Lab`House - Construction21

Ca s o d e e s tu d i o : La b ' Ho u s e
S i ti o we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /e s p a n a /
Tipo de pro yecto : Nueva co nstrucció n
Tipo de edificio : Casa aislada o ado sada,
Año de la co nstrucció n : 20 14
Zo na climática : [Csa] Interio r
Mediterranean - Mild with dry, ho t summer.
Superficie útil : 250 m 2
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 557 0 0 0 €
Número de unidades funcio nales : 1
Co ste/m2 : 2 228 €/m 2
Co ste/Viviendas : 557 0 0 0 €/Viviendas
71 A avenue Paul RAVOUX , 30 40 0
Villeneuve-lès-Avigno n, France
// Descripción
This pro ject is a perso nal pro ject o f the architect Catherine PERRIN LABEUR. This ho me fo r a family o f five must meet the
criteria defined by the Passiv'Haus. Fo r its co nstructio n, it is imperative to use materials used in the regio n and use the
expertise o f lo cal businesses. The terrain is steep and has, since its upper level, a clear view o f the Rho ne valley fro m the east.
This view will be staged by the pro ject. the pro ject includes a large living area lo cated in the upper part and the master bedro o m
with bathro o m. On the lo wer flo o r is space fo r children co nsists o f 3 bedro o ms with private sho wer, desk and clo set, the
"lungs" o f the passive ho use in which are gro uped all the "vital o rgans" o f a passive ho use.
Ve r m ás de t alle s de e st e pro ye ct o :
http://www.archico ntempo raine.o rg/RMA/p-8 -lg0 -Lab-Ho us (...)
Fiabilidad de lo s dat o s :
Certificado po r tercera parte
// Actores
Contratista general
No mbre : M et Mme LABEUR Jean Paul
Autor del proyecto
No mbre : Catherine PERRIN LABEUR
Consultoría térmica
Filo so f ía am bie nt al de l pro m o t o r : "To day the passive ho use is o ften asso ciated with wo o d co nstructio n, says
Catherine Perrin-To il. But there is no questio n fo r us to build wo o den full Pro vence! Our challenge was to build a passive
ho use with co mmo nly used metho ds buildings in o ur regio n ... ".
To assist in the design o f this ho use, it uses an experienced heating engineer Hugues Brassy o f Diagno s Thermo design
o ffice. To gether they define a design specificatio n:
- Achieve a co mpact design to limit m2 o f co ntact with the o utside walls
- Define a co nstructive fashio n to identify fro m the first sketches thermal bridges to be able to pro vide so lutio ns well in
- Favo ring large o penings to the so uth that will be pro tected fro m the summer sun with so lar radiatio n and winds that will
capture the energy in winter
- Limiting the number and the surfaces o f the o penings no rtheast
- Favo ring systems o penings strikes rather than sliding windo ws fo r better airtightness
- Design a sealed o uter envelo pe in which will limit the cro ssings to the o utside, po tential so urces o f air leakage. All essential
cro ssings will be identified and treated to reduce the risk o f leaks.
- Install a dual flo w ventilatio n inside the sealed casing co upled with a Canadian wells to o ptimize the efficiency o f ventilatio n
in winter and summer.
All these po ints will affect the architectural cho ice o f the ho use.
The final study results in a need fo r heating 14 kWh / m2 year, to tal primary energy co nsumptio n o f 110 kWh / and
o verheating rate o f o nly 4%, in a regio n where it takes with ho t weather. The permit was depo sited befo re 1 January 20 13, the
RT20 12 has no t applied to the pro ject.
De scripció n de la arquit e ct ura : Facing so uth, the ho use o f 250 sqm, by its sheer vo lume and wide o penings naturally
let the heat o ut. To take advantage o f the view fro m the day ro o m, there were o ther so lutio ns to implement them o n the upper
part o f the ho use. The stro ng slo pe o f the land enabled the develo pment o f a lo ng bridge by a co rrido r and a terrace that
serves the highest level including the parts o f day and the master bedro o m. On the lo wer flo o r are the children's ro o ms, o ffice
and technical ro o m.
Si t uvie ran que hace rlo o t ra ve z : "We made so me design cho ices that were dear to us, but that do es no t necessarily
facilitated the perfo rmance required by the label, she says. That's what made the particularly exciting year! Fo r clients, I
pro bably wo uld have avo ided so me difficulties, especially fro m the perspective o f the management o f thermal bridges. "
// Energía
Consumo de energía
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria :
36 ,30 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria po r un e dif icio e st ándar : 120 ,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Mé t o do de cálculo :
Co st e de la e f icie ncia e ne rgé t ica de l e dif icio : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
De sglo se de l co nsum o de e ne rgía : Heating: 14 kWh / m² / year
Comportamiento de la envolvente
0 ,13 W.m -2 .K-1
Valo r de la U :
n50 (I4) m /H.m n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Valo r de la pe rm e abilidad al aire : 0 ,50
Más inf o rm ació n : - Insulated po lystyrene co ncrete slabs (370 mm)- Co nstructio n o f co ncrete chipbo ard- Structural
steel with zinc co vering- External jo inery aluminum, do uble glazing being sufficient acco rding to PHPP study.
