As a mother who comforts her child, so I comfort you.

fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary time - July 7, 2013
As a mother who comforts
her child, so I comfort you.
The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Southampton, NY
Welcome to the Basilica Parish of the
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Daily Mass
Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri. at 12 noon
Tue. at 8:00 am
First Saturday 8:00 am
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5 PM
Sunday: 8 AM, 9:30 AM,
11 AM, 12:30 PM (in Spanish)
and 5 PM
Saturday: 4 PM - 4:45 PM
Ministry to the Sick
For communion at home or Anointing
please contact the Parish Office.
Please contact the Parish Office
to schedule an appointment.
Arranged at least six months in
advance, please call the Parish Office.
Pastoral Team:
Rev. Michael A. Vetrano, Pastor
In Residence: Rev. Msgr. William J. Gill
John Moran, Deacon
Carl Sanfilippo, Deacon
Jennifer Ferrantino, Director, Religious Education
Suzanne Marchisella, Parish & Cemetery Secretary
Jo Ann Morse, Director of Music
Bill Kunzer, Plant and Facilities Manager
Parish Leadership:
Contact Us
Finance Committee
Fred Weinfurt (trustee)
Pat Jordan (trustee)
Jay Diesing
John Neknez
Parish Office
168 Hill Street Southampton, NY
Pastoral Council
In formation
Jack Hanlon
Sr. Barbara McKenna, RSM
Adult Faith Formation
Sr. Mary Assunta Boyle, RSM
Becoming A Catholic
We welcome those who would like to
become Catholic and adult Catholics
who have never received formal
religious education and/or sacraments.
Contact the Parish Office.
Human Resources of the Hamptons — Help for those in Need
The Human Resources Program volunteers reach out to meet the temporal needs of the
elderly, the housebound, and the poor of our parish and community. Our parish Care for
the Caregiver Program delivers hot meals to families in need of this kind of help on
Wednesday evenings. Call the Human Resources Office for information and assistance.
P: 631-283-0097, option 0
F: 631-283-3836
M-F 9 AM - 4:30 PM
Weekend by appointment
Fr. Mike Vetrano
Religious Education Office
P: 631-283-0508
Our Lady of Hamptons School
Sister Kathy Schlueter, CSJ
160 North Main Street
Southampton, New York 11968
P: 631-283-9140
Human Resources of the
Maryann Tupper, Director
P: 631-283-6415
Apostolado Hispano
Rev. Steve Grozio
631-283-4379 Cell: 631-375-1001
Vincentian Fathers
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time :: July 7, 2013
Readings: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; gal 5;1, 13-18; Lk 9;51-62
Mission Statement: We are a Eucharistic centered people, who by following Christ’s teaching,
join together to love and serve those in spiritual and physical need in our community.
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
Saturday, July 13 5 PM Father Mike Vetrano
W & M Bellucci, M. Donovan
M. Adamczyk, J. Costa, A. Fiore
S. Wilson
Sunday, July 14 8 AM Father Ed Kiernan
K. Culver, Lenahan Family
K. Duggan, D. Dwyer, C & J Mottern,
J. Taranto
A. Enstine, M. Mackey
9:30 AM Father Mike Vetrano
P. Bellucci, V. Ching-Roa, A. Cuccia,
M. Wilson
A. & J Cuccia, N. McCulley, C & J Wilson
J. Diesing
J. McCulley
11 AM Father Mike Vetrano
May Bros., O. Valle
S. Adelante, G. Bauer, K. Maple, L. Robins
O. Mahoney
C. Brown, C. Butler
5 PM Father Mike Vetrano
C. Caulfield, H. Reyes
N. Conroy, L. DeRobertis, K. Rossi
S. Nielsen, D. Sacco
HAND LINENS - July 8-14—B. Medler
July 7— N. McCulley
July 14—TBA
July 7—J. McCarthy
July 14—M. Lynch, N. Conroy
Rosary—July 11—P. Raynor
Mass Intentions for the Week of July 8-14
12:00 William McMahon
8:00 Sr. Jacqueline Walsh, RSM
12:00 Stanley Badzinski
12:00 Bud Harvey
12:00 Joan Finnegan
5 PM Linda Bonadies & Margaret Mary
8:00 Kathryn Grande Campbell
9:30 People of the Parish
11:00 Rev. Msgr. Edmond Trench, Peter
Gambino, Mae Kelly Scrocco,
Raouf Ghali, Jaime Bolanos
12:30 Mass in Spanish
5 PM Charles A. Enne & Intentions of
Patricia Anne Enne (50th Wedding
Memorial donations
To donate the flowers on the altar or bread and wine and/
or candles offered at Mass each week, please contact the
parish office.
