
speech, vision, hearing, learning, or behavioral needs. Screenings are done by
appointment only and are usually about
45 minutes in length, starting at 9:00
a.m. If you wish to schedule an appointment, you may do so by calling Kim
Regalado at 630-909-4903. There are a
limited number of appointments and
they will be scheduled on a first come,
first serve basis. The screenings will
take place at Winfield Primary School
located at 0S150 Winfield Rd., Winfield.
Save the Date!
St. John’s Run for Life
A 5K Run/Walk to benefit
Waterleaf Women's Center
Saturday, July 16, 8:00 a.m.
Registration is $25
Free Pancake Breakfast by the
Knights of Columbus.
Or call Jennipher Graf, (630) 659-4101
Area High School News
Rosary High School
The following parishioner
has been named to the third
quarter Honor Roll at Rosary
High School in Aurora:
First Honors*
Anna Zielinski
*First Honors: GPA of 3.750 & above
Excerpts from “Holy Year of Mercy” - As a way to explain and participate
in the Pope’s proclamation of the “Extraordinary Jubilee,” our religious education
office has created a handbook entitled, “Holy Year of Mercy,” which contains ideas
for involving children, teens and adults “in the task of bringing God’s loving mercy to
others.” As space allows, we will put excerpts from the brochure in our church bulletin. If you’d like a copy of the handbook in its entirety, they are available in the narthex, parish office & the Religious Education office.
 Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
 Clothe the naked
 Shelter the homeless
 Visit the sick
Visit the imprisoned
 Bury the dead
Visit the Imprisoned
Third Quarter 2015 – 2016
High Honor Roll
Kimberly Posadzy
Katelyn Svestka
Honor Roll
Kenneth Svestka
There is only one pretty child in
the world, and every mother has it.
—Chinese proverb
Join us for a
workshop on
Forming Consciences for
Faithful Citizenship, a teaching
document on the political responsibility
of Catholics from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
The Diocese of Joliet’s Office for Human Dignity will guide us through the
document and provide a compendious
Alexandra Fedosenko
Pro-life Coordinator
Kayla Jacobs
Justice & Peace Coordinator
Thomas L. Garlitz
Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 7:00pm
St. Isidore Catholic Church
Ministry Center
427 W. Army Trail Rd.
Bloomingdale, IL
Questions, contact Lisa Puclik, Human
Needs Director, 630-295-6890 or
I am locked away, cut off and discarded by society. I need friendship and
someone to be concerned about me. I want to be treated with respect and
dignity. Will you give some time to me and take the risk of knowing me?
 Learn more about Aunt Mary’s Storybook Project.
This is a ministry that provides children’s books for the
children of incarcerated women. There are so many
ways to be involved that are meaningful for children.
Contact: Mrs. Jana Minor at (630) 761-3524
 Make some pretty bookmarks to accompany the books
 Pray for their reform.
Next week: Bury the Dead
Do you enjoy social media? Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? We
could use your help keeping our events and pictures updated on
these accounts throughout our 150th Jubilee Year Celebration.
It doesn’t take a lot of time. And teens - what a great way to do
service hours!!! We’re looking for several teens to help throughout the
jubilee year (6/24/16-6/24/17). The time will fly by and we want everyone
to know what we’re up to! If you’re interested in helping out, please contact Diana Szmurlo by calling or texting 630-334-7500. Please be sure to follow us on twitter @SJBWinfield. We would love to get as many people involved as possible!! It's springtime - let's tweet!!
Religious Education Registration
for the 2016-2017 calendar year
Registrations will be accepted at the parish office
finance department, Monday through Friday, 9a-4p,
or by appointment, 630-668-0918, ext. 614.
Please note: For new students, please bring a copy of your baptismal certificate. Also, any outstanding Religious Education balances
must be paid in full prior to registration. Late enrollment fee applies after May 1st. Thank you.
Tenga en cuenta: Para los nuevos estudiantes, por favor traiga una
copia del certificado de bautismo. Además, los saldos de Educación
Religiosa pendientes deben ser pagados en su totalidad antes de la
inscripción. Cuota de inscripción tardía se aplica después del 1 de
mayo de. Gracias.
Wedding Information
Getting married? Give us a ring! Please
contact one of the parish priests as soon
as you become engaged and at least six
months before the wedding date.
Catholics need to be attending
church every Sunday.
Parish Registration
If you are interested in becoming a
member of St. John the Baptist
Catholic Church, please contact the
parish office at: 630-668-0918, ext.
600, or sign up after the 7:30a or
9:30a Masses on the following
scheduled dates:
Sunday, May 15
Youth Group
(High School)
All meetings are 6:30p-8p
in the Youth Ministry Center
above the garages at the
parish offices during the
school year. For information,
contact Chris Strong at
Next meeting: Sunday, May 15
Alcoholics Anonymous
meetings at St. John’s,
7p-8p, Sodonna Hall
(basement of the parish
Sebahar Hall is available to rent
for private parties by parishioners
at only $250 per event. Please
visit our website at or the
parish office for more information.
