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Orthosis for Rhizarthrosis: Review & Meta-Analysis

Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 000 (2018) 1 13
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Orthosis for rhizarthrosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Sandra Mara Meireles, Anamaria Jones, Jamil Natour*
~o Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Sa
~o Paulo, SP, Brazil
Rheumatology Division, Universidade Federal de Sa
Objective: investigating the effectiveness of orthosis for rhizarthrosis by means of a systematic review and
Methods: A systematic review was carried out using eight electronic databases. The randomized controlled
trials included were those presenting subjects using orthosis for rhizarthrosis compared with individuals
without orthosis or other rehabilitation interventions, as well as studies that compared different types of
orthosis. The systematic review was performed according to the Cochrane methodology. The statistical software Review Manager 5.3 was employed to analyze the data.
Results: Fourteen studies were included in the review and three of them participated in the meta-analysis.
The orthosis group had a reduction in pain in the long term as compared to the control group with a statistically significant difference, a medium effect size, and low-quality evidence [Effect size -0.52, Confidence
Interval 95% -0.94 to -0.11, p = 0.01), I2 = 50%]. The orthosis group presented improvements regarding function in the long term as compared to control group, with a statistically significant difference, a medium effect
size, and moderate quality of evidence [Effect size -0.44, Confidence Interval 95% -0.72 to -0.15, p = 0.002),
I2 = 0%].
Conclusion: the orthosis for rhizarthrosis presents low-quality evidence for reducing pain in the long term
and moderate evidence for an increase in function in the long term. Since imprecision and inconsistency of
the data were aspects which influenced the quality of the evidence, future studies with larger samples and
standardized data are needed.
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Rhizarthrosis or thumb base osteoarthritis (OA) refers to OA that
affects the trapeziometacarpal (TMC) and scaphotrapezial joints. Typically, patients have pain in the base of the thumb, loss of thenar muscles
strength, and deformity of the thumb with subluxation of the first carpometacarpal joint which leads to an inability to abduct the thumb
from the second finger. With the progression of the disease, rhizarthrosis’ patients present loss of grip and pinch strength which leads to difficulties in hand function and a reduction in quality of life [1 5].
Orthoses for rhizarthrosis are employed to reduce pain and
inflammation as well as to increase joint stability [6 9]. The traditional concept of orthosis for rhizarthrosis is based on immobilizing
the joint at the base of the thumb in palmar abduction to a neutral
position that enables all ligaments and muscles to be in a resting position and at maximum joint spacing [10 13].
Spaans et al. [14] recently reported that studies on orthosis for rhizarthrosis show marked heterogeneity in the types of orthoses used,
durations of treatments and types of study designs. The authors
~o Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [grant
Funding: This work was supported by Sa
number 2013/11720 4].
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Natour).
0049-0172/© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
indicated that an orthosis may reduce pain in patients with rhizarthrosis; however, it does not improve function, dexterity and strength.
Moreover, in 2015, Bertozzi et al. [15] published a systematic review
and meta-analysis that included three randomized controlled studies.
The authors concluded that there was moderate evidence regarding
improvements in the function of patients with rhizarthrosis who
used the orthosis in the long term. Few studies of good methodological quality on orthoses in thumb base OA are available in the literature, and different authors recommend the need for additional
studies [14 24]. There is no current systematic review in the literature that solely assesses the effects of orthoses on rhizarthrosis.
This study aimed to conduct a systematic review and a metaanalysis of randomized controlled studies on efficacy of orthosis in
The systematic review was performed according to the Cochrane
methodology [25].
Inclusion criteria for studies
The inclusion criteria comprised randomized controlled clinical
trials that involved subjects with rhizarthrosis classified using clinical
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
and radiological criteria [26], in which orthosis was used for rhizarthrosis compared with individuals without orthosis or other rehabilitation interventions, as well as studies that compared different types of
Primary: pain in the thumb base assessed with the Visual Analog
Scale (VAS) and hand function assessed with the Australian/Canadian
hand osteoarthritis index (AUSCAN), the Michigan Hand Outcomes
Questionnaire (MHQ), the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand
(DASH), the Cochin Hand Functional Scale (CHFS) and the Canadian
Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). Secondary: range of movement of the thumb measured with a goniometer, palmar grip strength
measured with a Jamar hydraulic dynamometer, pinch strength measured with a pinch gauge, hand dexterity assessed with the O'Connor
test, quality of life assessed with the Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire, inflammation, stiffness, and patient satisfaction assessed with
a Likert scale, use of analgesics and adverse effects.