Financial Realities and Stewardship
The June 30th collection was $9562.00. Peter’s
Pence collection was $2555.00.
Pastor’s Letter
On Paying Attention
July 6/7
Dear Parish Family,
Except for the traffic, it was really wonderful to have the Women’s Open right here in our own
backyard. It had been a few years since I was at a professional golf event and as I walked around the
course I was impressed with the quiet. Golf is a very attentive and respectful sport. The fans talk in
hushed tones and are absolutely quiet when a player is making a shot. A golf tournament is probably
the only place in the world where you do not hear a cell phone go off every two minutes! It is so
different from every other sport where the fans loudly cheer the competitors on every play. In a way, it
is very refreshing.
Being focused and paying quiet attention like that is difficult. I am not talking about golf now. In
the book Blue Highways, which is written about a cross country trip taken on all back roads, author
William Least Heat-Moon describes a moment when he stops by a spring under a grove of sycamore
trees. He writes: “Sitting full in the moment, I practiced on the god-awful difficulty of just paying
attention. It’s a contention of my father’s—believing as he does that anyone who misses the journey
misses about all he’s going to get—that people become what they pay attention to. Our observations
and curiosity, they make and remake us.”
Our faith and our spiritual journey depend on attention. Even our relationships require attention.
Imagine trying to be a friend, spouse, parent, or companion if we never step back from the noise and
busyness of life to give others the wonderful gift of our undivided attention. We, too, can block the
attention of another by being too busy and distracted to receive it. There is no question in my mind that
the greatest gift we have to give to another is our attention. And I have often thought that prayer is not
so much something we do for God as it is stopping long enough to receive the attention that God is
always giving to us. That’s why just about every spiritual writer tells us that prayer begins with being
quiet, emptying our mind for even a few moments of the compulsive concerns that drive the rest of
life. As the Psalmist writes: Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46).
Paying attention is a constant battle. In our modern world the motto seems to be that the good
person is the busy person. We feel guilty about having a moment in which there is nothing to do,
nowhere to go, no work to accomplish. It takes some planning and effort to find a way to stop for a
minute and pay attention to our lives, to each other, and to our God. In a way, church is like that golf
course! It is here that we invite you to be quiet for a moment, to turn off that cell phone, to to be
attentive to the things most important.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Michael A. Vetrano
Summer Music Festival
Contemporary Christian Rock
Music with Annmarie Buonaspina
and Friends. This will be Pizza
night sponsored by our friends at
La Parmigiana.
Bring along something to drink,
something to share, and of course
your beach chair or blanket. All
events are rain or shine and will
be held in the school hall if the
skies do not smile on us.
Monday July 29 :: Ashley Bell in Concert
Monday August 19 :: Southampton Arts
Festival Comes to Sacred Hearts
Saturday August 31 :: SHJM Tent Party
honoring Mary Steinbrecher
Summer at SHJM
Monday July 15 at 6:30 PM
Sounds of Faith
Visitors: Become a Friend of the
At Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary we are happy to welcome
people from around the world who visit our community and enjoy
the beauty and relaxation of this special place. We would love to
count you among our friends and keep you up to date on all that is
happening here. Please consider becoming a friend of the Basilica! Just fill out the form
below and send it to our parish office. 168 Hill Street, Southampton NY 11968
Yes I would like to become a Friend of the Basilica.
Name: ______________________________ Home Address: ______________________
Home City : _________________________ State: ______________________
Visitors Page
Postal Code: _________________________ Country: ___________________
Email Address: ______________________
Phone: _____________________
Family Members;
_____________________________ _________________________________________________
_____________________________ _________________________________________________
_____________________________ _________________________________________________
_____________________________ _________________________________________________
Check the one that best describes you:
__ A regular summer resident
___ I vacation here for a short time each summer
__ Just visiting
Is there any special way we can help you?
___ Send me emails of special events ___ Keep me on your mailing list
___ Include me in your voice / phone messages
___ I would like to become a member of the parish
Welcome to our New Religious
Education Director
Jennifer Ferrantino
Our Lady of the Hamptons
The 2012-2013 school year at Our lady of the Hamptons Regional Catholic School has been completed with the
graduations of the pre-school, kindergarten and eighth grade classes. The Class of 2013 is now headed to McGannMercy, St. Anthony’s, Our Lady of Mercy Academy, Southampton , Hampton Bays, and Riverhead High Schools.
