Compressive Mechanical Properties of Human Cancellous Bone afler Gamma Irradiation* II Y M It I 1A IU. J. AN GE RSON. M.D. t. JOYCE IN. KEY A K. B.S.M.E.{. AND HA RR Y B. SKI NNE R, M. D., I•I1. D. t. SAN FRANt’lSC’O. C’ALI FORN i A lii ve.xti¿‹iIi‹›it |›‹’rf‹›rttt‹•r/ al hit’ Defi›urtm‹’itt ‹›f Orih‹›yue‹lic Snryery, Sch‹›ol ‹›f Me‹licine, University ‹›f C‹ilif‹›rniu, San Fr‹ut‹isc‹› ABSTRACT: The effect of gamma irradiation on the mechanical properties of human bone was examined. Specimens of cancellous bone were cut from the proximal epiphyseal region of fresh-frozen tibiae and divided into control and irradiated groups according to anatomical region. The irradiated groups were exposed to 10,000, 31,000, 51,000, or 60,000 gray (1.0, 3.1, 5.1, or 6.0 megarad). The specimens were tested in compression to failure to determine failure stress, strain to failure, and elastic modulus. Failure stress und elastic modulus were found to be proportional to the square of the density and were normalized with respect to this property. Significant dilTerences in normalized failure stress (p < 0.001) and normalized elastic modulus (p = 0.003), when compared with the values for matched control specimens, were found only for the specimens that had been irradiated with 60,000 gray (6.0 megarad). CLINICA L RELEYANCE: These data suggest that compressive failure stress and elastic modulus ofcqncellous tibial bone in humans decrease significantly when the bone is irradiated with 60,000 gray (6.0 megarad). However, these properties did not decrease significantly when the accepted dose for sterilization before allografting (25,000 gray [2.5 megarad]) was used. The use of allograft bone has increased since the early 1980"s' " ". and various methods of sterilization and preservation have evolved‘’. Such diverse practices as sterile as opposed to clean harvesting, storage with freezing or freeze-drying, and treatment with ethylene oxide or irradiation for sterilixation are being used. The effects of these various methods of processing on the *N ti bcnc l’it s in tiny form have bcc n received or will he received from a c‹imnicrci‹il p‹irt v related directly or indirectly to lhc subject of this article. Funds were received in tt›tal or partial support of the research or clinical studv presented in 1 his arlicle. The funding sources were the Department t›f Veterans A ffairs. Rehabilitation Research and Development Sc rvicc: the Depart ment of Orthopaedic Surge ry. Univcrsit y of Califtirnia. S‹in Francisco›: the San Francisco Foundation for Research and Education in Orthopaedic Surgery: and the University t›f California. San Francisco. Ti.ssuc Bank. tDcp‹irlmcnt uf C3rthopacdic Surgery. University of C”alifornia. San Francisco›. Schotil of Medicine ( tJ471 ). San Francisco. California 94143-0728. Rc habilitat ion Research and Development Service, Department t›f Veterans A fl"‹iirs Medical Ccntc r. San Francisco. California 94121. VOL 74-A. M() l JñMl: 19U2 biomechanical properties of human bone are largely unknown. There is growing concern about the sterility and safety of allograft bone‘. Although these fears may be ungrounded, many physicians prefer so-called sterilised bone, and studies have shown that high doses of radiation (more than the conventional 25,00U gray [2.5 megarad]) may be necessary to eradicate the human immunodeficiency virus’. Irradiation to a dose of 25,00t1 gray (2..5 megarad) has been shown to ensure 10(I per cent sterilization of bacteria in specimens of cortical bone' that arc less than five centimeters deepz. The use of large structural allograft bone continues to increase, but the biomechanical propertics of this bone in compression, aftcr administration of even small doses of radiation, are largely unknown. These properties are important because many reconstructions involve cancellous or corticocancellous grafts that will be loaded primarily in a compressive mode. Changes in the biomechanical properties of bone after irradiation have