Therapy Systematic Evaluation of Evidence (OTseeker) and Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) (Appendix 1).
Research was also conducted with the databases
and World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry
Platform (WHO ICTRP) to identify ongoing randomized controlled
studies. Moreover, searches were performed with respect to the
references of the studies electronically identified and non-indexed
journals in the databases described, in addition to searches into
annals of scientific events in the area. EndNote online (Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, PA) was used to manage the references selected.
Study selection
A list was created that contained the titles and abstracts of the
potentially relevant studies identified by the literature search. Two
independent reviewers (SMM and AJ) applied the pre-determined
inclusion criteria to the full texts. Conflicts could be solved by a third
researcher (JN); however, there were no conflicts at this stage.
Data extraction and management
Search method for study identification
A search strategy was developed in the following databases with
no restriction on the date of publication or language until December
2017: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE),
PubMed, Excerpta Medica Database (EMBase), Literatura Latino^ncias da Sau
de (LILACS), Indice BibAmericana e do Caribe em Cie
fico Espanhol de Cie
^ncias da Sau
de (IBECS), Occupational
The same two reviewers, in an independent manner, used a standardized form to extract data, which included: methods, characteristics of participants, intervention, outcomes and results.
Assessment of the risk of bias in included studies
The two independent reviewers also assessed the risk of bias in
the studies using the Cochrane Collaboration's Risk of Bias tool [25].
Fig. 1. Flow chart of the screening and inclusion of studies.
Table 1
Qualitative analysis and PEDro score of included studies
Outcome measures and follow up
Reported results**
PEDro score
Adams et al. [29]
4 weeks
Baseline and 4 weeks:
1 AUSCAN pain, function, and stiffness subscales
2 MHQ ADL and Aesthetics subscales
3 Global rating of change scale
No information about drop-outs or intention-to-treat
The splint group showed significantly less improvement than the group under OT
Pain - AUSCAN pain 0 20 (higher scores - worse pain):
The scores increased 3.66 points in the splint group
The scores increased 0.89 points in the OT group
The scores decreased 3 points in the placebo group
(p = 0.011 among groups)
Function - MHQ ADL 0 100 (higher scores - better function):
The scores decreased 14.28 points in the splint group
The scores increased 9.52 points in the OT group
The scores increased 21.43 points in the placebo group
(p < 0.001 among groups)
Splinting had a significant effect on pain and function in patients with thumb base
Pain - VAS 0 10:
The scores decreased 1 point in the splint group
The scores decreased 0.11 points in the control group
(p = 0.001 between groups)
Function - MHQ total 0 100 (higher scores - better function):
The scores increased 0.85 points in the splint group
The scores decreased 4.11 points in the control group
(p = 0.048 between groups)
Both splints reduced pain and increased function, and pinch strength when
compared to the control group. The custom made thumb splint showed superior
results in pain reduction.
Pain - VAS 0 10:
The scores decreased 4.5 points in the custom made splint group
The scores decreased 3.8 points in the prefabricated splint group
(p = 0.024 between groups)
Function DASH 0 100 (higher scores - worse function):
The scores increased 11.9 points in the custom-made splint group
The scores increased 17.2 points in the prefabricated splint group
(p = 0.136 between groups)
There was no difference between the prefabricated neoprene splint group and the
customized thermoplastic splint group. The prefabricated neoprene splint was
less expensive, and patients found it more comfortable.
