And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them

The Epiphany of the Lord
January 3, 2016
And behold, the star that they had seen
at its rising preceded them,
until it came and stopped over the place
where the child was.
The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Southampton, NY
Welcome to the Basilica Parish of the
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Pastoral Team:
Rev. Michael A. Vetrano, Pastor
In Residence: Rev. Msgr. William J. Gill
Jennifer Ferrantino, Director, Religious Education
Jeannine Rose, Director of Parish Social Ministry
Maura O’Loughlin, Youth Minister
Jo Ann Morse, Director of Music
Bill Kunzer, Plant and Facilities Manager
Daily Mass
Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri. at 12 Noon
Tue. at 8:00 AM
First Saturday 8:00 AM
Holydays: 7 PM Vigil, 8:00 AM, 12
Weekend Masses
Parish Ministries
Parish Office
Suzanne Marchisella
Karen Berry
Donna Valle
Saturday: 5 PM
Sunday: 8 AM, 9:30 AM,
11 AM, 12:30 PM (in Spanish)
and 5 PM
Cemetery Office
Suzanne Marchisella
Finance Committee
Fred Weinfurt (trustee)
Pat Jordan (trustee)
Jay Diesing
Charlene Kagel
John Neknez
Saturday: 4 PM - 4:45 PM
Ministry to the Sick
For communion at home or Anointing
please contact the Parish Office.
Please contact the Parish Office
to schedule an appointment with
Jennifer Ferrantino
Arranged at least six months in
advance, please call the Parish Office.
Becoming A Catholic
We welcome those who would like to
become Catholic and adult Catholics
who have never received formal
religious education and/or sacraments.
Please call the Parish Office.
Parish Leadership:
Pastoral Council
In formation
Jack Hanlon
Sr. Barbara McKenna, RSM
Adult Faith Formation
Mary Adamczyk
Parish Office
168 Hill Street Southampton, NY
P: 631-283-0097, Ext 0
F: 631-283-3836
Mon-Sat: 9 AM - 4:00 PM
Fr. Mike Vetrano
Religious Education Office
Jennifer Ferrantino, Director
P: 631-283-0508
Parish Social Ministry
Jeannine Rose, Director
P: 631-283-0097 Ext 317
Apostolado Hispano
Rev. Steve Grozio
631-283-4379 Cell: 631-375-1001
Vincentian Fathers
Youth Ministry
Maura O’Loughlin
Our Lady of Hamptons School
Sister Kathy Schlueter, CSJ
160 North Main Street
Southampton, New York 11968
P: 631-283-9140
The Epiphany of the Lord—January 3, 2016
Readings: Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mk 2:1-12
Mission Statement: We are a Eucharistic centered people, who by following Christ’s teaching,
join together to love and serve those in spiritual and physical need in our community.
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
Saturday, Jan 9 5 PM Father Bill Gill
McDonnell Bros.
M. Adamczyk, T. Cavallaro, M. Lynch
J. Clarke, J. Kearney
Jan 10 8 AM Father Ed Kiernan
P. Mackey, J. McKenna, C & J Mottern,
J. Taranto
LECTORS P. Bogan, S. Wilson
9:30 AM Father Mike Vetrano
A. Cuccia, J. Kearns, F. Kelly, Malone Bros
A & J Cuccia, M. Johnson, Sr. B. McKenna,
D. Valle
G. Kearns, R. Kelly
M. Cieillo, T. Pike, M. Robison
11 AM
Father Mike Vetrano
May Family, W. O’Leary
S. Adelante, T. Alegria, M. McDonald,
M. Thompson
G. Bauer, E. Morgani
C. Butler, C. Brown, R. Essay
5 PM Father Bill Gill
R. Anderson, Terry Family
N. Conroy, L. DeRobertis, G. Reisig
A. O’Brien, S. Oldakowski
HAND LINENS - January 4-9 — N. McCulley
Mass Intentions for the Week of Jan 4-10
Giuseppe Purrazzella
8 AM
Stephanie Padlo
John Borucke
Mary Sydlowski
Ted Rosko, Jr.
