Favor de contestar las próximas preguntas

100+ Father and Father-figure Community Campaign 2015
For 2014 campaign year results please visit www.papassfi.org
Please answer the following questions. Favor de contestar las próximas preguntas:
1. Name/ Nombre:
2. Occupation/ Ocupación:
3. City you live in/ Ciudad donde vive:
3. How many children do you have?/¿Cuantos niños tiene?
4. What does fatherhood mean to you?/¿Que significa la paternidad para usted?
Please answer all questions, 5 sentences maximum per question.
Por favor, responda las 3 preguntas, 5 penas máximas por pregunta.
What is the best part of being a father or father figure?
¿Cual es la mejor parte de ser un padre o una figura paterna?
What is the challenging part of being a father or father figure?
¿Cuales son los retos de ser un padre o una figura paterna?
What advice do you have for fathers or father figures in our community?
¿Que consejos podría darle a otros padres o figuras paternas en su comunidad?
Do you believe there are enough services offered in our community for father?
¿Cree usted que hay suficientes servicios para los padres en nuestra comunidad?
□ SI
□ NO
□ NO
Submit your Fatherhood Survey no later than Wednesday, June 10th , 2015 to any Bay Federal Credit Union
branch or: Mail to PAPÁS Fatherhood Survey, 225 Westridge Dr, Watsonville, CA 95076
E-mail to papasfi@EncompassCS.org • Fax 831.724-3534