One another. - Guardian Angels Church

215 Second Street West ♦ Chaska, Minnesota ♦ ♦ (952) 227
One another.
~ John 15:12
“Guardian Angels exists
to reach out from the
Altar of Christ to educate,
serve and evangelize."
"La Comunidad de los Ángeles
Guardianes partiendo del Altar
de Cristo existimos con mira a
educar, servir y evangelizar.”
Tuesday, April 26th ~ 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 27th ~ 9:20 a.m. (With the School)
Thursday, April 28th ~ 8 a.m.
Friday, April 29th ~ 8 a.m.
Saturday, April 30th ~ 9:20 a.m. (At Auburn Manor)
Wednesday, April 27th ~ 8 - 9 a.m.
Saturday, April 30th ~ 5 p.m.
Sunday, May 1st ~ 8 a.m.
10 a.m.
Noon (In Spanish)
Saturdays ~ 4 - 4:30 p.m. (In the Chapel)
Church & School Staff
Mass Intentions for This Week
E-Mails for Staff:
Fr. Fernando Ortega, Pastor
Deacon Jim Bauhs
Sara Anderson, Business Administrator
Susan Keough, Parish Administrative Assistant
Carol Pierce, Parish Administrative Assistant
Fran Oprosko, Faith Formation Coordinator
Paul Meger, Maintenance Supervisor
Jean Rief, Pastoral Associate
227-4095 Kate Hamill, School Principal
Terri Farr, School Administrative Assistant
Deanna Rosenwinkel, Bulletin ~
Pulpit Announcements
Prayer Line (Jean Rief)
Next Weekend’s Readings (May 1st)
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Joining other parishioners after Sunday Mass is
a great way to stay connected and meet new
friends! Join us in St. Francis Hall after
the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Masses each week.
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
April 30 & May 1
If you are interested in
being a Liturgical Minister,
call or email Carol Pierce
Tom Welter †
Joan Dressen †
Ed & Bea Schepers †
Jim Bussanmas †
Charles & Florence Eiden †
Teresa Fritz †
First Reading -- The question of whether circumcision
is necessary for salvation (Acts 15:1-2, 22-29).
Psalm -- O God, let all the nations praise you!
(Psalm 67).
Second Reading -- John envisions the holy city, the new
Jerusalem (Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23) or
Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20.
Gospel -- The Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in Jesus'
name, will teach us everything (John 14:23-29) or John
Lay Leadership Positions
Laurie Forner
Scott Guillemette
Richard Dolski
Stephanie Griesinger
Fran Oprosko,
Nicol Krumpholz (
Bill Van Hecke
Leo Forner
Daniel Galvez
Tuesday (5:30 p.m.)
Wednesday (9:20 a.m.)
Thursday (8 a.m.)
Friday (8 a.m.)
Saturday (5 p.m.)
Sunday (10 a.m.)
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Eucharistic Minister
Richard Dolski
Debra Bates
Laurie Forner
Eucharistic Minister
James Hammers
Cathy Cress
Susan Keough
Eucharistic Minister
Sue Johnson
Dennis Hively
Jenny Richelsen
Eucharistic Minister
Kathy Skinner
Tom LaTour
Mark Tressler
Eucharistic Minister
Substitute Requested
David Pohlen
Julie VanDenBroeke
Jackie Weber
Bill Van Hecke
Ben Altman
Becky Stacken
Steve Ritz
Steven Rasmussen
Andrew Schaffer
Karli Gagnon
John Tierney
Zack Schaffer
Cole Setten
Taylor Laube
Server-Cross/Incense Kalie Dahl
Jenna Gagnon
Pat Tierney
Server-Cross/Incense Substitute Requested
Karie Holmstadt
Sam Winfield
Brad Gestach
Paul Breeggemann
Ted Lubansky
Carol Gestach
Lucy Halloran
Nancy Nelson
Steve Gestach
Mark Lano
Ed Seiberlich
Virgil Gestach
Greg Thomes
Rich Van Sloun
Homebound (Uptown)
Margaret Hansel & Mary Williams
Homebound (Downtown)
Carol Gestach & Carol Fahey
Hospitality After Masses
Lola Meyer/Daughters of Isabella
Go to your Ministry Scheduler Pro login to sign up or call the parish office to add your name.