been investigated. Komender found a 20 per cent decrease in the compressive strength of cortical bone from the human femoral diaphysis following the administration of a dose of 60,000 gray (6.0 megarad). However, he found no significant change in strength after administration of 30,000 gray (3.0 megarad). Triantafyllou et al., studying the cortical bone of bovine tibiae, found that torsional strength decreased by 50 to 75 per cent after fresh-freezing and irradiation with 30,000 gray (3.0 megarad). We studied the compressive biomechanical properties of human cancellous bone, with and without irradiation, because of the common use of cancellous allografts. Materials and Methods The proximal portion of matched pairs of tibiae from two human male cadavera (ages at death, fifty-one and sixty-seven years) were obtained from the University of California, San Francisco, Tissue Bank. These specimens had been rejected from the donor pool either because of superficial contamination during procurement or because they did not meet the age criteria established by the American Association of Tissue Banks. The specimens wcre frozen to —80 degrees Celsius within twentyfour hours after death and were stored at —20 degrees 747 748 M. J. ANDERSON, J. H. K E YA K, AND H. B. SKI N NER 2 cm 3AD 2 cm 1 The arrangement and orientation of the specimens Celsius. Each tibia was examined roentgenographically, and no abnormalities were detected. The bone was processed after it had been cleared with studies of donor sera, in accordance with guidelines established by the American Association of Tissue Banks, and after approval had been given by the University of California, San Francisco, Biosafety and Human Studies Committees The tibial plateaus were cleaned of all soft tissue, and polymethylmethacrylate forms were constructed about the tibial shafts to aid in the cutting. Rough cuts were made with a twenty-five-centimeter (ten-inch) table-saw. These cuts were located just distal to subchondral bone and then again about three centimeters distal to the initial cuts (Fig. 1). Next, the specimens were cut to a thickness of two centimeters with a low-speed saw (Isomet;Buehler, Lake Bluff Illinois) that was equipped with a diamond blade (Fig. 1).These blocks then were cut into one by one by two-centimeter specimens Care was taken to maintain the tibial orientation of the samples, so that compressive loading during testing would be in the same direction as the physiological load (Fig. 1, inset). The specimens of bone were divided into ten control groups and ten groups for irradiation. The strength and elastic modulus of tibial epiphyseal bone varies more in the medial-lateral direction than in the anterior-posterior direction’. Therefore, the groups were defined as shown in Figure 2, with the medial-lateral location being identical for all specimens within a group. Additionally, the specimens that were to be exposed to radiation were alternately chosen from the right and left tibiae. For example, the medial specimens from the right tibia (IC) served as the control group for the experimental (irradiated) medial specimens from the left tibia (IX).The next group of samples, the mid-medial specimens from the right tibia (2X), were subjected to irradiation, while the mid-medial specimens from the left tibia (2C) served as the control group. The level of irradiation to which each experimental group would be exposed was sequentially assigned as the bone was processed. The first experimental group (IX) received 10,0fD gray (1.0 megarad); the second experimental group (2X), 31,0fD gray (3.1 megarad); the third (3X), 51,0fD gray (5.1 megarad); and the fourth (4X), 60,000 gray (6.0 megarad). The fifth group (5X) received 10,000 gray (1.0 megarad);the sixth group (6X), obtained from the other donor, received 31,000 gray (3.1 megarad); and so on. The total number of specimens from both donors at lcm lcm RIGHT ANT£RIOR FIG. 2 The locations of the irradiated (X) and control specimens (C). THE JOU RNAL OF BONE AND JO INT SURGERY €”I JM Pk I- SSI V I- M I:€”I1AN I €”A L PROPE RTI ES OF H LT M A N LAN €”E LLO LV S BON E A FTE R Ci AM M A I R R A D I AI 10 N Nt›minal IrraJiaiit›n M r‹lJ Cray Failure Strcss Density (¿/cnt’) 740 Strain lo Failure (Per certs) 1.3 + (1.4 II.2'i2 z 0.0ñ4 ( io) ?.l 3.39 1 2.tJ5 (10) 27t) + 24() 2.14 + 2.