5 PM
Margaret Z. & Lloyd C. Taylor
Paul Beatty
People of the Parish and
James Ramunno
Otto von Schirach, Margarete
Joyce, John & Gloria Confort,
Michael Laffey
Mass in Spanish
5 PM
Irene Muller
January 3—N. McCulley
January 10 –M. Lynch
January 3—J. McCarthy
January 10—J & C Mottern
Rosary - January 7—B. Medler
Financial Realities and Stewardship
The Christmas collection to date is $41,964.00. The
Collection for Parish Ministries was $5853.00. The
December 27th collection was $9062.00. Many thanks for
your generosity.
Memorial donations
To donate the flowers on the altar or bread and wine and/or
candles offered at Mass each week, please contact the
parish office.
Pastor’s Letter
January 2/3, 2016
God’s Mercy to the Ends of
the Earth
Epiphany, the name of today’s feast, is a Greek word which literally means ‘to present’ or ‘to reveal
what is hidden.’ Spiritually, the moment in which the life of God within us comes to our
consciousness can be called an epiphany. It is an epiphany to understand for the first time that we are
loved by God or that our sins are forgiven. The gospels present the birth of Jesus as a kind of secret. It
is revealed only to the shepherds who themselves were among the least significant of all people. Now,
with the visit of the Magi, the presence of Jesus becomes public, made known to all the nations of the
earth. It is time to bring the birth of Jesus out of secrecy and into the light of day. The Magi, and soon
Jesus’ own followers, will begin to spread the word of his presence.
Another way to think about the Epiphany is that, while we believe the presence of Christ is in the
humanity of every person, in many of us it is a kind of secret. It is not something we think about or
live out of every day. In Christian living, the task for believers is to make the life of Christ in us not a
secret but public knowledge. Christ is in every person. In some he is hidden; in others he is made
This year in our church, our main door is open as a symbol of God’s mercy. All are welcome to walk
through it and receive the loving kindness of God. Our Greek Orthodox brothers and sisters have a
very beautiful tradition on the feast of the Epiphany to remind themselves of the call to make Christ
manifest. Over the main door of their home they draw the following symbols.
20 + C + M + B + 16
No, this is not a strange mathematical equation, like a spiritual E=mc2. It is a spiritual reminder. The
four crosses symbolize the four compass points and the three letters remind us of the traditional names
of the Magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. The year encompassing all reminds us of God in the
present moment. So the symbol means this: Like the three kings, I shall go out from my home in this
present moment, to spread the good news of Christ in every direction and place I go.
In this Year of Mercy, we Catholics might think of every day as an opportunity to spread a bit of
mercy. If we do this out of faith, the hidden mystery of Christ in us will be made manifest. Is it not
true that our world would much benefit from seeing Christ in every one?
Happy Epiphany,
Rev. Michael A. Vetrano
Sacred Hearts Basilica
Youth Group welcomes all 8th Grade and High School teens!
Upcoming Events Calendar:
Wednesday, January 6th 6:00-8:00 p.m. @ Parish Center
Wednesday, January 13th 6:00-8:00 p.m. @ Parish Center
Wednesday, January 20th 6:00-8:00 p.m. @ Meet at the Southampton Ice Rink!
Sunday, January 24th 6:00-8:00 p.m. Youth Group Community Service
Wednesday, January 27th 6:00-8:00 @ Parish Center
Maura O’Loughlin
A Note from Religious Education
Director :: Jennifer Ferrantino
Blessed and Happy New Year to all!! May the joy and love
of Christmas, the birth of our Savior be in your hearts and in
your families! Today we celebrate the Epiphany the visit of
the three Kings to the Baby Jesus and his parents. A special
prayer for families this time of year as we celebrate the joy of
the Holy Family!
Our Religious Ed Families will be busy this month as well. Classes resume this week on Wednesday,
Janaury 6th.
Upcoming Events in the New Year:
First Reconciliation Saturday, January 23rd at 11 AM in church with pizza to follow.
Confirmation Enrollment Mass Sunday, January 24th at 5 PM, this
includes student, family and sponsor.