Farewell and Thank You!
Dear Guardian Angels community, Fran Oprosko has resigned
from her position as Coordinator of Faith Formation, but she will
continue in her role and will remain an employee of Guardian
Angels through our Totus Tuus program this summer. I am
personally indebted to Fran for leading our Faith Formation
program in both English and Spanish for the last two years.
Fran’s great enthusiasm, hard work and genuine commitment to
serve God’s children will be greatly missed. Thank You! We will
work with Fran regarding the process for wrapping up her work
and bringing in her successor. All faith formation families and all
parishioners will have the opportunity to thank Fran following our
Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 May Crowning Liturgy at 7 p.m.
Congratulations to the following youth who
will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at
the Cathedral of St. Paul this afternoon:
Yours Truly,
Fr. Fernando Ortega
From Fran:
The words, “Thank You” will never come close to saying how
appreciative I am for the support and friendship that has been
offered to me over the past the past two years. I have made the
difficult decision to leave my position here at Guardian Angels so
that I can begin a new adventure. I will be returning to school to
obtain my Special Education teaching license. Teaching has
been a dream of mine for many years, and my work as a paraprofessional has shown me that Special Education is where my
journey needs to lead.
Thank you to all of you who have allowed me the privilege of
sharing your children’s faith journey and supported me in the
role as Faith Formation Coordinator at Guardian Angels parish
community - I have cherished every moment. I could never thank
you enough or fully express just how awesome you are! I look
forward to sharing many more joy-filled experiences as we
continue to worship side-by-side. Thank you!
Stewardship Report
Week Ended 04/10/2016
Envelopes & Plate…………………..
Electronic ……………………………..
Collected This Week …………..…
Weekly Projection………………...
This Week's Difference ……..….
Collected Year-to-Date…….…...
Projected Year-to-Date………...
Under Year-to-Date………...…...
Did you know you can have your contributions automatically deducted
from your checking or savings account? For more information call the
parish office 952-227-4000, or visit
Clayton Jon Atkinson
♦Tatum Elizabeth Barclay
♦Brennan O’Hearn Bauer
♦Emma Josephine Benz
♦Taylor Ann Brandt
♦Naysheli Carrasco Diaz
♦Tina Marie Christenson
♦Rachel Cress
♦Grace Louise Crowell
♦Jocelyne Echeverria
♦Katherine Elizabeth Farr
♦Carissa Nicole Forner
♦Rachel Guillemette
♦Maggie Heuer
♦Matthew Allen Kennedy
♦Ian Monteith
♦Kent Gabriel Penner
♦Maxwell David Penner
♦Joshua Amir Perez
♦Ashlinn Rooney
♦Denae Stahl Rothmeier
♦Kevin William Schepers
♦Bryce Christian Seville Villaneuva
♦Sydney Marie Volk
♦Samuel John Winfield
♦Joseph Robert Wolff
Parish Information
Parish Calendar & Events
Mass Intentions … Mass intentions may be for the living and the departed,
with a † designating in the bulletin a deceased person. There is a $10
suggested donation per Mass intention. Permission from the sick person or his/
her family must be granted before a name’s inclusion in these prayers. To
schedule a Mass intention, call Jean in the parish office.
For the most updated calendar information for events at G.A.,
please check our online calendar at
Baptism …Sacramental preparation is required for all parents. Godparents
and Grandparents are also encouraged to attend. Baptismal prep sessions are
given every other month and Baptism Masses are held once a month. Call
Jean in the parish office to schedule a child for Baptism and the parents for
baptismal prep.
Penance...Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. or call for an appointment.
Matrimony...Pre-registration required at least one year in advance; marriage
preparation course is required. Initial contact: 952-227-4095, or e-mail:
Anointing… If you wish to receive an anointing please call the parish office.