Awards at graduation were: HIGH HONORS 95% CUMULATIVE AVERAGE to Madison Kayel, Madison
O’Connor and Hope Taglich;
HONORS 90% CUMULATIVE AVERAGE: Abigail Hubbell, Caitlin
Hubbell ,Rose Kelly, Shannon Klink, Alexia O’Brien, Margaret Terry and Olivia Wynne
Hope Taglich; MATHEMATICS Madison O’Connor; SCIENCE Madison O’Connor; SPANISH Rose Kelly;
TECHNOLOGY Margaret Terry ART Mario Casciotta MUSIC Hope Taglich and Christopher Gabrielsen ;
DANCE Rose Kelly and Barbara Pace; ATHLETICS Margaret Terry and Matthew Gambino
The campaign to raise sufficient funds for the completion of the interior of the classroom wing in the new OLH
Wellness Center is on now. Those who are interested in learning more about this project are invited to call 283-9110
to arrange a tour and have a session with the principal leading toward partnership in the project.
An outstanding pre-school program, geared to the Common Core learning standards is available at the OLH-St
Rosalie’s campus in Hampton Bays. Three and four year old programs are available. There is a five day option
available for four year olds. Tours can be arranged for prospective families. Please call 283-9140.
We invite parishioners and friends to learn more about Our Lady of the Hamptons by visiting the website
Since Sister Assunta announced that this spring she would
conclude her ministry here as Director of Religious
Education we have been looking for someone to take up
the awesome work of educating our young people in the
faith. Sr. Assunta did a wonderful job and finding a good
person to lead us would not be easy. I am happy to
announce that Jennifer Ferrantino will be joining us as
director beginning this July. Jennifer has an excellent
background in education and in human development. She
will shortly be completing a degree in Psychology from
Stony Brook University. Jennifer and her family have
been active members of our Sacred Hearts family for
many years and I know she will bring many good ideas and resourcefulness to the work of faith
formation here in our parish. Please join in welcoming her and supporting her as she begins this
most important ministry.
Religion and the Great Question: When does life begin?
Over the centuries, but very poignantly in the last few decades, scientists and theologians have
challenged each other’s understanding of when exactly life begins. How this question is considered
and answered has far reaching consequences for many modern medical and moral issues.
Discussions and Talks at the Basilica
On Monday, July 22nd, Fr. Mike will speak on how this thinking has
evolved in both scientific and religious communities. Please join us.
Miracles and the Apparitions of Mary
Monday—July 8th at 7 PM
Parishioner Bill Hattrick will present a talk on miracles and apparitions of Mary
as a tangible and important source of faith. Included will be the apparitions at
Lourdes, Fatima , Medjugorje. These revelations are an important part of the
Lord’s promise to be always with his church.
Angelus and Diving Mercy Chaplet with Msgr. Jim Vlaun
Tuesday, July 30th
Msgr. Jim Vlaun will be with us at noon to tape the praying of the Angelus and
Divine Mercy Chaplet. These prayers as well as Sunday Mass are aired regularly
on Telecare TV and bring the joy of our faith to many homebound Catholics
across our nation. Parishioners with a devotion to Mary and to the Divine Mercy
are invited to join Msgr. Jim that day. Please arrive early!
World Apostolate of Fatima to bring the National
Pilgrim Virgin Statue to the Basilica
On Tuesday, July 16, the World Apostolate of Fatima, an organization that promotes
faith in the apparitions and message of Fatima, will be coming to SHJM for morning
mass at 8 AM followed by a talk and an opportunity to pray before a Statue of Our Lady
of Fatima that has been presented in churches around the world. This special time of
prayer will conclude at noon.
Mother’s Day Rose Sale Benefits
SHJM Respect Life Ministry
Grand Knight Ken Moffa presents Father Mike with a check for
$500, the proceeds from the Mother’s day rose sale which will
be used to help us begin our Respect Life Ministry and Ministry
of Praise prayer ministry. Thank you to the K of C for always
being the first to stand up for life.
Maeve Anabel Kelly
Hayden Winter Joyce
Main Altar Flowers for this week were given in loving memory
Oliver A. Welsh by Mary Beth Welsh
Blessed Mother’s Altar flowers for this week were given in
loving memory of William McMahon by his wife, Mary.