// Renovables y sistemas
Sist e m a de cale f acció n :
Emisió n - Radiado r eléctrico
Po zo s canadienses
Sist e m a de agua calie nt e :
Otro sistema de agua caliente sanitaria
Sist e m a de re f rige ració n :
Po zo s canadienses
Sist e m a de ve nt ilació n :
Flujo de do ble intercambiado r de calo r
Po zo s canadienses
Sist e m as re no vable s :
No hay sistemas de energía reno vable
The do uble flo w MCV selected PHI is certified with a yield higher than 75%. It is co upled to a Canadian terraco tta wells do wn
to depths o f 3 meters, allo wing in summer to breathe air at 21 ° C, even in ho t weather.The ro uting o f air ducts in the plenum
is created between the ceiling o f the gro und flo o r and first flo o r flo o r. This ho rizo ntal technical space will also serve as the
pathway o f po wer supplies, po wer supplies co ld and ho t water sho wer ro o ms and the passage o f wastewater co llectio n
pipes.In extra, three heated to wel rail in the bathro o m switch o n auto matically if the temperature passes the thresho ld o f 20 °
C to co mplete a small heating co il that fires under 21 ° C. "Given the o bserved lo w po wer co nsumptio n, the extra is o ften no t
utilized. Ho wever, it may be useful in case o f rainy winter as passive inputs are then insufficient. "The ho t water is pro vided
by a branded thermo dynamics ball Emmeti, also co nnected to the MCV do uble flo w.
// Comportamiento ambiental
// Productos
Terracotta Canadian well
Pro duct o r:
Co nt act o :
Cat e go ría de l pro duct o : Climatizació n / Ventilació n, refrigeració n
De scripció n:
The Terraco tta Canadian wells do wn to depths o f 3 meters, allo wing in summer to breathe air at
21 ° C,
Pro duct o r: Siniat SA
Co nt act o : 50 0 , rue Marcel Demo nque Pô le Agro parc 8 49 15 Avigno n cedex 9 Tél : +33 4 32
44 44 44
Página we b:
Cat e go ría de l pro duct o : Obras estructurales / Estructura - Albañilería - Fachada
De scripció n:
Vertical wall so lutio n with high demands fo r a healthier indo o r air.PRÉGYROC Air BA13 is
co mpo sed o f a heart made o f plaster, high density, specially fo rmulated between two cardbo ard
• Thickness: 12.5 mm
• Width: 120 cm
• High hardness plate (I acco rding to EN 520 )
• Edges: tapered (BA) nstructio n21.o rg/espana/data/so urces/user (...)
// Costes
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 557 0 0 0 €
// Entorno urbano
Ent o rno urbano : Free building sites are very rare in Villeneuve-les-Avigno n; even mo re rare that building o wners want a
clear view o f the Rho ne Valley. Site selectio n is therefo re based o n its geo graphical lo catio n in the to wn and the views it
o ffered. This plo t o f 140 0 m²
very high altitude eastward (o ver 6 meters in altitude), had an access fro m abo ve to be usable.
Supe rf icie de parce la :
Supe rf icie co nst ruida :
140 0 m 2
17 %
// Calidad ambiental del edificio
Calidad am bie nt al de l e dif icio :
// Concurso
Fo r us, this passive ho use pro ject sho uld no t be asso ciated with the co ncept, eco lo gy aware sense. We prefer the co ncept
o f respo nsible citizenship to define o ur appro ach. We cho se the passive building in a Mediterranean co ntext, by fo cusing
particularly o n summer co mfo rt, heating needs are lo w also . To achieve no su avo sn set targets in line with o ur design o ffice:
a co mpact co nstructio n to limit m2 o f co ntact with the exterio r walls
co nstructive way to identify fro m the first sketches thermal bridges to be able to pro vide so lutio ns well in advance.
favo ring large o penings to the so uth that will be pro tected fro m the summer sun with so lar radiatio n and winds that will capture
the energy in winter
limit the number and the surfaces o f the o penings no rtheast
fo cus o penings Systems strikes rather than sliding windo ws fo r better airtightness
a sealed o uter envelo pe in which will limit the cro ssings to the o utside, po tential so urces o f air leakage.
do uble-flo w ventilatio n inside the sealed casing co upled with a Canadian wells to o ptimize the efficiency o f ventilatio n in
winter and summer.