Trouble with Your Phonelcell Phone Bill?

Trouble with Your PhonelCell Phone Bill?
Are there charges on your monthly billing statements you don't understand or do you have problems resolving a complaint?
We can assist YOU! All services are provided FREE of charge.
Central California Legal Services, Inc. (CCLS)
2LLS Kern Street, Suite r
Fresno, CA g7Zzt
Please feel free to contact Nora Salazar-Hernandez at
(SSg) SZo-r239 or email for
additional information.
Trouble with Your Phonelcell Phone Bill?
Are there charges on your monthly billing statements you don't understand or do you have problems resolving a complaint?
We can assistYOU! Al1 services are provided FREE of charge.
Central California Legal Services, Inc. (CCLS)
2LLS Kern Street, Suite r
Fresno, CA 9372t
Please feel free to contact Nora Salazar-Hernandez at
(SSg) SZo-1239 or email for
additional information.
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Problemas con su factura de tel6fono/celular?
Hay cargos en su estado de cuenta mensualmente que usted no entiende
o tiene problemas al resolver una queja?
Podemos AYUDARLE! Los servicios que proporcionamos son GRATIS.
Central California Legal Services, Inc. (CCLS)
2L1S Kern Street, Suite r
Fresno, CA 9372t
Para recibir informaci6n adicional, por favor comuniquese con
Nora Salazar-Hernandez al (SSg) S7o-r2yg por correo electr6ni
co nsalazar@
Problemas con su factura de tel6fono/celular?
Hay cargos en su estado de cuenta mensualmente que usted no entiende
o tiene problemas al resolver una queja?
Podemos AYUDARLE! Los servicios que proporcionamos son GRATIS.
Central California Legal Services, Inc. (CCLS)
2LLS Kern Street, Suite r
Fresno, CA 9372t
Para recibir informaci6n adicional, por favor comuniquese con
Nora Salazar-Hernandez al (SSg) S7o-t2gg por correo electr6nico nsalazar@ centralcallegal. org.
Ccrs! C{SlMi LcgrlS€|nl{coq lttc.