Communion for the Homebound...When we come together to pray at our
Eucharistic liturgy, we do not forget the members of our community who are
unable to be with us because of ill health. We remember them in our prayer,
and we wish to include them in our Holy Communion. Members of our
community bring the Blessed Sacrament to them to comfort them and to unite
them with us in the Eucharist. We are not always aware of those who have this
need. Please call the Parish Office to let us know if you or a member of your
family would like to have Holy Communion brought to them. That way we can
schedule a time for our ministers to visit and bring the Sacrament.
Hospital, Nursing Home, Homebound Visits...Churches are no longer
notified by hospitals or nursing homes when a parishioner is admitted unless
the family has requested it. If you or a family member are homebound,
hospitalized or in a nursing home and would like a visit from a member of the
pastoral ministry staff, please call Jean Rief in the parish office.
Informacion de la Parroquia
Ofrecimiento de las Misas…Las misas pueden ser ofrec idas por personas vivas o fallecidas. Con el simbolo † en el boletin , en el area designada para las personas fallecidas. Se sugiere un donativo de $10 por cada
misa con intenciones especiales. Para las personas enfermas, necesitamos el permiso de el/ella o su familia antes de incluirlos en nuestras oraciones y peticiones. Para celendarizar su misa, por favor llame a Jean en
las oficinas de la iglesia.
Bautismos…La preparacion sacramental de los padres y padrinos es
requerida y se invita tambien a los abuelos si asi lo desean. Las clases pre
-bautismales se ofrecen los primeros Sabados de cada tercer mes y los
bautismos se celebran una vez por mes. Llamar a Jean para calendarizar
el Bautizo del niño (a) y a los padres y padrinos para la clase de preparacion.
Confesiones…Sabados de 4:00-4:30 p.m., o puede hacer una cita. (En
ingles) y en Español los Domingos, (cuando hay un sacerdote que habla
español) de 11:45 a.m. a 12:00 del dia.
Matrimonios…Se require registro previo cuando menos con un año de
anterioridad; El curso de preparacion matrimonial es requerido. El contacto
al telefono (952) 227-4095 o al correo electronico:
Uncion de los Enfermos… Si usted desea recibir la Uncion, por favor
llame a la oficina de la iglesia.
Visitas de Enfermos…Las Iglesias no son notificadas por los Hospitales
si alguno de sus miembros esta en el hospital o enfermo en casa, a menos
de que la familia asi lo requiera.Si usted o alguien de su familia esta enfermo en su casa o en una casa de cuidado y le gustaria recibir la visita
de un miembro del Ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral, por favor llame a Jean
Rief en las oficinas de la iglesia.
Monday, April 25, 2016
9:30 a.m. Church Cleaning Volunteers, Church
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
5:30 p.m. Daily Mass, Church
6:30 p.m. Card Making Ministry, St. Francis Hall
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
8-9 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration, Church
9:20 a.m. Daily Mass (with the school), Church
5 p.m. Wednesday Night Crew, various locations
5:30 p.m. Hispanic Choir Practice, St. Francis Hall
6:15 p.m. Faith Formation, School
Thursday, April 28, 2016
8 a.m. Daily Mass, Church
Friday, April 29, 2016
8 a.m. Daily Mass, Church
6 p.m. Church Cleaning Volunteers, Church
7 p.m. Hispanic Prayer Group, St. Francis Hall
Saturday, April 30, 2016
9:20 a.m. Daily Mass at Auburn Manor
4 - 4:30 p.m. Confessions, Chapel
5 p.m. Vigil Mass (with First Communion), Church
Sunday, May 1, 2016
8 a.m. Sunday Mass (with First Communion), Church
10 a.m. Hispanic Faith Formation, School
10 a.m. Sunday Mass (with First Communion), Church
12:00 Sunday Mass (in Spanish) (with First Communion), Church
Family Rosary Procession
As a public witness to our Catholic faith, the month
of May is dedicated to our Blessed Mother Mary.