May Music Schedule
5p-Contemporary Ensemble;
7:30a-Classic Ensemble;
9:30a-Adult Choir;
11:30a-Cantor & Organ
(change for Sunday, May 22 - Shaun
Cieslik’s First Mass-see below)
5p-Contemporary Ensemble;
7:30a-Classic Ensemble;
9:30a-Organ & Cantor;
11:30a-Choir & Bell Choir
Having Surgery?
Give one of our priests a call PRIOR to
your surgery, so that anointing can be
given at a time when you are less
stressed. Call the parish office at 630-6680918, ext. 600, and set a time to come in
BEFORE your surgery for anointing.
Hospital Visits
Our priests are available to make hospital visits. Because of HIPAA Laws the
Hospital does not notify churches
when parishioners are there. Please
notify the Saint John’s Parish Office
when a loved one is there giving us the
name and room number. We want to do
our best to minister to all hospitalized!
Parishioners who are homebound and
wish to receive communion, please call
the parish office at 630-668-0918, ext.
600, and we will pass your name to the
coordinator for Homebound Ministry.
Lost and Found
Please check the Lost and Found box in
the entry way to the parish office.
Bulletin Articles
Submissions are due by noon on
Thurs., 10 days prior to the Sunday on
which you wish the article to appear.
(Holidays may change due dates for articles because of publishing demands).
Include the name and phone number of
the person submitting the article. Please
email as an attachment using Microsoft
Word or Publisher. Please do not include
article in the body of the email.
Email to:
Pulpit Announcements
Must be submitted with a contact name
and phone number, by 9 a.m. on Tuesday prior to the Sunday you wish the
announcement made. The parish office
has final approval on all bulletin articles
and pulpit announcements.
Prayers of the Faithful
If you or someone in your family is
sick and would like to be mentioned
in the Prayers of the Faithful, please
call the parish secretary at 630-6680918, ext. 600, to add your name to
the list.
Help Our School
Clip Box Tops & Labels!
Please drop off your clipped Box Tops &
Campbell’s Soup Labels in the entryway to the parish office. There is always
a collection box there. All profits are
benefitting programs for
St. John the Baptist school.
Catholic Inquiry
Anyone interested in becoming Catholic, please call the parish office for information: 630-668-0918, ext. 600.
Visit Our Parish Website for:
Copy of the bulletin
Ministries Schedule
Employment Opportunities
For employment opportunities
within the Diocese of Joliet
(churches, schools, at the diocese), go to:
Tutors Needed for
1st-8th Grade
Volunteers are needed to help children in first
Grade through
eighth Grade
who are struggling in school.
Please call
Tom Masterson at:
Bible SchoolSave the Date!
June 20-June 24,
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Registrations are now being taken at
the parish office for this year’s
Vacation Bible School (VBS),
as well as for VBS teen volunteers.
Watch for more VBS details . . .
Save the Date-Parish Picnic!
To kick-off our 150th Jubilee
Year, our parish picnic will
be on Sunday,
June 26th, following a bilingual Mass at the
11:30a. If you’d like to volunteer to organize or help, please
contact the parish office.
Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Holy Days of Obligation, All Souls & Ash Wednesday To be announced with each Special Mass
Eucharistic Adoration ~ Tues. from 8 a.m. - Wed 7:15 a.m. & First Fridays - 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
1st Sunday of the Month First Baptism Rituals starting at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Parents need to register and parents and godparents
need to attend Baptism Preparation Classes several months before your baby is born. Godparents are to be practicing Catholics!
Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS in advance. Please do not set your reception date until you meet with a priest.
Iglesia Católica de San Juan Bautista
Requisitos Sacramentales
Confesiones • los Sábados de las 3:30-4:30 pm
Bautismos • Las clases pre bautismales son requeridas antes de
fijar la fecha del Bautismo. Bautismos normalmente son el 4°
Domingo del Mes.
Bodas • Preparación Espiritual empieza por lo menos con
SEIS MESES de anticipo. No haga preparaciones para su
Celebración antes de reunirse con el párroco.
Adoración del Santísimo los Martes 8 AM a Miércoles 7:15 AM
Sacramento de los Enfermos y Visitas de la Comunión
• Llame a la oficina
Quince Años y Presentaciones • Llame a la oficina para
hablar con la Secretaria Hispana. Las familias de las quinceañeras
necesitan ser miembros de la Parroquia y estar confirmadas.
Secretaria Hispana Para hablar con la secretaria hispana, llame el
Lunes, Martes y Jueves 8:00 AM a 2:00 PM, 630-668-0918, a
extensión 601.
St. John the Baptist
233 Church Street
Winfield, IL 60190
PHONE: 630-668-0918, ext. 600 or 601
Jennifer Kurtyka
Rosa Benavides
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HP LaserJet 6P
1 through 14
SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 8, 2016
Special Paluch Mother’s Day Cover