COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills 1098.- Agroindustrial La Esperanza S. A. Contact: Mrs. Marta Zúñiga T. (506) 2259-7379 F. (506) 2259-0110 Alsacia S.A. Contact: Mr. Alfredo Robert Address: Dulce Nombre, San Isidro, Alajuela, 500 Mts North from Tambor River Bridge, road to Laguna de Fraijanes T. (506) 2449-5374 / 2449-6097 Asociación Cámara Nacional de Cafetaleros Contact: Mrs. Gabriela Lobo Address: La Uruca, San José T. y F: (506) 2296-8334 Description: Watch over the milling sector interests. Encourages a model of continuous improvement in milling technology and coffee quality in an environmentally sustainable production. This pattern also includes commercial practices attached to ethical and transparent principles in order to keep the prestige and good name of Costa Rica Coffee. 600.- Asociación de Agricultores la Violeta de Desamparados Contact: Mr. Gilbert Núñez T. (506) 2544-0641/2544-0641 C. 506-8713-2802 / 8354-8495 9.- Beneficiadora Santa Elena S.A. Contact: Mr. Laureano Gomez Quintero Address: Office: Rorhmoser, Pavas, San José, From the Amistad Park 4 blocks West y 300 Mts north, Condominium Maria S., Apt. No. 4 T. (506) 2296-0622 / 2548-0003 F. (506) 2220-0578 Description: Producer, Miller, and Exporter. Beneficiadora Santa Elena is located in one of the best coffee regions of the country, specializing in high quality. The company is trying to maintain soils and crops in good condition, in order to protect the environment. Also, they make additional efforts to help the nearly community with different social events. Current Certifications: CAFÉ Practices Application No. 5118 90709 Registered Coffee brands: Los S. Frailes de E., Taparto, Santa Elena, and Marina. 14.- Beneficio Café Los Anonos S. A. Contact: Mr. Jorge Trejos/Mrs. Klaus Dietrich ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills T. (506) 2228-0043 /2289-9350 F. (506) 22896578 / 24.- Beneficio Las Chúcaras S. A. Contact: Mr. Ricardo Falla / Mrs. Karla Vargas T. (506) 2232-4447 / 2296-5433 F. (506) 2296-5432 / 8875-2222 / / Brumas del Zurquí S. A. Contact: Mr. Juan Ramón Alvarado Address: San Francisco, San Isidro, Heredia, 100 Mts East from school north side T. (506 8823-4397 F. (506) 2261-6124 67.- Cariblanco, R. L. (Coopesarapiquì R.L.) Contact: Mrs. Ofelia Membreño Membreño Address: Ujarrás, Cariblanco, Sarapiquí T. (506)2476-0215 F. (506) 2476-0283 429-700. Cafetalera de Tierras Ticas, S.A. Contact: Mr. David Walter Kowal / Mr. James Edward Eschwiler/ Mr. Ricardo Herrera/ Mr. Carlos Paniagua T. (506) 2283-3125 F. (506) 2283-3145 1126 Cafetaleros Unidos del Norte Contact: Mrs. Ileana Carmona/ Mrs. Irene Ruiz/ Mr. Francisco Ruiz T. (506) 8382-6297 F. (506) 24332921 Cerro los Vindas S. A. Contact: Mr. José Eduardo Vindas Porras / Mr. Eduardo Alberto Vindas Address: Rio Negro, Mora, San José, 3 Km East from Church T. (506) 2418-4552 F. (506) 2418-4552 Cicafé Contact: Mr. Carlos Fonseca Address: San Pedro, Barva, Heredia, 400 Mts North from Park T. (506) 2260-1874 / 2260-1875 F. (506) 2260-1937 ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills 942.- Coffea Diversa, S.A. Contact: Mr. Gonzalo Hernández/ Mrs. Leda Hernández T. (506)2235-5816 / 8833-3034 774.