RAKEL ETXARRI Voz FLUCTUANTE Omisión Calco o expresión poco natural Pausas llenas/ vacías Ritmo FLUCTUANTE Contrasentido Texto paralelo Destacable Good morning, ladies and gentlemen damas y caballeros, and most of all, dear teachers ( y sobre todo a los profesores que estamos aquí en la sala) My name is Mariya Gabriel, and I work at the European Comission in aspects related to education (del departamento de educación +/-), but not only at European level, we also work internationally. Before the COVID crisis broke out, we had already implemented a series of projects (estábamos trabajando en UN Proyecto en África) in Africa, and it is precisely what I am going to talk about to you, this morning. My speech is going to revolve around the education of girls in the African country with the lowest amount of girls enrolled in educational institutions of the whole continent: Eritrea. (EL país africano Etiopía, agramatical, falto de contenido y poco hilado.) que tiebe como intención educar a las niñas. Eso no se dice en el discurso, además de que eso lo hacen todos los países africanos, creo que es una búsqueda de hilazón pero no resulta, no se preguntó en el turno de verificación. I believe most adults in this room are parents, but even if some of you are not, it is not hard for all of us to understand that children are very special, mainly because they are particularly vulnerable. We are perfectly aware of the dangers children must be protected from: from neglect and from abuse. But let us not forget that much more is needed. One of the main tools that allow children to also y más aún hay que proteger para que puedan prosperar en el ámbito educativo) protect themselves and thrive is achieved through education. (LO QUE ACABAS DE DECIR NO TIENE NADA QUE VER CON LO QUE SE HA DICHO EN EL TEXTO, Y PRINCIPALMENTE HAY MUCHAS MANERAS DE SORTEAR PROBLEMAS, QUE NO SE HAN PUESTO EN PRÁCTICA. AQUÍ SE QUIERE HACER HINCAPIÉ EN QUE LOS PROPIOS NIÑOS SE PUEDEN DEFENDER SI APRENDEN, LES DA UN ROL ACTIVO, EN TU PRESENTACIÓN SON PASIVOS Y PARECE QUE EL OBJETIVO SON LAS NOTAS, Y NO ES ESO) That is why the educational figures in Eritrea have been a concern for the whole international community for many years know. UNICEF NOS HA OTORGADO LAS TASAS ??¿¿¿ LAS TASAS DE ALFABETIZACIÓN EN ETIOPÍA reports that only 43 percent of girls are enrolled in primary school education, in contrast with a 50 percent of boys. As for enrollment in secondary school, it is much lower, with about 25 percent of girls enrolled LLEGA A LA EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA, ES DIFERENTE and 32 percent of boys SÍ QUE ATIENDEN ¿A QUÉ TE REFIERES? LAS NIÑAS TAMBIÉN VAN, LO ACABABAS DE AFIRMAR EN TU EXPLICACIÓN ANTERIOR, CON ESTO, PARECE QUE ANULAS LO ANTERIOR. Fortunately, the literacy rates in Eritrea are higher, with women NIÑAS at 87.7 77% percent compared to men NIÑOS at 92.6 percent. Let me be clear about this, I am not saying that the numbers for boys are satisfactory, or good enough, nothing further from that, but what I would like to stress is that if figures for boys are bad, figures for girls are patently worse. LAS FIGURAS SON PEORES PARA LAS NIÑAS The historical legacy, because I resist myself to call it tradition (NO DICE ESO, LO EQUIPARAS Y PRECISAMENTE LOS QUIERE DISTINGUIR) , of male and female education, linked with differing cultural attitudes towards women, make female enrollment a slow and difficult process. Because, unfortunately for many Eritreans in more isolated and rural areas, girls are still expected to work in agriculture and maintain domestic responsibilities, once they reach puberty, they are ready to become mothers and their place is only the house chores. So let me describe, even briefly the successful programme we have been able to start two years ago. This programme seeks to provide EL PROGRAMA AYUDA A TRANSPORTAR transportation for young girls. Provided that schools may be far from children’s homes, a method for addressing high drop-out rates and low enrollments is to provide students with bicycles. In a program conducted with the participation of the European Comission, among 60 girls were given bicycles to reach a school over nine kilometers away from their homes, and thanks to that, 55 of them were able to complete their studies. The programme also provided families with donkeys and water tanks, so that time could be available for girls to study and attend class, rather than collect water for their families. On a positive note, let me tell you, that step by step, ES FRUTO DE ALGO GRADUAL things are changing in the country, as proved by the fact that a decade ago, only 25 percent of university graduates were women. Today that number ranges between 40 to 50 percent, depending on the institution and field of study. As Baba Briknman the prestigious British educational expert said once “If you educate a man, A NIÑOS ESTÁ BIEN you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.” Thank you very much for your attention and support to this fundamental aspect. ESCUCHAR SOBRE ESTE PROYECTO No hay hilazón entre ideas, se cambia tanto el contenido que se transmite algo muy diferente, no se ha entendido el país, u otras cuestiones que se podrían haber solventado con tácticas preventivas que brillan por su ausencia, la agramaticalidad a veces hace difícil seguir la lógica del discurso, no son ya los anacronismos, ni la falta de uso del “ustedeo” es que parece que la propia intérprete no recuerda qué es lo que ha dicho antes, las frases finales están tan llenas de cosas que comentar que no lo he escrito, en vista de que todo lo anterior ya está tan mal que imposibilita el aprobado. No hay técnica, no hay nexos, mala toma de notas, presentación muy débil en contenido y forma. 3