() I 2lX) 1 I4f) (1.241 + (I.()fi9 IN.241 + 0.069 fi. 1 ().241 + U.040 ( I )) II W)UA) ”A ve rt›yc ‹Ind stanJarJ Jcviat ion. Thc numhcr of specimens is in I .3 1).4 parcnthescs. each level of irradiation was between six and ten. A total of thirty control and thirty-one irradiated specimens wc re obtained. The experimental groups were exposed lo gamma radiation from a cobalt-60 source (through the Northern California Transplant Bank, San Francisco. California). The samples were rotated 180 degrees at the halfway point to ensure uniform dosage. The bone tissue was kept frozen in dry ice during the irradiation process. Testing was done at 21 degrees Celsius. An MMED servohydraulic mechanical testing machine (Matco, La Canada. California) with a 2200-newton load-cell was used for all testing. Cross-head displacement was measured with the internal transducer of the testing machine, log [FAILURE STRESS (NPa)1 I .2 3 log [DENSITY lg/cc)l Fici. 2 A I ypical lt›aJ-Jisplaccmcnt curve. Thc z.cro position is arhitrary. and the progress of the tests was simultaneously recorded on an analog plotter. The specimens were tested in an unconstrained fashion, with the marrow left in situ’ "'. The samples to be tested were thawed to room temperature in a water bath and measured with a micrometer. They were pre-loaded in compression to five newtons and then pre-conditioned to a displacement of 0.1 millimeter at a rate of 0.2 millimeter per second for five cycles. This method of conditioning was necessary to obtain repeatability in the low load, elastic range, as viewed on the analog plots. This is in agreement with the method of Linde et al.". After conditioning, the samples were loaded to failure at a strain rate of 1 per cent per second. The force-displacement data were digitally recorded at ten hertz. The stiffness of the testing machine also was measured so that the data could be corrected for machine compliance (see Appendix). After testing, the samples were defatted in four fourhour baths of 200-proof ethyl alcohol, followed by four four-hour baths of ethyl ether (purified for fat extraction) (Fischer Scientific. Fair Lawn, New Jersey). The specimens were dried for a minimum of six hours and were weighed. To determine the bulk density (p), dry weight was divided by bulk volume. Anul ysis of Dara The raw data consisted of the data on load versus displacement, the height (h) and cross-sectional area (A) of the specimen, and the ultimate failure load (F ,). F.i, was defined as the maximum compressive load that had been reached before the specimen collapsed. Linear regression analysis of the digital data was performed on the linear region of the load-displacement data for each sample. The derived slope (k„„,i) was the stiffness of the over-all system — that is, bone plus machine. The slope 750 M. J. AN DE R SO N, J. H. K EYA K. AN D H. B. SK IN N E R TAB LE 11 STt I191:NT T-Tt-ST Rs st! I:i‘S f €JR D I: N'›lTY. FA ISURE STR2Ss. STRAI N T€J FAILURE. AND ELAS’i‘ic’ Moot t.t is i ‹iu Fot o LI: vial .s or [ RR.\ IU A l’lt iN Density Nominal Irradiation Mrad Gray 1.(1 3.1 5.1 6.(1 for Cent of Control Value 101 87..5 It).G8i 31.fXitl fil.(CIO fit1.HiU Failure Stress P Value Per Cent of Control Value 0.166 (1.655 0.964 0.417 78.9 58.5 102 23.9 Strain to Failure P Value Per Cent of Control Value 0.462 0.f›69 0.960 0.029 HXJ 9tJ.4 IU 82.7 Mc›dulus P Value Per Cent of C‹introl Value P V‹iluc 1).989 II.fiI14 I).38b (1.199 fi2.1 lt)7 ltXl 28.4 II.2fi4 IN.54 11.994 t1.IU and displacement were then corrected for machine com- examined, and regression analyses were performed. The pliance to obtain the stiffness of each specimen (k , ) and mechanical test data were then normalixed according to specimen displacement (see Appendix). A plot of load the results of these regressions. The Student t test was versus displacement for a typical specimen is shown in used to compare the normalized data for each level of Figure 3. irradiation with those for the matched controls. Failure stress (S), strain to failure (c.