Please consider joining with family and friends for
the annual May Family Rosary Procession in Saint
Paul on Sunday, May 8th. Bishop Andrew Cozzens
will lead the procession.
Assembly will begin at the State
Capitol at 1:30 p.m. with the
procession to the Cathedral
beginning at 2 p.m. Those who
cannot walk the procession route
may go directly to the Cathedral
to pray the Rosary with those
who are in procession.
For more information, please visit:
Spring Concert & Senior Luncheon
GA Softball
Our Guardian Angels School Spring Concert is just
around the corner! The theme for our concert is
“A Night at the Movies”. Disney songs and many
more will be sung by our GA students. We will have
our annual luncheon beforehand for our Active Older
Adults, with salads, sandwiches & desserts. Please
RSVP to the school office at 952-227-4010, if you
would like to join us.
The new season of Guardian Angels church softball is fast
approaching! Our new season begins on Monday, June 6th
and runs through the summer. All games are on Monday
evenings at Lions Park in Chaska. We would love for you to
join us! We welcome all parishioners as a player or as a fan
to cheer us on.
•Thursday, May 5th
•Luncheon begins at 11:30 a.m.
with BINGO following in
St. Francis Hall
•1 p.m. concert in the school gym
Reflection on Today’s Readings
Can you imagine a world such as
the one put before us in today's
scripture readings? Communities of
believers everywhere would support
and encourage one another and be
identified as Christians by the way
they love each other. It would be a world with no
tears, no death and mourning, no crying out in pain.
"Behold, I make all things new," we hear the Son of
God say in the second reading from the book of
Revelation (21:5).
Is this world of John's vision only imaginary? Are
these faithful followers for whom Jesus prayed only a
savior's dream? Today they are put before us as a
worthy goal. How much closer can we come to this
vision of a true Christian community in our lives?
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Fare For All - Food that Makes Cents
Thursday, April 28th 4-6 p.m.
at Crown of Glory Lutheran Church, Chaska
Fare For All is community supported and open to
everyone. The more people who participate, the
better! Fare For All buys fruits, vegetables, and
frozen meat in bulk to save you up to 40% off
grocery store prices. We select the best food from
our shipments, pre-packaging it to give you the
greatest deals! Fare For All accepts cash, credit,
debit, and EBT cards. Everyone welcome!
If you would like more information,
please contact manager
Andy Lopahs at:
This will be the best GA softball season yet! See you there!
Holy Family Open House Opportunities
Join us for one or more of our daytime information sessions
on Tuesday, May 3rd, at 9, 10 and/or 11:30 a.m. Parents and
students have the chance to see our beautiful campus, observe
classes, and meet teachers and administrators. Programming for
each information session will be similar with a presentation from
our President/Principal, a focus on activities and athletics, and a
tour from Holy Family students which includes opportunities to
observe freshman classes in session.
Go to: for more
information and to RSVP.
South Metro Chorale Concert
The South Metro Chorale returns to St. Richard’s
Catholic Church (7540 Penn Ave S, Richfield) on
Sunday, May 1, at 3 p.m. for their spring concert.
“Wade in the Water” takes you on a journey up
rivers, across lakes and over oceans exploring and
celebrating water and how it influences our lives.
With music by Mendelssohn, Copland, Clausen,
Erb, Shank and more, it promises to be a wonderful way to
start the outdoor season. Tickets are just $12 for adults or
$8 for students & seniors. Details at
Fare For All - Más Comida Para Su Dinero
Jueves, 28 de abril 4-6 p.m.
en la Crown of Glory Lutheran Church, Chaska
Fare For All es un programa comunitario y es abierta a
toda la gente. El programa es una cooperativa—es mejor
cuando mas personas participan. Fare For All vende
paquetes de frutas y verduras y carnes congeladas para
40% menos del supermercado. No hay ningún requisito
para participar. Fare For All acepta pago en efectivo,
cartas de crédito, debito y EBT. Todos son bienvenidos!