St. Joseph’s Roses were given in loving memory of Charles A. Enne on his
80th birthday, by his wife, Patricia Anne, son Mark, and grandsons, Theodore &
We pray for the sick of our Parish and Community
Winnie Chin
John Bishop
Jean Kearns
Gwendolyn Porter
John Cuccia, Sr.
Eileen Finlay
Roger Williams
Robert Melter
Daniel Sheerin
Stan Witkowski
Anne O’Brien
Anna Norsic
Susan McLane Gioscia
Filomena Marciw
Stephanie Golio
Emil Norsic
J T Welker
Khristina Muller
Marcelle Enne
Robert O’Shea
Suzanne Parillo
Prayer and Spirituality
The Basilica Parish of Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary welcomes the
following newly baptized children with joy:
Annual Summer Party under the Tent—August 31
There is nothing like the first warm day of spring to turn our thoughts to the
return of summer! This year we will have something very special to look
forward to: the return of the Sacred Heart End of Summer Tent Party! I have
heard so much about this historic SHJM event and I am delighted that Pat
Corrigan and Joan Heinz have graciously offered to chair the party. This year our party will honor
Mary Steinbrecher, one of the party’s most enthusiastic supporters over many years. Mary passed
away this past fall but not before encouraging all of us to renew this event as a way for the parish
and community to come together and celebrate our wonderful parish and the joys of summer in
Upcoming Events
Raffle Tickets now on sale:
Ticket sales are now ongoing for Sacred Hearts New and Improved Super
Raffle. This year we will be selling even more tickets—up to 500 will be sold
so we won’t run out and you won’t be disappointed! More prizes, 10 in all, so
your chances of being a big winner will now be 1 in 50 instead of 1 in 200 as
in the past.
Tickets will still be $100 and you can purchase them on your own or take a chance or chances with a
group of friends to increase your chances of winning.
Tickets are being sold outside Church after the Masses and in the Parish Office or contact Charlie
Do you have a business or skill that can help SHJM?
Do you have a business or skill that could possibly be of assistance to our parish? We have all kinds
of needs from building, painting, electrical, masonry, cleaning, and so on. If you would like to put
your gifts at the service of our community please give Fr. Mike a call or email—
Be the first to find out what is happening at SHJM
Visit our Website
In celebration of the
Year of Faith, the
Diocese of Rockville Centre
offers this Pilgrimage to the
Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception
Washington, D.C.
Please save the date and join us, together with
faithful from all across our diocese, on
Saturday, September 28, 2013
for a day-long experience filled with
opportunities for
prayer, reflection, reconciliation and fellowship.
Contact Gina Arresta:
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Service organization in the world. Founded by a
young priest in 1882, the order has grown to 1.7 million members worldwide.
The only requirements are that you are a practicing Catholic male, 18 years or older…by the way, we
never take attendance.
If you would like more information or would like to become a Knight, please fill out the information
below and mail it to us or call the number listed.
Yes, I am interested in becoming a Knight. Please send me information.
Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________
Telephone Number ____________________________________________
Mail to Knights of Columbus
PO Box 500
Southampton, New York 11969
Or call Ken Moffa—(631) 287-3545
Looking Forward
Bus departs Sacred Hearts Basilica
Parking lot at 6 AM
Returns at approximately 11 PM
Tours of our Basilica
Both regular parishioners and visitors will want to take advantage of our weekly Basilica tours. A
short tour of our beautiful church is held each week in the summer after the 9:30 AM Mass. We are
also happy to arrange a special tour for any group. Just call the rectory.
Parish Events
Altar Servers at the U.S. Women’s Open
Intenciones del Papa para Julio
General: Que la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud en
Brasil anime a todos los jóvenes cristianos a hacerse
discípulos y misioneros del Evangelio.
Misionera: Que en toda Asia se abran las puertas a los
mensajeros del Evangelio.
Ayude a su Parroquia
¡Compre un boleto de la Rifa!