„), and elastic Results modulus (E) were calculated with the following equations, which assume that these properties are linear: S = The density, failure stress, strain to failure, and elastic F.„/A, e.„ = Fu,/ k ,.:h, and E = ku,.:h/A. modulus for the control and experimental specimens are shown in Table I. No significant differences in compresStatistical Analysis sive failure stress were found between the specimens that The Student t test was used to compare the failure had been irradiated with 1tJ,00t), 31.(I()t). or 51,(IU() gray stress, strain to failure, and elastic modulus for each (1.0, 3.1, or 5.1 megarad) and the control specimens. The group of irradiated specimens with those values for the compressive failure stress was significantly different, comrespective control group (Primer of Biostatistics soft- pared with the control value, only for the specimens that ware package; New York, McGraw Hill, 1988). The Stu- had been irradiated with 60,t1t1O gray (6.IN megarad) (p < dent t test was also used to assess differences in failure 0.03) (Table II). Differences in compressive strain were stress. strain to failure, and elastic modulus of all control not significant even when the specimens had been irra(non-irradiated) specimens. The differences between the diated with 60,00tJ gray (6.0 megarad). The decrease in right and left tibiae of the same donor were determined, modulus approached significance (p = 0.06) at 60,000 as were the differences between donors. To assess the gray (6.0 megarad). There was no significant difference effect of density on the measured properties. linear and in the density between the irradiated groups and the loglog plots of failure stress, strain to failure, and elastic control groups, and no significant difference in the den- modulus versus density for the control specimens were sity, failure stress, or elastic modulus of the control spec-700 —L00— -500 1 -400— @ —30C 0 0 -200— -100 0 0 . 00 -0.25 -0.50 -0.75 -1.00 -1 25 -1 50 POSITION lmm) Flu. 4 Log failure stress versus log density for all control specimens imens was seen between donors or between the right and left tibiae of the same donor. Plots of failure stress and elastic modulus versus density revealed non-linear relationships for these specimens. This finding is in agreement with that of others’ who reported power function relationships between density and strength and between density and modulus. Correlation of log failure stress with log density (Fig. 4) and of log modulus with log density for the control specimens showed regression slopes of 2.09 + 0.23 (p < 0.001) and 2.08 + 0.34 (p < ().(J0l ), respectively. The intercepts were log (51.3) and log (3890), respectively. Therefore, the relationships between failure stress. elastic modulus, and density were assumed to be: S (MPa) = 51.3 p' and E (MPa) = 3590 p', where p is in grams per cubic centimeter. To account for the effects of specimen density on the measured mechanical properties, the failure stress and elastic modulus were normalized by division by the square of the density. The Student t tests of these data revealed significant differences only for the specimens that had been irradiated with 60.tD0 gray (6.0 megarad) for both normalized failure stress (p < 0.001) THE JOURNAL OF BONE AN D JOINT SU RG ERY I tl M P R 2 SS1 V I M I- t’H AN 1 C’A L P RO P ERT I ES OF H U MAN CAN CE LLOU S BO N E A FT L R €i A M M A I R RA D I A I I €J N 75 1 TABLE 111 Failure Stress/Density' (MP‹d|flniIj-’) Nt›min‹ll I rrtiJi‹itit›n MraJ Cray El‹istic Modulus/Density (MP ii/|y/tttll-’ ) Mean + S.D.” Mean + S.D.” tl.474 I).H 7 I .I) 42IXI+??IX) 4(XX)+lfi(X) fil+17 ()Glh 11.fifi2 4H + 11 (1.79fi â.l fi3 + 12 h.