Pain - VAS 0 10:
The scores decreased 0.7 points in the neoprene group
The scores decreased 0.8 points in the thermoplastic group
(p = 0.78 between groups)
Function DASH 0 100 (higher scores - worse function):
The scores decreased 2.5 points in the neoprene group
The scores decreased 3.8 points in the thermoplastic group
(p = 0.71between groups)
There was no difference among the groups. After 7 months of treatment, 10 of the
33 participants chose to be operated. During the following seven years, 2 more
patients opted for surgery.
OT care
18 subjects
OT care along with a biomechanically
active splint
OT care along with a biomechanically
inactive (placebo) splint
Arazpour et al. [30]
25 subjects
4 weeks
Intervention group: Custom made
thermoplastic thumb splint
Baseline and 4 weeks:
1 Diameter and cross-sectional area of the thenar muscles
2 MHQ total
3 Pain VAS
No drop-outs
Control group: no intervention
Bani et al. [31]
RCT crossover
10 weeks
Custom made thumb splint
35 subjects
Prefabricated thumb splint
Baseline, 4, 6, and 10 weeks:
1 Pain VAS
3 Pinch gauge
4 Grip strength dynamometer
No drop-outs
Control group: No intervention
Becker et al. [32]
119 subjects
15 weeks
Prefabricated neoprene thumb TMC
restriction splint
Customized thermoplastic hand-based
thumb spica splint
Berggrent al. [33]
7 years
Technical accessories
33 subjects
Baseline, 5 and 15 weeks:
1 Pain VAS
3 Pinch gauge
4 Grip strength dynamometer
5 11-points ordinal satisfaction scale
Drop-outs: 57
Intention-to-treat analysis
Baseline, 7 months, and 7 years:
1 Number of patients who needed CMC1 joint replacement
Drop-outs: 14
No intention-to-treat analysis
Technical accessories plus semistable
textile splint
Technical accessories plus nonstabilizing leather splint
Duration of study and intervention
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
Type of study and
sample size*
Table 1 (continued)
Type of study and
sample size*
Duration of study and intervention
Outcome measures and follow up
Reported results**
PEDro score
Buurke et al. [34]
RCT crossover
12 weeks
Baseline, 4, 8, and 12 weeks:
1.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Pain VAS
2.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Function, comfort and
cosmesis VAS
3.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Pinch Gauge
4.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Green Test
5.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Utility research
Six participants preferred the supple elastic splint and 2 chose the semi-rigid. Eight
patients preferred the permanent use of the splint.
Values of changes for the outcomes in each group not provided.
The supple elastic material thumb splint scores were significantly better than
the other two splints for the factors:
Comfort (p = 0.05)
Function (p = 0.09)
The thermoplastic polyethylene semi-rigid thumb splint scores were
significantly better than the other two splints for the aspect:
Cosmesis (p = 0.01)
The splint group presented significant reduction in pain when compared to the
control group. No changes were found in other outcomes.
Pain - VAS 0 10:
The scores decreased 2.6 points in the splint group
The scores decreased 0.7 points in the control group
(p = 0.009 between groups)
Function - DASH 0 100 (higher scores - worse function):
The scores decreased 17.1 points in the splint group
The scores decreased 9.8 points in the control group
(p = 0.225 between groups)
A soft splint had an immediate pain-relieving effect when worn. No differences
between groups were found for other outcomes including pain after 8 weeks.
Pain - NRS 0 10:
The scores decreased 0.08 points in the splint group
The scores increased 0.4 points in the control group
(p = 0.90 between groups)
Pinch strength - in Newtons:
The scores decreased 0.7 points in the splint group
The scores decreased 0.9 points in the control group
(p = p = 0.70 between groups)
Values of changes for function in each group not provided.