Questions? Please contact Jennifer at or
Religious Education
Follow us on Instagram @ shyg168
News from the Office of Parish Social
Join our St. Bernard League
Winter is fast approaching, as of this
weekend, we currently have 30 Parishioners
who are homebound and receive the
sacraments at home as well as those who
have let us know that they would like to receive help from the St. Bernard
League this winter….We have 13 families that have signed up to provide help to
someone in need. ALL are welcome and invited to join this ministry! If you know of
a neighbor who is homebound, please bring them the good news of the St. Bernard
League so that they can be added to our list. Also, Please consider joining this
ministry to help us connect with our neighbors this winter. Contact the Office of
Parish Social Ministry to Sign up as soon as possible!!!!! Let’s get the whole parish
community connected!!!!
Sacred Hearts Singles
Sacred Heart Singles :: Thursday January 14th at 7:00 PM
Good Food : Good Conversation : Good Friends
Sacred Heart Singles is not a dating group and it is not a lonely hearts club. It
is an opportunity for mature singles to get together with nothing more on the
agenda than some good food, good conversation and a good talk. Prix Fixe
Dinner is $35 per person at the Plaza Café and includes a complimentary glass
of wine. Our speaker for the evening is Fr. Mike.
You are always welcome to stop by our Parish
Social Ministry Office located in the Parish
Center. To sign up for any of our events or to just chat,
you are invited to contact Jeannine Rose at 631-2830097 x317 or email:
New Program: Saturday Morning Movies in the Parish Center
All are invited to come see these inspirational films.
For more information please contact: Jeannine at 631-283-0097 Ext 317 or email:
Saturday January 23, 2016
10:00 A.M. in Chapel Room of Parish Center
Saturday February 6, 2016
10:00 A.M. in Chapel Room of Parish Center
Get ready to discover the "hidden" truths of Confession — truths that have always been embraced by theologians, saints, and mystics — now finally made understandable to all. Based on
his best-selling book, this inspiring presentation by Vinny Flynn will forever change your view
of the often misunderstood Sacrament of Confession as he explores the "hidden" truths of this
encounter with Jesus. Vinny presents a new and more profound way of going to confession,
inviting you to begin an exciting personal journey to healing and holiness.
Saturday February 20, 2016
10:00 A.M. in Chapel Room of Parish Center
In 1946, Jackie Robinson is a Negro League baseball player who never takes racism lying
down. Branch Rickey is a Major League team executive with a bold idea. Rickey recruits
Robinson for the Brooklyn Dodgers to break the unspoken color line as the first modern
African American Major League player. As both anticipate, this proves a major challenge for
Robinson and his family as they endure unrelenting racist hostility on and off the field, from
player and fan alike. As Jackie struggles against his nature to endure such abuse without
complaint, he finds allies and hope where he least expects it. And lets his bat, base-stealing and
love of the game do his talking. Winner of the Heartland Truly Moving Picture Award. A
strong cast with Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford, Lucas Black and Nicole Beharie.
Saturday March 12, 2016
10:00 A.M. in Chapel Room of Parish Center
He was a just man, appointed by God to be the husband of Mary and the chosen father of Jesus.
But there is more to St. Joseph than his familiar role at the center of the salvation message. He
was a prayerful man, an exemplary worker and a true model of authentic manhood. This
powerful film explores all aspects of St. Joseph and the many ways he reflects the nature of
God, combining stunning artwork and interviews with Catholic leaders.
This is the blockbuster portrayal of unsung real-life hero William Wilberforce shown in theaters
worldwide in early 2007. Elected to Parliament at the young age of 21, Wilberforce, a devout
Christian, worked tirelessly and courageously for many decades to abolish slavery in the British
Empire, often against overwhelming opposition, and even when threatened with serious health
problems. Finally, his efforts paid off and the Emancipation Bill was passed in 1833, one month
after he died. An outstanding cast starring Ioan Gruffudd, Romola Garai, Michael Gambon, and
Albert Finney.
