100+ Father and Father-figure Community Campaign 2016 For 2015 campaign year results please visit www.papassfi.org Please answer the following questions. Favor de contestar las siguientes preguntas: 1. Name/ Nombre: 2. Occupation/ Ocupación: 3. City you live in/ Ciudad donde vive: 3. How many children do you have?¿Cuantos niños tiene? 4. What does fatherhood mean to you?¿Que significa la paternidad para usted? Please answer the following 3 questions Por favor responda las siguientes 3 preguntas What is the best part of being a father or father figure? ¿Cual es la mejor parte de ser un padre o una figura paterna? What is the challenging part of being a father or father figure? ¿Cuales son los retos de ser un padre o una figura paterna? What advice do you have for fathers or father figures in our community? ¿Que consejos podría darle a otros padres o figuras paternas en su comunidad? Do you believe there are enough services offered in our community for fathers? ¿Cree usted que hay suficientes servicios ofrecidos para los padres en nuestra comunidad? Yes Si NO No Submit your Fatherhood Survey no later than Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 to any Bay Federal Credit Union branch or: Mail to PAPÁS Fatherhood Survey, 225 Westridge Dr, Watsonville, CA 95076 E-mail to papassfi@EncompassCS.org • Fax 831.724-3534