10 subjects
Thermoplastic polyethylene semi-rigid
thumb splint
Firm elastic material thumb splint
Supple elastic material thumb splint
No drop-outs
Carreira et al. [35]
Intervention group: Custom made
Thermoplastic thumb splint
No drop-outs
Hermann et al. [36]
59 subjects
8 weeks
Intervention group: Soft, elastic
fabrifoam covering the wrist, the CMC
joint, and the MCP joint of the thumb,
reinforced with extra material on the
volar side of the thumb to give extra
support to the TMC joint
Control group: No splint
Kjeken et al. [37]
70 subjects
Both groups received instructions on
hand exercises
12 weeks
Intervention group: Assistive devices
and/or splints
Control group
no intervention
Both groups received information
about hand osteoarthritis
Rannou et al. [38]
112 subjects
48 weeks
Intervention group: Custom made
neoprene splint
Control group: Usual care
Baseline and 8 weeks:
1.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Conventional
2.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Pain NRS during
measure of grip and pinch strength
3.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Grippit electronic
instrument for Grip and pinch strength
Drop-outs: 4
No intention-to-treat analysis
Baseline and 12 weeks:
2. Pain VAS
3. Fatigue and disease activity VAS
5. mHAQ
Drop-outs: 4
Intention-to-treat analysis
Baseline, 1, 6, and 12 months:
1. Pain VAS
3. Patient-perceived disability VAS
4. Pain level during pinch strength VAS
5. Kallman score
6. Pinch electronic dynamometer
7. Kapandji index thumb opposition
8. Kapandji score for index thumb counter-opposition
9. Closure of the first web
Drop-outs: 14
Intention-to-treat analysis
Activity performance and satisfaction with performance had better results in the
intervention group. No changes were found in other outcomes.
Activity performance - COPM 0 10 (higher scores - better function):
The scores increased 1.4 in the intervention group
The scores decreased 1 point in the control group
(p < 0.001 between groups)
Satisfaction with performance - COPM 0 10:
The scores increased 2.5 in the intervention group
The scores increased 0.6 points in the control group
(p = 0.001 between groups)
After one year, the splint group showed a significant difference when compared to
the control group in reducing pain and improving function.
Pain - VAS 0 100:
The scores decreased 22.2 points in the splint group
The scores decreased 7.9 points in the control group
(p = 0.002 between groups)
Function - CHFS 0 90 (higher scores - worse function):
The scores decreased 1.9 points in the splint group
The scores increased 4.3 points in the control group
(p = 0.008 between groups)
Control group: No intervention
Baseline, 45, 90, and 180 days:
1.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Pain VAS
2.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>DASH
3.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Pinch gauge
4.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>Grip strength
5.<?show -aptara_TEMP_aptara-?>O'Connor Test
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
40 subjects
25 weeks
Sillem et al. [39]
RCT crossover
20 weeks
Prefabricated neoprene splint
56 subjects
Custom made neoprene splint
Wajon and Ada [40]
40 subjects
6 weeks
Custom made thermoplastic thumb
strap splint
Prefabricated short opponens splint
26 subjects
Prefabricated long opponens splint
Weiss et al. [42]
RCT crossover
25 subjects
2 weeks
Custom made thermoplastic short
opponens splint
Prefabricated neoprene short splint
Baseline, 1, and 2 weeks:
1. Pain VAS
2. Satisfaction VAS
3. Self-rating scale of 22 ADL items
4. Tip-pinch strength
5. Pain VAS during tip-pinch strength
No information about drop-outs or intention-to-treat
Baseline, 1, and 2 weeks:
1. Pain VAS
2. Satisfaction VAS
3. Tip-pinch strength
4. Pain VAS during tip-pinch strength
5. Self-rating scale of 22 ADL items
No information about drop-outs or intention-to-treat
Both splints reduced pain; however, the results were better in the prefabricated
neoprene splint group.
Pain - VAS 0 10:
The scores decreased 1.83 points in the thermoplastic splint group
The scores decreased 3.13 points in the neoprene splint group
(p = 0.019 between groups)
Although the authors did not provide the exact values of changes for function in
each group, they reported that more than the double of the patients reported
that activities were harder with the thermoplastic splint than with the neoprene
RCT: Randomized controlled trial, OT: Occupational therapy, AUSCAN: Australian/Canadian Hand Osteoarthritis Index, MHQ: Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire, ADL: Activities daily living, VAS: Visual analogic scale, DASH: Disabilities
of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand, TMC: Trapeziometacarpal, OA: Osteoarthritis, CMC1: First Carpometacarpal, NRS: Numerical rating scale, COPM = Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, HAQ = Health Assessment Questionnaire, CHFS:
Cochin Hand Functional Scale.
