UNICEF and Ministry of Justice present Model of Comprehensive

UNICEF and Ministry of Justice present Model of
Comprehensive Care for adolescents in conflict with the law
Quito, 22 January 2015.- The Ministry of justice, Human Rights and Religious Affairs, together
with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), presented the Model of Comprehensive Care
for Adolescents in Conflict with the Law, in an event organized last January 22 in the Interactive
Science Museum in the city of Quito.
UNICEF supported and oriented the Ministry of Justice in the construction of both the model of
non-custodial socio-educational punitive measures for adolescents in conflict with the law, as well
as the non-custodial ones.
During the launching, UNICEF’s Representative in Ecuador Grand Leaity emphasized that: “This
is a great step forward for the purpose of the two models to be the guarantee that adolescents
in situations of conflict with criminal law receive comprehensive accompaniment grounded in the
guarantee and full implementation of their human rights, and that these also are models to
safeguard propend for the family, social and community integration or reintegration of these
Minister of Justice Ledy Zúñiga added that the Model is based on the doctrine of Restorative
Justice, which implies the prevention, remission and protection of adolescents, and affirmed that
the deprivation of liberty should be the last resort used by the competent authority.
The tool consists of five axes with a focus on the construction of the adolescent’s life project,
including the recovery of self-esteem, the construction of autonomy and the labour perspective,
continuation in the education system, comprehensive health care and the recovery of family ties
and affective relations.
Leaity said that, “It is important to be aware that a situation of conflict with the law in the phase
of adolescence is not an isolated situation. On the contrary, it is part of a trajectory which often
is marked by a series of rights violations. There lies the importance” – he reaffirmed – “of thinking
that the fulfilment of the socio-educative measure, with or without deprivation of liberty, is not
only an opportunity for the adolescent to become adequately responsible for his or her acts, but
also an opportunity for restoring the rights to which many adolescents have not had access”.
The Model has been implemented as a pilot experience in Quito and Guayaquil with 80
adolescents receiving non-custodial measures, and the goal is to consolidate it throughout the
En UNICEF promovemos los derechos y el bienestar de todos los niños, niñas y adolescentes en todo lo que
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UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with
our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into
practical action benefiting all children, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable
and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere
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For additional information, please contact:
Andrea Apolo, UNICEF Ecuador Communication Officer. aapolo@unicef.org