Fascismo Italiano

Fascismo Italiano
Life in Fascist Italy
Alison Olivera, Karen Moraes, Valentina
Diaz, Bryan Oxley y Rómulo Pereira
El Fascismo se originó en la
Europa de entreguerras, se propagó por
Italia y Alemania y provocó la
Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Son tres: las graves consecuencias de
la guerra, la debilidad de sus
sistemas político y económico, la actividad
de grupos revolucionarios de izquierda, a
los que se respondió haciendo gala
de una violencia extrema.
El líder indiscutible del fascismo italiano
fue Benito Mussolini, nacido en 1883
en el seno de una familia
de origen humilde.
era un ideología antidemocrática
Se desarrollo culto a la violencia
y al militarismo.
Camisas Negras
La Milicia Voluntaria para la Segurida
Nacional fue un cuerpo paramilitar de
la Italia fascista que después consiguió
ser una organización militar.
Life in the Fascist Italy
It was a bit different from
other European dictactorship.
Dealing with opposition
Authority was enforced by the use
of the blackshirts- the nick name
for the Fasci di Combattimenti.
Mussolini said
" Italy wants peace and quiet, work
and calm. I will give these things
with love if possible and with
force if necessary "
Education in Fascist Italy
The children were the fascist of
the future.
The Boys: were taught that fighting
for them was a natural extension
of the normal male lifestyle.
The Girls: were taught that giving
birth was natural.
Women in Fascist Italy
The task of women was to
get married and have children.
Group's reflection upon the topic
In the Fascist Italy the life
of people was hard and difficult.
People lived without freedom, under the
dominion of Mussolini andhis followers. They
didn't have rights, only obligations.
Dictactorships are not a good thing even
though they claim to offer organisation,
order and respect we all know
thats it is a lies.
Libro Historia 3 Monteverde