- Comercializadora los Lagartos Contact: Mrs. Amelia Arguedas/ Mr. Greivin Víquez T. (506) 2265-5216/ 8350-1959 F. (506) 2265-7857 75.- Coopelibertad, R. L. Contact: Mr. Miguel Varela/ Mr. Adrián Hernández// Mr. Diego Villalobos // Mrs. Elisa Sanabria Address: La Isla, Moravia, 800 Mts from 1rst entrance, road to Guápiles T. (506) 2237-2040 / 2237-2515 / 2237-2500 / 2237-2400 F. (506) 2238-3264 / / Description: a Cooperative which main activity is milling, processing, and marketing the best coffee Current certifications: Rainforest Alliance, UTZ Certified, C.A.F.E. Practices of Starbucks, and Fair Trade Registered coffee brands:Libertad Especial, Matinilla Fancy, Reserva San Bosco, SHB EP, Labrador Especial, Bouganvillea, Deheredia, Eliconia Especial, Eliconia Fancy, Don Cleto, Coope S.I., 4000 UP, Uriche, and Alsol. 1133. Corporacion Montezumo de Puriscal S. A. Contact : Mr. José Luis Zúñiga/ Mr. Juan José Zúñiga T. (506) 2416-3035 C. (506) 8765-3826 ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills Cosechas Superiores S. A. Contact: Mr. Enrique Castro Address: Tacacorí, Alajuela. 350 Mts South from School T. (506) 2458-3212 / 2458-4918 696.- Eco Caraigres Agrícola S. A. Contact: Mr. Christian Mora Rojas T. (506) F. (506) 664.- Ecológico Cerro Alto S. A. Contact: Mr. Fernando Vindas/ Mrs. Silvia Vindas Camacho Address: San Rafael, Heredia, 100 Mts East from school T. (506) 2237-1640 / 2262-0353 Ecológico La Lajas Contact: Mr. Oscar Chacón Solano Address: Los Angeles, Sabanilla, Alajuela, 25 Mts West from intersection T. (506) 2449-5704 / 8603-3539 / 8821-2589 El Sitio, S.R.L Contact: Mr. Miguel Jesús Castro Murillo Address: Poás, Alajuela, 3 km South El Sitio School T. (506) 2448-7205 / 8828-9922 Empresa SXJ S.A. Contact: Mrs. Diana Soto /Mr. Juan Ramírez Brenes Address: Guachipelines, Santa Barbara, Heredia, 400 Mts north from left side entrance Guachipelines Pools, T. (506) 2269-4170 / 2269-4169 F. (506) 2269-4172 Description: Micro mill for several organic green coffee producers. This coffee is sold in the national and international markets. SXJ works under social and environmental standards. Its social projection includes reforestation activities with the community children for the Ecological Blue flag program. Current Certifications: BCS OKO Guarantied and Rainforest Alliance 818.- Exclusive Coffees, S. A. Contacts: Mr. Juan Ramón Alvarado Mr. Francisco Mena Address: San Rafael Alajuela de la Panasonic 600 Sur y 350 Oeste, Ofibodegas local No. 5 T. (506) 2289-3480 / (506) 22390301 F. (506) 2588-2642/ (506) 22934439 ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills C. (506) 83254317 US IP Phone: 615 465 8414 Description: Boutique Coffee Exporters Current certifications: Direct Trade 452.- Exportaciones Acero Belèn S. A. Contact: Mr. Alfonso Araya/ Mrs. Judith Abellán/ Mrs. Mabel Araya T. (506) 2239-0660 / 8336-5959 F. (506) 2441-4779 2450-4123 22381-941-497-564.- F. J. Orlich, Hermanos Ltda. (LA GIORGIA) Contact: Mr. Mauricio Escalante/Mr. Rodrigo Soto/ Mrs. Martha Méndez T y F. (506) 2278-9600 555.