passive house che

Ca s o d e e s tu d i o : P AS S IVE HO US E CHE
S i ti o we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /e s p a n a /
Tipo de pro yecto : Nueva co nstrucció n
Tipo de edificio : Casa aislada o ado sada,
Año de la co nstrucció n : 20 14
Zo na climática : Dfb
Superficie útil : 19 0 m 2 Superficie útil
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 40 0 0 0 0 €
Número de unidades funcio nales : 1
Co ste/m2 : 2 10 5 €/m 2
Co ste/Viviendas : 40 0 0 0 0 €/Viviendas
Izvo arele cetatii 55 , 720 0 32 Suceava,
Ro mânia
// Descripción
The design concept was to design a simple sustainable housing, with two levels to integrate in a special location: a
mature forest in the heart of Suceava.
The building develops discreetly around an inner courtyard covered in a natural setting that was not affected,
making it a dialogue with the large glaz ed surfaces and subtle passages inside- outside.
The main element of the design is fully glaz ed central part enveloping the staircase, halls and recreation area. This
core exterior glass enriches the perception of space for those inside. Each room of the house, either moving or
static is experienced, enjoys a privileged relationship with nature.
The ground floor consists of an open space where divisions are completely absent (except toilet and utility room)
and this fluid space extends to the upper floor.
The house was designed and built to achieve the passive house standard climate conditions in northern Romania
(Suceava) and is undergoing certification. Energy demand for heating and hot water estimated maximum 14 kWh /
sqm / year (according to PHPP calculations).
The building features a daylight factor of four times higher than current requirements, generous glass surfaces
serving to bring a high percentage of natural light inside and maximiz ing passive solar gains.
Iconic shape of the roof maximiz es the solar contribution is used for heating, the working efficiency of solar panels
integrated into roofing and natural lighting of spaces being decisive and getting an unusual mass objects, highly
contemporary in the image.
Exterior finish is made of wooden slats, thermo- treaty to keep physicochemical properties in the northern climate
and the covering layer is made of vegetable to recover the area of green space displaced by the construction of
the house.
The need minimal heating is provided by a ground- water heat pump. The photo- voltaic panels will be installed on
the roof will provide electricity needed vital household consumption and domestic hot water heating is provided by
solar collectors and a tank stored energy in layers.
Ve r m ás de t alle s de e st e pro ye ct o :
http://tecto .ro /po rtfo lio /passive-ho use-che-casa-pasiv (...)
http://www.ho m/20 15/0 5/the-wild-child/ m/passive-ho use-che-in-ro mania-has (...) m/ho use-design/energy-efficient (...) m/passive-ho use-che/3546 9 /
Fiabilidad de lo s dat o s :
Auto declarado
// Actores
Autor del proyecto
No mbre : TECTO Arhitectura
o ffice@tecto .ro
Sitio web : http://tecto .ro /
Acció n : architectural design
Me t o do de co nt rat o :
Otro s
Filo so f ía am bie nt al de l pro m o t o r : TECTO co ncept refers to the co ntinuo us search thro ugh specific metho ds, a
significant architecture, o pen to inno vatio n and balanced artistic expressio n. The permanent study, we aim to o verco me
co nventio nal limits fo r define creative co ncepts that pro vo ke and inspire at all times. Quality architecture do es no t respo nd
o nly so lve the practical-utilitarian, but to exceed them and cause them to engage users and imaginatio n. Green TECTO is
po sitio ned at the bo rder between theo retical research and practical applicatio n. We seek to pro ve they have a legitimate ro le
materials and sustainable techno lo gies in the current architecture. We believe that these sho uld no t be a straitjacket
asso ciated with eastern values
but rather a way to enrich architectural building by creating healthy and dynamic. Green
Tecto co ncepts pro mo ted by causing the traditio nal appro ach to the design pro cess by refining the metho ds used and the
implementatio n o f new materials. As part o f the sustainable architecture suppo rted the team Tecto was certified Passive
Ho use Designer by German Passive Ho use Institute in Darmstadt. We are specialized fo r co nsulting activities, design and
co nstructio n o f buildings carried o ut in standard passive o r lo w energy co nsumptio n, which pro vide users with a healthy and
co mfo rtable living enviro nment all year ro und. Detail TECTO co vers design details and specific technical parts, in o rder to
identify, refine and rethink every element o f the co nstructio n no t yet achieve the finest po ssible co nditio n. Our go al is to
o ptimize the shape and structure o f co mplex systems to custo m details. We fo cus o n building and sustainable techno lo gies
suitable means to o btain the best result, regardless o f scale o r o bject pro gram. We believe that the details carefully managed
and invested with meaning are tho se which give rise to an architecture that deserves to be inhabited.