(I I ñ(X) + 4(X) 19 + 3 * . D. = standard dcviatit›n. and normalized elastic mOdulus (p = 0.003) (Table I I I). Discussion amine these biomechanical properties in relation to various levels of gamma irradiation. Our results indicate that the compressive failure strcss and elastic modulus of allografts of human cancellous tibial bone decrease significantly when the bone has been irradiated with 60,(8)O gray (f›.0 megarad). These properties did not decrease significantly in the specimens that had been subjected to lower levels of irradiation. Therefore, there is no evidence that irradiation with 25,000 gray (2.5 megarad), the accepted dose for sterilization, affects the mechanical properties of proximal tibial allografts. The failure stress and elastic modulus of the nonirradiated specimens of this study. which were from cadavcra of men. fifty-one and sixty-seven years old at the time of death, compare favorably with data from the literature for epiphyscal bone from fresh-frozen tibiae’. The quadratic relationship between elastic modulus and density determined in our study differs from the findings of Carter and Hayes. which indicate a cubic relationship. However. this difference may be due to the use of diskshaped specimens and test conditions of uniaxial strain Appendix: in the previous study. The relationship of failure stress Correction of Mechanical Test Data with density at a strain rate of 1 per cent per second in for Machine Compliance our study is the same as that reported by Carter and Hayes. Their value of S/p'of 51.6 megapascals per (gram Force-displacement data were recorded for direct per cubic centimeter)' at a strain rate of 1 per cent per platen-to-platen loading of zero to 1000 newtons at a rate second is nearly identical to the value of 51.3 megapas- of twenty newtons per second for six cycles with use of cals per (gram per cubic centimeter)' that we obtained the previously described transducers. Regression analyfrom the intercept of the log S versus log p regression. ses on the data were performed to obtain the stiffness of Furthermore. no significant difference in the properties the testing machine (k „„„,:), which was 5350 + 130 newof thc control specimens was seen between donors or tons per millimeter (average and standard deviation). between the right and left tibiae of the same donor. The stiffness of each specimen, k „,., was then determined Therefore, we believe that our specimens are repre- from: k ,.: = (kg,. ,.. k„„.,)/(k „. ,.. — k„„„i). The increase in sentative of the donor population. stiffness after correction for machine compliance ranged Many centers use as much as 25,000 gray (2.5 mega- from 3 per cent for the least-stiff specimen (k,„.: = 160 rad) of gamma irradiation for sterilization of clean or newtons per millimeter) to 100 per cent for the most-stiff sterilcly harvested allografts. Despite this use of irradia- specimen (k,„ : = 5330 newtons per millimeter). The distion, we found no reported data on the compressive placement data were corrected for machine compliance biomechanical properties of human cancellous allograft in a similar manner: corrected displacement = measured bone after irradiation. This study was performed to exdisplacement — (load/kg.,. ,.:). Rel'erences 1. American Asso‹i»ii«» »r issue Banks: Tel hiiical Mnttiusl for Surgical Boiir Buitkiiig. McLean. Virginia. American Association of Tissue Banks. 1987. 2. Bright, R. W.: Gambill, V. M.; and Smsnh, J. D.: Ouantitativc effects of sterilising irradial ion on human bonc. ln Ti.s.sue Grafls iii Rev ‹cii.strut tit'‹• Sim,qer v, pp. l9f›-2()1. Edited by P. Karatzas and N. Triantafyllou. Athens. Greek Atomic Energy Commission. 1981. VOL. 74-A. NO. 5. I I I N E 1992 752 4. 6. 7. 9. 1 l. 12. 14. 15. M . J. A N DE R SON. J. H . K E YA K. AN D 11. B. S K I N N E R Brighi, R. W.; Smarsh, J. 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