- Hacienda Sonora S. A. Contact: Mr. Alfredo Guardia / Mr. Diego Guardia // Mrs. Odette Pinto Address: Carrillo, Altos de Poás, Alajuela, 1.5 Km from church, road to San Pedro de Poás T. (506) 2458-3212 / 2458-4918 Hermanos Vargas Hidalgo, S. A. Contact: Mr. Walter Vargas Hidalgo Address: Los Angeles, Sabanilla, 400 Mts W from intersection to San Pedro Poás T. (506) 2449-5120 / 2449-6363 F. (506) 2449-6633 Industrias Agropecuarias Cubero Segura CSSA Contact: Mr. Elías Cubero / Mr. Carlos Antonio Cubero T. (506) 2285-1594 C. (506) 8837-0660 661.- José Luis Zúñiga Hernández Juan León V. e Hijos, S. A. Contacts: Mr. Juan José León / Mr. Carlos Humberto León Address: Barva, Heredia T. (506) 2237-0061 / 2237-7319 F. (506) 2237-6957 juanhisa@ // La Guaria, S. A. ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills Contacts: Mr. Francisco Flores Negrini / Mr. Carlos Flores Negrini Address: San Rafael de Poás, Alajuela T. (506) 2448-6827 F. (506) 2448-5587 1056.- Lanchaster Coffee Export S. A. Contact: Mr. Sascha Spitel T. (506) 2253-9560/ F. (506) 2253-5693 ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills La Trinidad R.L. Contact: Mrs. Andrea Durán Address: San José, Alajuela T. (506) 2441-5040 F. (506) 2441-1730 Las Marías Contact: Eng. Rolando Vásquez Address: Santa Bárbara, Heredia, 100 Mts North Los Pitufos Bar, Las Marías Farm T. (506) 2269-9239 / 2290-8111 Las Peñas B.L.P., S. A. Contact: Mr. Herberth Chacon Morera Address: El Cerro, Sabanilla, Alajuela, 75 Mts South of town cemetery T. (506) 2449-6517 / 8843-1735 / Description: Producer, Mill. Café Las Peñas is produced and milled by the Chacón Morera family since 1949. It’s located at the foothills of the Poás Volcano. Las Peñas coffee, a SHB (strictly hard bean) Gourmet, fulfills the environmental standards protection of the Starbucks enterprises. It is milled, roasted, grounded and packed the same day to achieve an excellent taste, bouquet aroma and freshness. Current certification: Café Practices program from Starbucks Los Panchos Contact: Mr. Francisco Ruiz Address: Tambor, Poás, Alajuela, 100 meters east from the Super El Tajo. T. (506) 8382-6297, 2433-3031 F. (506) 2433-2921 1079. Luis Aguilar Zumbado Contact: Mr. Edgar Aguilar Chacón 1096. Martin Rolando Ceciliano Romero ( Beneficio Rio Conejo Estate) T. (506) 2548-1673 / 86250461 1026- Miguel Chaves Rodriguez Contact: Mr. Oscar Vargas / Mr. Marvin Chaves ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills T. (506) 25560-2937 / 2237-5898 / 8381-4703 F. (506) 2565-8525 1109.- Miguel A. Gamboa Díaz T. (506) 2416-8658 / 8808-6521 Piedra Blanca Aprocetu Contact: Mr. Arnoldo Guerrero Address: San Rafael, Turrubares, San José, 400 Mts East from School T. (506) 2200-5092 F. (506) 2419-0249 1035.- Pio Gerardo Vargas González T. (506) 2265-4414 F. (506) 8386-5312 // Río Segundo (Beneficiadora San Isidro). Contact: Mr. Roberto Zúñiga Jiménez Address: Rio Segundo, Alajuela, 350 Mts West from intersection to Juan Santamaría Airport T. (506)2443-9658 / 8385-0359 / 8306-5367 F. (506) 2441-8535 1062.