Rincón de Información
Compartir la Cruz del Señor - El tema que explora la
Palabra de hoy es básico para los cristianos: cada uno
de nosotros, como discípulos de Jesús, es enviado a
compartir la cruz del Señor como signo de sufrimiento
y como instrumento de victoria y de resurrección. El
mismo Señor que desvía los ríos hacia Jerusalén
(primera lectura), cuida de cada uno de nosotros y nos
fortalece cuando nos rechazan o no nos aceptan. En la
Iglesia y a través de ella, descubrimos el cuidado de
nuestro Dios por medio de nuestros hermanos y
hermanas en la fe. Nuestro testimonio de vida debe
hablar de ese Dios y de esa unidad eclesial a la que
hemos sido llamados desde el bautismo. By Juan J. Sosa, Pbro.,
from Liturgia y Canción 2013 © 2012, OCP. All rights reserved
El Asesor de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas
En el Apostolado Hispano, el jueves, 11 de julio de las 2:00
– 5:00 PM
Comunidad de Oración para Adultos y Familias
Los martes a las 7:30 PM en la el salón parroquial. El tercer
martes de cada mes se reúne en la iglesia para la hora santa.
Divina Misericordia - Misa en la Basílica cada cuarto
miércoles a las 8:00 PM.
Requisitos para el Bautismo de un Niño
Curso: Para bautizar a su hijo, es necesario que los padres y
padrinos asistan al curso pre-bautismal. Traiga consigo el
acto de nacimiento del niño.
Padrinos: Debe escoger a los padrinos conscientes de los
requisitos. Los padrinos tienen que haber recibido sus tres
sacramentos de iniciación (Bautismo, Primera Comunión y
confirmación) y deben poder comulgar, es decir no deben
estar viviendo en unión libre o casados por civil nada más,
El padrino (madrina) debe ser un(a) soltero(a) o debe ser
casado por la iglesia.
Permisos: Si viven afuera de la zona servida por el
Apostolado Hispano, necesitan una carta de su párroco
dándonos permiso para bautizar su hijo.
Es el Ministerio de Dios - Jesús llama a sus discípulos
a la humildad. Los que ejercemos algún ministerio
caemos en una trampa cuando sentimos que, sin
nosotros, todo ministerio dejaría de existir. No es
nuestro ministerio, sino el ministerio de Dios, hecho
por medio de nosotros. Es Dios, quien con sus obras
formidables, produce una cosecha abundante.
Llamémonos mutuamente a ser trabajadores en el Padre Esteban: Cel: 631-375-1001; Fax: 631-287-0986
campo del Señor. Nuestra autoestima se fortalecerá. By Apostolado Hispano: 631-283-4379
María Dolores Martínez from Liturgia y Canción 2004, © 2004, OCP. All rights
Curso Pre-Bautismal
Domingo, 28 de julio, a la 1:30 PM en el Apostolado o las 5
XIV Domingo Ordinario. Año C. Ilustración © 2001 S. Erspamer. Printed from
PM en la iglesia en East Hampton
La Madre Iglesia - “Por mí, no quiero estar orgulloso de Favor de llevar la copia del acta de nacimiento del niño.
nada, sino de la cruz de Cristo Jesús nuestro Señor”. La cruz Bautizos en Southampton serán el 7 de julio, el 4 de agosto,
plantada en Jerusalén une el cielo y la tierra y ata todo en la el 1º de septiembre y el 6 de octubre.
tierra. No ofrece riqueza ni poder, pero abre el paraíso, la Preparación Pre Matrimonial – Para casarse por la iglesia,
Nueva Jerusalén, para los que siguen a Jesús. Esta Nueva haga una cita para una entrevista con el Padre Hugo o el PaJerusalén, la morada de Dios, es nuestra santa madre que nos dre Esteban. El curso pre-matrimonial se da por seis dominalimenta y consuela en la Iglesia hasta el final de los gos, de las 9 AM al mediodía comenzando el primer domintiempos. La Eucaristía, alimento divino para nuestra go de junio, de octubre y de febrero.
salvación, es el alimento que recibimos de la cruz y de la
Nueva Jerusalén. ¿Puedes sentarte a comer y beber con el Proclamas Matrimoniales – Tercera Noticia
Señor? Texto: Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. Derechos José Leandro Cruz Castillo y Ana Elizabeth Ocasio
July 7, 2013
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Kid’s Page
Sharing the Gospel
Jesus told his apostles, "If the people of a town welcome you, eat whatever they offer. They may give
you bread and water. They may share fish, meats,
fruits, and vegetables with you. Heal their sick."
The apostles were given the power to heal others.
Many scientists search for new medicines to cure
diseases. When you pray for others, God hears
your prayers. God's love and forgiveness can heal
the body, mind, and soul of the sick.
Lord, help me heal others with kind words.
Something to Draw
Draw yourself putting a Band-Aid on your
brother or sister.
Mission for the Week
Each morning I will pray for doctors, nurses,
and scientists who cure the sick.