Around the Parish
Supporting the Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts
We hope that you enjoyed your visit to Sacred Hearts. We are a small year round community and this
maintenance of this beautiful church and its many ministries are made possible by the year round support and
special holiday generosity of each of you. We are grateful for your generosity today. If you would like to
learn about other opportunities to support us please consider the following:
Become a Registered Member or Friend of the Basilica. You are welcome to make Sacred Hearts your
home parish and if you already belong to another community we would be happy to include you in our
membership as a Friend of the Basilica. Visit:
Contributing to our Christmas Appeal: Our Christmas appeal is important and
supports us through the winter. You can contribute to this appeal by using one of the
envelopes mailed home or in the back of our church or contribute online. Visit
Secular Franciscans
meet after the 11 AM Mass in the
Parish Center. You are always
welcome to come to our meetings.
Please come, bring a friend, bring a
snack for breakfast, and we supply the
Pray for Our Sick
Elaine McDonagh
John Lynch
Patrick & Eileen Connolly
Suzanne Parillo
Bobby & Caroline Parillo
Resurrection Prayer
Group :: meets on Thursdays at
7 PM in the Parish Center. Come
share your healing gifts with us.
Prayer requests are always welcome.
Eileen Finlay
Stan Witkowski
Ebby Culver
Bailey Brown
Elizabeth Joyce
Roger Williams
Spiritual Book
Group :: Spiritual Book Group
meets on Tuesdays, at 1 PM, in the
Parish Center. Please join us for a
discussion of Against the Infinite
Horizon by Ronald Rolheiser. All are
Robert Melter
Patricia Kahl
Patsy Raynor
John Schizas
Congratulations to Luke and Catie
Dawson on the baptism of their son,
Benjamin Brooke Dawson
In Loving Memory
Given by
Christopher P. John
Anthony & Anna Ianacone
Ethel & Fred Weinfurt
Eleanor Kagel, Henri & Lillian Turcq
Brownie & Joan Emilita
James, Kathleen, Johnny & Ella Lynch
James & Elsie McCulley & Adam & Anna Rosko
Grace & Ed O’Shea
Christine Zygment Stubelek, Mary & Eugene Kupidloski, & all the Stubelek,
Gallagher, & Kupidloski families
Irene C. Muller
Deceased Members of the Hull, Herbert, & Frankenbach Families
Balserus Family
Bill Calvert
Charles A. Enne, Marie & Gordon Williams,
R. Fitzgerald, K. Houston, the Ferrara Family,
Deceased Members of the Enne, Tietjen, Moloney, Ryan, Brun, Bourquin,
Bauer, Bjerring and Lustalow Families
Albert Essay, Jr.
William O’Leary
Delia & Michael Loughlin
Rose Marie & Anthony Casciole
Michael & Pat Nadurak
Brian F. X. Fitzgerald
Jo & Val Harte
John Fox
Neknez, Auci & Alloro Families
Joan Parker
William McMahon
Raymond Halsey
Andrew Reister
Fannon—Farrell & Hanlon-Collins Families
Babinski & Mahoney Familes
Anne Manley & Margaret Taylor
Dwyer & Beatty Families
Oliver & Mary Welsh
Peter Joyce
Carol Zuhusky, Matthew Coleman, T. A. Wise & J. R. Wise
Lonnie Abbey
Sister Carmella Takoushian
Francis & Elizabeth Malone
Daniel Burns
John F. Cuccia, Arlene Cuccia, Philip Masi
James, Kathleen, Patricia & Ella Lynch
John Borucke, Sr., Douglas & William Borucke
Parents of Tina & Stephen Zeltmann
Josephine Mezynieski
Mary Loughlin
Gulija & Zorko Families
Slodki & Kehl Families
Jean A. Brown & Bruno McKay
Ernest Costa
Ernie Wilson & Molly Piccirillo
Deceased Members of the Arresta & Scricca Families
Giorgio Vignola
Daniel & Agatha Cumby
Jack & June Muller
Margaret Z. & Lloyd C. Taylor
Corrigan Family
Don Medler
Ann & Jack Robertson
Charles A. Mottern & Francis Mottern Lukay, Anthony & Bridget Vinci
C. F. Jordan, Chris Jordan, Shea & Coakley Families
Ron Peterson, Flora & Stan Murn, Edna & Roy Peterson