- Río Jorco S. A. Contact: Mr. Luis Diego Alfaro / Mr. Jaime Alfaro / Mr. Rudis Azofeifa T. (506) 2410-4620 F. (506) 2410-4950 Ruicar Inversiones S. A. Contact: Mr. Francisco Ruiz Address: Tambor, Poás, Alajuela, 100 meters east from the Super El Tajo. T. (506) 8382-6297 / 2433-3031 F. (506) 24332921 // Description: Miller, Roaster, Exporter Registered Coffee Brand: Ricar Café Gourmet ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills Sánchez Vargas, S. A. Contacts: Mr. Milton Vargas / Mr. Franklin Vargas Address: San Isidro, Alajuela, 3 Km from Church road to Sabanilla T. (506) 2449-5493 / 8384-9356 F. (506) 2449-5493 San Diego Contacts: Mr. Kenneth Waugh / Mr. Jurgen Plate Address: Santo Domingo, Heredia, 50 meters NW of Virilla River Bridge T. (506) 2261-6666 / Description: Mill, exporter. Company devoted to add value from the crop, milling, and marketing to the green coffee. We work on behalf of growers, clients, shareholders, and community, and taking care of the environment. Current Certifications: C.A.F.E. Practices of Starbucks, Rainforest Alliance, Nespresso AAA Sustainability Quality Program, Fair Trade, UTZ Certified, and Common Code for the Coffee Community Association (4C) BASC Santa Eduviges, S. A. Contact: Sr. Rodrigo Vargas Address: San Isidro, Alajuela T. (506) 2449-5014 / 2449-5196 F. (506) 2449-5142 1072.- Tenofrut de Costa Rica S. A. Contact: Mrs. María Eugenia Alvarado T. (506) 2244-2702 C. (506) 8993-0082 logí / Tres Generaciones, S. A. Contacto: Mrs. Natalia Vargas Address: San Luis, Sabanilla, Alajuela, Doka Farm T. (506) 2449-6765 F. (506) 2449-6427 Description: Miller, Roaster, and Exporter This is a coffee producing company with more than 80 years experience. Their coffee is certified as Rainforest Alliance which guarantees their commitment to ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills ecosystems and environment conservation, and the social and economic commitment for their collaborators. All of this assures they are using resources in a productive, efficient and sustainable way. Current certifications: Rainforest Alliance for roasted, -milled coffee and its marketing (since 2008). Organic Coffee for roasted, milled coffee and its marketing (since 2003) Registered coffee brand: Café Tres Generaciones ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: COFFEE DIRECTORY -Exporters, Millers, Roasters- Central Valley Mills 435.- Vecafé Altura S. A. Contact: Mr. Carlos Vega/Mr. Fernando Vega/Mrs. Ligia Vega T. (506) 2215-2144 /8382-0173 39-40-42-129.539.- Volcafè S.A. Contacts: Mr. Kenneth Waugh // Mr. Rafael Hernández Osti Mrs. Mercedes Chaves// Mr. Patrick Bucher Address: La Uruca, San Jose, 50 meters northwest of Virilla River Bridge. T. (506) 2261-6666 F. (506) 2261-5555 / / jplate@volcafe,co,cr Description: Mill, exporter. Company devoted to add value from the crop, milling, and marketing to the green coffee. We work on behalf of growers, clients, shareholders, and community, and taking care of the environment. Current Certifications: C.A.F.E. Practices of Starbucks, Rainforest Alliance, Nespresso AAA Sustainability Quality Program, Fair Trade, UTZ Certified, and Common Code for the Coffee Community Association (4C) BASC. Vikingo Real S. A. Contact: Mrs. Carole Zbinden Divernois T. (506) 2483-2258 / C. (506) 8324-0707 F. (506) 2483-0010 jardí Zamorana S.A. Contacts: Mr. Jorge Luis Zamora // Mr. Diego Zamora Address: San Isidro, Alajuela, 1 Km West from Church T. (506) 2449-6200 / 2443-4545 F. (506) 2443-4545 / ICAFE Promotion Department Tel. (506) 2243- 7863 Fax (506) 2223- 6025 PO Box 37-1000 San José Email: