Water on our planet - Junta de Andalucía

Dirección General de Participación e Innovación Educativa
Identificación del material AICLE
Water on our planet
Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y Cultural
El agua en la naturaleza. El ciclo del agua. Usos del agua.
En esta unidad el alumnado logrará conocer los diferentes estados en los que
el agua se encuentra en la naturaleza y cómo se producen los cambios de
estado. Conoceremos también los diferentes tipos de agua que se encuentran
en la Tierra y las fases del ciclo del agua junto con los cambios de estado que
se producen en dicho ciclo. Por último intentaremos ver cómo usamos el agua
y qué podemos hacer para ahorrar en nuestro consumo diario.
5º de Educación Primaria
Eufemia Rosso Delgado
De 8 a 10 sesiones
Conocimientos e interacción con el mundo físico: identificar los cambios de estado en el agua y conocer las diferentes fases del ciclo del agua.
Cultural y artística: estimular la creatividad de los estudiantes para la realización
de un mural sobre el ciclo del agua.
Matemática: realizar operaciones para obtener las cantidades de agua empleadas en actividades cotidianas.
Social y ciudadana: cocienciar al alumnado sobre la importancia que tiene el
consumo de agua responsable.
Tratamiento de la información y competencia digital: interpretar ciclos del agua
en páginas web.
Comunicación lingüística: conocer, adquirir, ampliar y aplicar el vocabulario
relacionado con el tema.
Aprender a aprender: fomentar en los estudiantes la elaboración de actividades
similares a las que el profesorado realiza para que sean realizadas por sus
compañeros/as. Añadir nuevos elementos en la unidad a los ya ofrecidos por el
profesorado en diferentes actividades.
Todas las imágenes utilizadas en la unidad están bajo la licencia “Creative
commons”. Algunas de ellas han sido modificadas.
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Tabla de programación AICLE
- Desarrollar la curiosidad por conocer las propiedades de la hidrosfera
- Conocer qué es la hidrosfera y valorar su importancia para los seres vivos
- Identificar los estados del agua y los tipos de agua
- Conocer el ciclo del agua
- Entender la distribución de las aguas
- Conocer cómo usamos el agua
- Conocer formas de ahorrar agua
- Desarrollar técnicas para organizar la información
- Estados del agua en la hidrosfera
- Cambios de estado
- Tipos de agua: salada y dulce
- Usos del agua
- Consumo responsable del agua
El agua en el planeta Tierra y su uso responsable
- Describir los estados del agua en la hidrosfera
- Explicar los cambios de estado del agua
- Describir tipos de agua en la hidrosfera
- Describir las diferentes fases del ciclo del agua
- Describir los cambios de estado del agua durante las diferentes fases del ciclo del agua
- Analizar cómo usamos el agua del planeta
- Analizar la cantidad de agua que usamos en nuestra vida diaria
- Comparar las cantidades de agua que se utilizan en diferentes actividades cotidianas
- Solicitar información sobre la cantidad de agua usada en diferentes actividades
-Resúmenes con contenido del tema
-Esquemas visuales
-Puzzles y pictogramas
- Predecir usando imágenes
- Expresar y describir estados
del agua
- Describir fases en un proceso
- Reformular frases
- Expresar opinión
- Expresar duda
- Expresar acuerdo y
- Solicitar información
- Informar de hábitos de
- Conoce los estados del agua en nuestro planeta
- Conoce y entiende cómo se producen los cambios de estado
- Diferencia los tipos de agua
- Entiende la distribución de las aguas del planeta
- Conoce y explica el ciclo del agua
- Conoce la importancia del consumo responsable del agua
- Asume que todos somos responsables de la escasez de agua dulce
- Conoce cómo reducir el consumo de agua en nuestros hogares
- Desarrolla técnicas para organizar la información
- Desarrolla una actitud positiva hacia el uso de la L2
- Es capaz de autoevaluarse de forma consecuente con el trabajo realizado
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
- is / are
- exits / evaporates /
gets / freezes / becomes
/ warms / contains /
heats / changes / rises
/ condenses / falls / fills
- from ... to
- There are
- Can you ….? - Where
can you...?
- I think ...
- I am / am not sure
Water on our planet
States, liquid, solid,
gaseous, ice, hail,
snow, solidification,
melting, evaporation,
saltwater, fresh
water, seawater, lake,
groundwater, aquifer,
frozen, hydrosphere,
heat, rise, fall, flow over,
fill, tap.
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 1. Look at the words in the word cloud
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Match the words you saw in the word cloud with these pictures:
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 2. Read the following text and complete the chart below
States of water
Water can exist in three different states: solid, liquid or gaseous.
Most of the water on Earth is in a liquid state. Water also exists in other
- Ice, snow and hail are water in a solid state.
- The water we drink is liquid water. The water in rivers, seas, oceans or lakes is liquid water too. Clouds are made up of tiny drops of water.
- Water vapour is water in a gaseous state. It forms when liquid water evaporates or boils.
Ice: frozen water
Hail: frozen rain
Snow: water in a solid state
Tiny: small
To boil: heating water up to 100 ºC
The states of water
For example
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
For example
Water on our planet
For example
Activity 3. Match the definitions with the images and label the images
Water in a solid state
Water in a liquid state
Water in a gaseous state
Activity 4. Answer these questions
Now, in pairs, answer these questions using the chart you completed in
activity 2.
Student A: What are the three states of water?
Student B: The _______________ states of ________________ are:
_______________, _________________ and ________________.
Student A: Where can you find water in a solid state?
Student B: You can find water in a solid state in _______________,
________________, _________________ .
Student A: Where can you find water in a liquid state?
Student B: You can find water in a liquid state in _______________,
_________________, _________________.
Student A: Where can you find water in a gaseous state?
Student B: You can find water in a gaseous state in ________________.
The states of water are: solid (ice, snow or hail), liquid
(rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, clouds) and gaseous (water vapour).
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 5. Listen to the following recording and complete the
following text
Water can change from one state to another:
- Solidification: when _______ water gets very cold, it freezes and
becomes a _______: _________, snow or ___________.
- Melting: when ice or _________ warms up, it melts and becomes liquid
___________. This change is called fusion.
- Evaporation: when liquid water gets hot, it becomes steam or water
- Condensation: when ___________________ vapour gets cold, it becomes
liquid water.
Activity 6. Now work in pairs and try to match the words below
with their definitions
What do you
_________ is?
Solidification Melting Evaporation Condensation
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
from__________ to _________.
I’m sure it’s the change from
_________ to _________.
The change from liquid to gaseous
The change from gaseous to liquid
The change from solid to liquid
The change from liquid to solid
Water on our planet
Activity 7. Listen to the recording and complete the following chart.
Choose two of the changes and tell your classmates about them using
the chart below
Changes in the state of water
The change from
The change from
The change from
The change from
Solidification is the change from ___________ to __________ and
melting is the change from __________ to ___________ .
The changes in states are:
- Solidification (from liquid to solid)
- Melting (from solid to liquid)
- Evaporation (from liquid to gaseous)
- Condensation (from gaseous to liquid)
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 8. Read the following statements and circle true or false.
Correct and rewrite the false sentences
Hydrosphere True or false
The hydrosphere is all the water
on the Earth.
True or false
There are two types of water:
saltwater and fresh water.
True or false
Seawater doesn’t contain salt.
True or false
Fresh water contains a lot of salt.
True or false
Almost all saltwater is found in
lakes, rivers and groundwater.
True or false
About 97% of our planet’s water
is in seas and oceans.
True or false
About 2% of our planet’s water is
in our aquifers, lakes and rivers.
True or false
About 2% of our planet’s water is
True or false
Snow, ice, icebergs and glaciers
have fresh water.
True or false
Some fresh water is found in the
atmosphere as gas.
True or false
Rivers, lakes and groundwater
have fresh water.
True or false
Oceans and seas have saltwater.
True or false
Saltwater: water with salt
Fresh water: water without salt
Seawater: water from seas and oceans
Lake: a big lagoon
Groundwater: water under the land
Aquifer: fresh water that is underground
Frozen: frosted, iced
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 9. Listen and complete the text
First, you are going to work alone and then in pairs. Listen to your teacher
while student A completes text A and student B completes text B. Once you
have finished, you will work in pairs and put together the full text.
Student A
The hydrosphere is all the water on the ____________. There are
_________ types of water: saltwater and fresh water. Seawater contains
a large amount of _______________. The water on land only contains very
small amounts of salt, so we call it ___________ water.
Almost all saltwater is found in ____________ and seas. About 97% of our
planet’s water is in our oceans and seas.
Student B
A small amount of fresh water is found in ___________form as _________
and ice in the polar regions, icebergs, glaciers and on ______________.
About 2% of our planet’s water is frozen.
A much smaller amount of fresh water is found on land in liquid form as rivers,
lakes and groundwater. About 1% of our planet’s water is in our aquifers, lakes
and rivers.
Some fresh water is also found in the atmosphere as water _________, as
a ________.
Student A: What is the first/second/third/fourth/fifth word?
Student B: The first/second/third/fourth/fifth word is ______________
Student A: Can you spell it please?
Student B: Of course, .............
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 10. Complete the following chart about different
types of water and prepare to share your work with your classmates
Types of water
Solid or frozen
Liquid water
Gaseous water
There are _______ types of water: __________ and ____________.
We can find _________ in __________, ___________ ....
_______% of our planet’s water is in the _____________.
The hydrosphere is all the water on Earth. There are two types of water:
saltwater and fresh water. Almost all saltwater is found in oceans and
A small amount of fresh water is found in the polar regions, icebers,
glaciers and on mountains. A much smaller amount of fresh water is found
on land in liquid form as rivers, lakes and aquifers. Some fresh water is
also found as water vapour in the atmosphere.
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 11. Look at the pictures and read the text about the Water Cycle
The water cycle is the constant circulation of water between the sea,
atmosphere and land.
This process has four basic phases:
1. The Sun heats the liquid water in oceans, rivers, lakes ... The water evaporates
and changes its state: from liquid water to water vapour.
Water vapour
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Liquid water
Water on our planet
2. Water vapour rises and condenses. Condensation changes water vapour
into water drops. These water drops form clouds.
Water drops
3. Water falls from clouds in liquid form as rain or in solid form as snow
or hail.
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
4. Water flows over the land and is used by plants or becomes groundwater.
Some water fills rivers, lakes, seas, oceans ...
When water from oceans, rivers and lakes evaporates, the cycle begins
Land: ground
To heat: to warm, to increase in temperature
To rise: to move up
To fall: to move down. Opposite of rise
Hail: frozen rain
To flow over: to move, to go along
To fill: to make or become full
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 12. Listen to the following sentences and say
if they are true or false. Then, work in pairs and check
your answers with your classmates
The Water Cycle
Student A: What do you think about question one? Do you think it is true or false?
1. True or false
Student B: I think it’s true/false because ........
2. True or false
3. True or false
Student A: What do you think about question 4. True or false
one? Do you think it is true or false?
5. True or false
Student B: I am not sure if it’s / I am sure it’s 6. True or false
7. True or false
8. True or false
Student A: I agree, number one is true/false
9. True or false
Student B: I disagree, number one isn’t true/
10. True or false
because ....
11. True or false
Activity 13. Read activity 11 again and write four
sentences about the water cycle. Two of them must be true and two
must be false. Then, exchange your sentences with a partner and ask
him/her to say which of the sentences are true or false. He/she must
correct and rewrite the false sentences.
The Water Cycle
True or false
True or false
True or false
True or false
Student A: Do you know which sentences are true or false? Two of them
are true and two of them are false.
Student B: I think numbers ___ and ___ are false. The correct sentences
would be: ______________________________________________
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 14. Cut out the following pieces of the weather cycle chart and
put the sentences and pictures in the correct order. Then, label the
images, stick them on a big piece of paper and make a poster
Water vapour rises and condenses.
Condensation changes water vapour into
water drops. These water drops form clouds.
Water falls from clouds in liquid form as
rain or in solid form as snow or hail.
Water flows over the land and is used by
plants or becomes groundwater. Some water
fills rivers, lakes, seas, oceans... When water
from oceans, rivers and lakes evaporates,
the cycle begins again.
The Sun heats the liquid water in oceans,
rivers, lakes ... The water evaporates and
changes its state: from liquid water to water
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 15. Match the parts sides of the sentences.
Then, put your sentences with your classmate’s sentences and complete
the text that explains the water cycle. Explain the water cycle to the rest
of your classmates using the poster that you made in activity 11.
Condensation changes water vapour
atmosphere and land.
Water flows over the land and is used by plants or becomes
into water drops.
The Sun heatsunderground water.
Water vapour rises and
the liquid water in oceans, rivers, lakes ...
The water cycle is the constant circulation of water between the sea,
The water evaporates and changes its state:
rain or in solid form as snow Some water fills or hail.
This process rivers, lakes, seas, oceans...
evaporates, the cycle begins These water drops form again.
When water from oceans, rivers and lakes has four basic phases:
Water falls from clouds in liquid form as from liquid water to water
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 16. Read another text about the water cycle.
Now you are the teacher. Write the text again, leaving some gaps. Your
partner will complete your text and you will complete the text that he/she
will make for you. Put your text with your classmate’s text and you will have
the complete water cycle.
Student A
The water cycle is the constant circulation of water between the sea, atmosphere
and land. This process has four basic phases:
- The Sun heats the liquid water in oceans, rivers, lakes ... The water evaporates and changes its state: from liquid water to water vapour.
- Water vapour rises and condenses. Condensation changes water vapour into water drops. These water drops form clouds.
Student B
- Water falls from clouds in liquid form as rain or in solid form as snow or hail.
- Water flows over the land and is used by plants or becomes underground water. Some water fills rivers, lakes, seas, oceans...
When water from oceans, rivers and lakes evaporates, the cycle begins
Student A. Rewrite the text leaving at least six gaps
- _________________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Student B. Rewrite the text leaving at least six gaps
- _____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
The water cycle has four phases:
1. The Sun heats the liquid water in oceans, rivers, lakes and the water
evaporates and becomes water vapour.
2. Water vapour rises and condenses. Condensation changes water vapour
into water drops. This water drops form the clouds.
3. Water falls from clouds in liquid form as rain or in solid form as snow
or hail.
4. Water flows over the land and is used by plants or becomes
groundwater. Some water fills rivers, lakes, ponds, seas, oceans...
When water from oceans, rivers and lakes evaporates, the cycle begins
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 17. We are going to listen to some sentences about
the uses of water. Listen to the following sentences and order
the images from 1-9 as you hear them
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 18. Now listen and complete the sentences.
When you finish, add another sentence or picture that explains a new use
for water
Uses of water
Water is necessary for ______. Water is scarce and we should not waste it.
We use _______:
- For ________ hygiene.
- _____ washing and cleaning.
- For _________ fields of crops.
- For watering __________.
- For cooking.
- For ____________.
- For doing water ____________.
- For making _________________ in the hydroelectric centres.
- For _______________.
Water is necessary for life. We use water:
1. For personal hygiene.
2. For washing and cleaning.
3. For watering fields of crops.
4. For watering plants.
5. For cooking.
6. For animals.
7. For doing water sports.
8. For making electricity in the hydroelectric centres.
9. For drinking.
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 19. Now listen to some sentences about saving water.
Number the images from 1-6 as you hear them
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 20. Now listen and complete these sentences.
Check with a classmate if your answers are right and then, in pairs, add
two more tips to save water.
How to save water
1. Turn _______ the tap when you brush your _________
2. Use less _____: Take a short ________ instead of a ____________
3. Reduce the ________ of _________ in the toilet tank.
4. Wait until the dishwasher is ____ before turning it _______
5. Only water the _______ of the __________
6. Wait until the washing machine is full _______ turning it ____
7. _________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________
What’s the first/second
word in sentence number five?
I think the first word is “roots”.
I am not sure.
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 21. Read about the uses of water and tips to save water
again. Now work with a classmate and design a poster for the class
with five tips on how to save water at school. Then, show us the
poster and explain the tips. Here are some pictures that might help
you to think of new tips
1. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.
2. Use less water: take a short shower instead of a bath.
3. Reduce the quantity of water in the toilet tank.
4. Wait until the dishwasher is full before turning it on.
5. Only water the roots of the plant.
6. Wait until the washing machine is full before turning it on.
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 22. Final task. We are going to survey our families
and find out how much water we use. Fill in the following
worksheet and make a graph explaining your results
Activity (litres of water used) Number of times in one day
Amount of water
used in one week
1. Having a bath (80 l)
( __ x 80 litres) =
B x 7=
2. Having a shower (35 l)
( __ x 35 litres) =
B x 7=
3. Toilet (10 l)
( __ x 10 litres) =
B x 7=
4. Full washing machine (125 l)
( __ x 125 litres) =
B x __=
5. Full dishwasher (65 l)
( __ x 65 litres) =
B x __=
6. Washing up by hand (5 l)
( __ x 5 litres) =
B x 7=
7. Car wash with a bucket (40 l)
( __ x 40 litres) =
B x __=
8. Car wash with a hose (500 l)
( __ x 500 litres) =
B x __=
( __ x 25 litres) =
B x 7=
9. Watering the garden with a
watering can (25 l)
10. Watering the garden with a
hose (40 litres per minute)
( __ x 40 litres x __ minutes) = B x 7=
11. Washing your hands (1 l)
( __ x 1 litre) =
B x 7=
12. Brushing your teeth (1 l)
( __ x __ litres) =
B x 7=
13. Others
( __ x __ litres) =
B x 7=
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Use these phrases to help you write your report about the consumption of
water in your family.
My family uses water for many activities.
For activity number one, “having a bath”, we use _____ litres in one week.
For activity number two, .....
In one week, we consumed _______litres of water.
In order to save water, we are going to:
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet
Activity 23. Self-asssessment. Read the following statements and
write a cross to mark your progress in this unit
I can recognise words and
expressions related to the water
I can read texts about the
water cycle and understand the
important information
I can talk about some
characteristics of the states of
water or the uses of water
I can talk to my classmates
about water, its uses or about
how to save it
I can write about the states of
water, its uses or some tips to
save water at home
Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:
Water on our planet