The Decker Family
S. Richard Riccardi
Deceased Members of the Smrcka & Wagenseil Families
Mom, Christine & Janette
Margaret A. Ianacone
Fred J. Weinfurt
Charlene Kagel
Joan & Tim Lynch
Joan & Tim Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Rosko
Rita O’Shea
John & Tina Kupidloski
Arthur Muller
Ann & Boo Frankenbach
Mary Ann Guyer
Nancy Calvert
Patricia Enne
Patricia Enne
Patricia Enne
Patricia Enne
Virginia Essay
O’Leary Family
Mary B. Loughlin
their family
Mary Nadurak
Lyn & Brendan Fitzgerald
Lyn & Brendan Fitzgerald
Sandra Fox & family
Nina & John Neknez
Noreen & Charles Conroy
Mary McMahon
Madeline Halsey
George & Halina Reister
Mr. & Mrs. John Hanlon
Irene Mahoney & Family
Patrick & Mary Manley
Audrey Beatty
Ellen Welsh
Judith Joyce
Wendy Routh
Patricia Abbey
Rose Mauriello
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown
Bernadette Burns
The Cuccia Family
Mary Lynch
Joyce Borucke
Tina & Stephen Zeltman
Rick & Mary Schneider
Mary Loughlin
Mitzie & George Gulija
Mary Slodki
Barbara Soyars
Judy Costa
Barbara & Madison Wilson
Gina & Lou Arresta
Anne Vignola
Mark & Linda McClain
Muller Children
Doris M. Taylor
Ed & Pat Corrigan
Bonnie Medler
Bruce Robertson
Charles & Giovanna Mottern
Peg & Pat Jordan
Barbara Peterson
The Decker Family
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Riccardi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smrcka
For the Living
Bailey Brown
Capt. Mark Edward Enne, and his sons, Charlie & Theo
Lisa Brown
Patricia Enne
Christmas Flower Donations
2015 Christmas Flower Memorial Donations
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy
Parish Events
Become an Anchor of Mercy
During this Holy Year of Mercy we will be offering Eucharistic
Adoration on Thursday from the conclusion of the noon mass
until Benediction at 4:00 PM. We will also have confessions
during this time and our Spanish community will pray the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM. We are
very much in need of parishioners to be in church all during
that afternoon time to ensure that someone is always praying
before the Blessed Sacrament and to welcome others to prayer.
I am calling these parishioners Anchors of Mercy and I am
inviting you to become one of them. To do so you will agree to
be in church on those Thursdays for at least 1/2 hour and at
least one Thursday a month. You can of course agree to be
present for longer if you wish. But we need to be sure that our
church is never empty on these Thursday afternoons. You can use this page to sign up or send an
email to
Telephone and Email:______________________________________
I can be an anchor:
1:00 PM____
1:30 PM____
2:00 PM____
2:30 PM____
3:00 PM____
3:30 PM____
I am available: Every Week _____ Every Other Week ______ Once a Month______
We will keep everyone posted on the schedule.
Anchor of Mercy schedule
January 7, 2016
1 PM: Sunette Dudley, Tom Behringer, Michael 1:30 PM: Michael Anderson, Tom Behringer,
Anderson, M/M Jim Jensen,Theresa & Jim
Jeanne Diesing
McKenna, T. Alegria
2:30 PM: Michael Anderson, Patricia Enne, Peter
2 PM: Theresa Ameres, Michael Anderson,
Gannon, Charlie & Jeane Mottern, Peg & Pat
Patricia Enne
3 PM: Michael Anderson, Patricia Enne
3:30 PM: Michael Anderson, Patricia Enne
New Ministry Helps Seniors in the Winter Storm Season
Join our St. Bernard League
Winter can be a beautiful time in the East End bur for many senior citizens
the cold and storms can be frightening and isolating. You can help!
We would like to form a community within our parish, of young families, young adults, and teens
who would be willing to help an older parishioner during the winter just
like St. Bernard who has rescued many a weary traveler in bad weather.