De scripció n de la arquit e ct ura : The design co ncept was to design a simple sustainable ho using, with two levels to
integrate in a special lo catio n: a mature fo rest in the heart o f Suceava. The building develo ps discreetly aro und an inner
co urtyard co vered in a natural setting that was no t affected, making it a dialo gue with the large glazed surfaces and subtle
passages inside-o utside. The main element o f the design is fully glazed central part envelo ping the staircase, halls and
recreatio n area. This co re exterio r glass enriches the perceptio n o f space fo r tho se inside. Each ro o m o f the ho use, either
mo ving o r static is experienced, enjo ys a privileged relatio nship with nature. The gro und flo o r co nsists o f an o pen space
where divisio ns are co mpletely absent (except to ilet and utility ro o m) and this fluid space extends to the upper flo o r. The
ho use was designed and built to achieve the passive ho use standard climate co nditio ns in no rthern Ro mania (Suceava) and
is undergo ing certificatio n. Energy demand fo r heating and ho t water estimated maximum 14 kWh / sqm / year (acco rding to
PHPP calculatio ns). The building features a daylight facto r o f fo ur times higher than current requirements, genero us glass
surfaces serving to bring a high percentage o f natural light inside and maximizing passive so lar gains. Ico nic shape o f the ro o f
maximizes the so lar co ntributio n is used fo r heating, the wo rking efficiency o f so lar panels integrated into ro o fing and natural
lighting o f spaces being decisive and getting an unusual mass o bjects, highly co ntempo rary in the image. Exterio r finish is
made o f wo o den slats, thermo -treaty to keep physico -chemical pro perties in the no rthern climate and the co vering layer is
made o f vegetable to reco ver the area o f
green space displaced by the co nstructio n o f the ho use. The need minimal
heating is pro vided by a gro und-water heat pump. The pho to -vo ltaic panels will be installed o n the ro o f will pro vide electricity
needed vital ho useho ld co nsumptio n and do mestic ho t water heating is pro vided by so lar co llecto rs and a tank sto red energy
in layers.
// Energía
Consumo de energía
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria :
8 9 ,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /an
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria po r un e dif icio e st ándar : 111,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /an
Mé t o do de cálculo : Otro s
Co st e de la e f icie ncia e ne rgé t ica de l e dif icio : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
Comportamiento de la envolvente
Valo r de la U : 0 ,11 W.m -2 .K-1
Más inf o rm ació n : Exterio r insulatio n to ambient air - 0 .11W / (m²K) Exterio r Insulatio n undergro und - 0 .12W / (m²K)
Windo ws - 0 .6 3W / (m² K) External do o rs - 0 .10 W / (m²K)
Co e f icie nt e de co m pacidad de l e dif icio : 0 ,32
n50 (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Valo r de la pe rm e abilidad al aire : 0 ,40
// Renovables y sistemas
Sist e m a de cale f acció n :
Caldera de gas de co ndensació n
Suelo radiante eléctrico
Sist e m a de agua calie nt e :
Caldera de gas de co ndensació n
Sist e m a de re f rige ració n :
Sin sistema de refrigeració n
Sist e m a de ve nt ilació n :
Ventilació n natural
Flujo de do ble intercambiado r de calo r
Sist e m as re no vable s :
No hay sistemas de energía reno vable
// Comportamiento ambiental
// Productos
Membrane Proclima
Pro duct o r: Pro clima
Co nt act o : info @pro m
Página we b: m/
Cat e go ría de l pro duct o : Obras estructurales / Carpintería, cubierta, estanqueidad
De scripció n:
Intelligent vapo r co ntro l barriers have a vapo r diffusio n resistance variable which changes
depending o n the mo isture and pro vides effective pro tectio n against structural damage due to
mo isture co ndensatio n. These barriers have lo w permeability pro perties o f vapo r diffusio n in
winter and higher permeability diffusio n in the summer to dry the structure. It thus pro vides
o ptimum safety fo r insulatio n system, even if there is an unexpected increase in humidity.
Co m e nt ario s:
The designers have develo ped custo mized pro ducts pro -climatic details that were taken o n site
// Costes
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 40 0 0 0 0 €
// Entorno urbano
Ent o rno urbano : Co nstructio n was integrated into a site with a spectacular landscape: a mature fo rest in a city in no rthern
Ro mania. All trees o n the gro und and were preserved green area dislo dged the building was cleared by a green ro o f.
Supe rf icie de parce la :
128 5 m 2
Supe rf icie co nst ruida :
125 %
Z o nas ve rde s :
Aparcam ie nt o :
10 0 0
// Calidad ambiental del edificio
Calidad am bie nt al de l e dif icio :
// Concurso
Categorías del concurso
Edificio s de co nsumo nulo