To help consider signing up to ‘adopt’ a member of our parish community,
and partner with them through the winter. Responsibilities include giving a
call to see if they are OK, running an errand, even shoveling a walkway.
______I/We could use winter help. Please include me in this
______I/We would like to join and help one of our parishioners.
Name ______________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
Telephone number _________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________
You can place the form in the collection basket or return it to the Parish Center.
Music at the Basilica presents
A special St. Patrick’s Day Event March 17, 2016
This year Sacred Hearts is happy to
welcome The High Kings, a traditional
Irish singing group to be with us for St.
Patrick’s Day. Tickets will be on sale the
week after Christmas. Tickets are $40 /
$32. This will be a sellout event so visit
our website or parish office now for best
If you are a parishioner who could use a little St.
Bernard help. Or, if you would be willing to lend a
hand, please fill out the form below.
Knights of Columbus
Southampton Council #1967
Are sponsoring a free bus to
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City
January 17, 2016 Annual Pro Life Mass
Archbishop Timothy Dolan
Mass 10:15 AM
Mass begins at 10:15 and busses will leave SHJM at 6:45 AM and St. Rosalie
at 7:15 AM
Contact: Ken 283-3943 or Bob at 728-3025 for more information or to register.
Faith and Justice
Life Corner :: SHJM Respect Life Ministry
Rockville Centre Diocese, 516-678-5800, ext.626,
Priests for Life, 888-735-3448,
Birthright, 631-728-8900, 800-550-4900
Healing post-abortion: Rachel's Vineyard, 877-467-3463,
Keep in mind: the March For Life 2016, will take place in Washington DC, Friday,
January 22, 2016. On this day, marking the date in 1973 when abortion was legalized,
hundreds of thousands from all over the world - mostly young men & women - will once
again voice opposition to this decision. For those of us who cannot be present in person,
let us support the effort with our prayers.
For more information go to
Reflections On the Gospel from Pax Christi
Peacemaking through the Arts: To celebrate the closing of the Merton Centenary, Kathleen Deignan, CND,
Beth Bradley and her consort, Gadelica, will offer a concert to honor Thomas Merton's Celtic spirit. In word and
song, this ensemble will offer selections from their new CD, "Asling" (ash-ling), a collection of sung visions and
poems by Sister Kathleen - many texts drawn from the old collection called "The Carmina Gadelica" and
realized in concert with an extraordinary troupe of musicians. Join us for this wonderful afternoon of song on
Sunday, January 31, 2016, at 2:30 PM at Saint Joseph’s Church in Greenwich Village, New York, Sixth Avenue
at Washington Place - it just happens to be Merton's 101st birthday! All seats are $25 in advance, $30 at the
door for adults and $15 with a student ID. Reserve now at,, or 212420-0250.
Cursillo Prematrimonial - A los interesados en contraer
matrimonio por la iglesia católica, les estamos informando
que el Cursillo Prematrimonial si iniciará el 7 de febrero.
Las reuniones serán los domingos de las 9 AM hasta las 12
en Southampton.
Tomado de
Jubileo Extraordinario De La Misericordia §9. Roma, el 11 de abril de
Seguro de Salud para Niños - La representante de
Fidelis Care, Konny Tapias, estará en el Apostolado
Hispano los miércoles de las 10 AM hasta la 1:00 PM,
para ayudar con seguro de salud para los niños.
Rincón de Información
Curso Pre-Bautismal
El curso se da el último domingo de cada mes a la 1:30
PM en el Apostolado Hispano en Southampton o a las
5:00 PM en la iglesia en East Hampton. El próximo curso
será el domingo, 27 de diciembre. Favor de llevar la copia
del acta de nacimiento del niño. Bautizos en Southampton
serán el 3 de enero, el 7 de febrero el 6 de marzo y el 3 de
El Asesor de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas
En el Apostolado, jueves, 14 de enero, de 2 a 5 PM.
Comunidad de Oración para Adultos y Familias
Los martes a las 7:30 PM en el salón parroquial. El 3r
martes de cada mes - la hora santa en la iglesia.
Divina Misericordia - Misa en la Basílica el cuarto
miércoles de cada mes a las 8:00 PM.
Preparación Pre Matrimonial – Para casarse por la iglesia, haga una cita para una entrevista con el P. Jesús o el P.
Esteban. El curso pre-matrimonial se da por seis domingos, de las 9 AM al mediodía comenzando el primer domingo de octubre o de feb.
Requisitos para el Bautismo de un Niño
Curso: Para bautizar a su hijo, es necesario que los padres
y padrinos asistan al curso pre-bautismal.
Padrinos: Debe escoger a los padrinos conscientes de los
Los padrinos tienen que ser católicos
bautizados, confirmados y que han hecho su Primera
Comunión y deben poder comulgar. El padrino (madrina)
debe ser un(a) soltero(a) o debe ser casado por la iglesia.
Permisos: Si viven afuera de la zona servida por el
Apostolado Hispano, necesitan una carta de su párroco
dándonos permiso para bautizar su hijo.
Padre Esteban: Cel: 631-375-1001; Fax: 631-287-0986
Padre Jesus Arellano: Cel: 929-257-3467
Horas del Apostolado: los martes a viernes - 2-4 PM
El Papa Francisco nos Habla sobre la Misericordia De otra parábola, además, podemos extraer una
enseñanza para nuestro estilo de vida cristiano.
Provocado por la pregunta de Pedro acerca de cuántas
veces fuese necesario perdonar, Jesús responde: «No te
digo hasta siete, sino hasta setenta veces siete» (Mt
18,22) y pronunció la parábola del “siervo
despiadado”. Este, llamado por el patrón a restituir una
grande suma, le suplica de rodillas y el patrón le
condona la deuda. Pero inmediatamente encuentra otro
siervo como él que le debía unos pocos centésimos, el
cual le suplica de rodillas que tenga piedad, pero él se
niega y lo hace encarcelar. Entonces el patrón,
advertido del hecho, se irrita mucho y volviendo a
llamar aquel siervo le dice: «¿No debías también tú
tener compasión de tu compañero, como yo me
compadecí de ti?» (Mt 18,33). Y Jesús concluye: «Lo
mismo hará también mi Padre celestial con ustedes, si
no perdonan de corazón a sus hermanos» (Mt 18,35).
La parábola ofrece una profunda enseñanza a cada uno
de nosotros. Jesús afirma que la misericordia no es solo
el obrar del Padre, sino que ella se convierte en el
criterio para saber quiénes son realmente sus
verdaderos hijos. Así entonces, estamos llamados a
vivir de misericordia, porque a nosotros en primer
lugar se nos ha aplicado misericordia. El perdón de las
ofensas deviene la expresión más evidente del amor
misericordioso y para nosotros cristianos es un
imperativo del que no podemos prescindir. ¡Cómo es
difícil muchas veces perdonar! Y, sin embargo, el
perdón es el instrumento puesto en nuestras frágiles
manos para alcanzar la serenidad del corazón. Dejar
caer el rencor, la rabia, la violencia y la venganza son
condiciones necesarias para vivir felices. Acojamos
entonces la exhortación del Apóstol: «No permitan que
la noche los sorprenda enojados» (Ef 4,26). Y sobre
todo escuchemos la palabra de Jesús que ha señalado la
misericordia como ideal de vida y como criterio de
credibilidad de nuestra fe. «Dichosos los
misericordiosos, porque encontrarán misericordia» (Mt
5,7) es la bienaventuranza en la que hay que inspirarse
durante este Año Santo. Tomado de la Bula De Convocación Del
El Año Jubilar de la Misericordia – Durante este año el
Santísimo estará expuesto para la adoración todos los jueves
de la 1 a las 4 PM en la basílica de Southampton. Nuestra
comunidad latina acompañará al Santísimo de 3 a 4. Se
concluirá con la bendición solemne y habrá oportunidad de
confesarse a fin de ganar la gracia del año jubilar.
Kid’s Page The Epiphany of the Lord, January 3, 2016