All the patients were diagnosed with thumb base osteoarthritis
All the authors considered the p value 0.05 statistically significant except Buurke et al. (1999) who considered p value 0.10 as significant.
Weiss et al. [41]
RCT crossover
Both groups received instructions on
hand exercises
2 weeks
Baseline, 2, and 6 weeks:
1. Pain VAS
2. Pinch gauge
3. Sollerman Test of Hand Function
Drop-outs: 6
No intention-to-treat analysis
The best result was observed after 4 weeks of treatment. The custom-made splint
showed significant reduction in pain when compared to the prefabricated splint.
Pain: AUSCAN pain 0 50 (higher scores - worse pain):
The scores decreased 5.69 points in the custom-made splint group
The scores decreased 2.05 points in the prefabricated splint group
(p < 0.02 between groups)
Function: AUSCAN function 0 90 (higher scores - worse function):
The scores decreased 5.54 points in the custom-made splint group
The scores decreased 2.69 points in the prefabricated splint group
(p < 0.15 between groups)
There were no differences between the thumb strap and the short opponens
splints regarding pain, pinch strength, and function.
Pain - VAS 0 10:
The scores decreased 1.8 points in the thumb strap splint group
The scores decreased 2.3 points in the short opponens splint group
(p = 0.5 between groups)
Function - Sollerman Test 0 80 (higher scores - better function):
The scores increased 6.8 points in the thumb strap splint group
The scores increased 6.1 points in the short opponens splint group
(p = 0.7 between groups)
Both splints reduced thumb base pain with no difference between groups. Patients
preferred to use the prefabricated short opponens splint.
Values of changes for the outcomes in each group not provided.
For pain, there was a statistically significant difference between pre and post
treatment in both groups with p = 0.001.
Regarding function, the authors did not provide the p-value between pre and
post treatment.
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Custom made thermoplastic short
opponens splint
Baseline, 4, 5, 9, and 12 weeks:
1. AUSCAN pain and function subscale
2. Pinch gauge
3. Grip strength dynamometer
4. Comfort, appearance, convenience and durability 5-poins
Likert scale
Drop-outs: 2
No intention-to-treat analysis
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
This tool is based on seven domains as follows: random sequence
generation, allocation hiding, blinding of participants and professionals, blinding outcome assessors, incomplete outcomes, report of
selective outcomes and other sources of biases. The judgement of the
risk of bias for each domain analyzed may be classified into three categories: low-risk, high-risk or uncertain risk of bias. Disagreements
between the reviewers were solved by the third person in charge.
The methodological quality of the studies included was also analyzed using the PEDro scale [27]. All studies included in the systematic review were qualitatively described.
Incomplete data
The authors were contacted in cases of incomplete data for analysis. The complete data were considered if at least 85% of the participants were included in the final analysis [25].
Assessment of heterogeneity
To verify the heterogeneity, the statistical test I2 was employed.
The data were gathered using a fixed-effect model for cases of low
heterogeneity (I2 < 50%) and a random effect model for high heterogeneity among the studies (I2 > 50%) [25].
Statistical analysis
The statistical analysis of the data was performed using Review
Manager (RevMan) [Software] version 5.3.
Measure of the effect size
The outcomes of the studies included in the meta-analysis were
continuous. For each outcome, we calculated the effect size with 95%
Confidence Interval (CI) by means of the software RevMan 5.3 using
Hedges's g, which is defined as the difference between two means
divided by their pooled standard deviation. According to Cohen [28],
it is agreed that the values of the effect size (g) are considered small if
g < 0.50, medium if 0.50 g < 0.80 and large if g 0.80.
Unit of analysis
We considered the individual patient to be the unit of analysis.
Data synthesis
The outcomes of the studies were combined in a meta-analysis
when comparable in relation to the population, intervention, assessment and study design.
We also applied the tool Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and evaluation (GRADE) to grade the quality of
the evidence and the strength of the treatment recommendations
Analysis of subgroups
We analyzed the following outcomes: pain, function and pinch
strength in the short and long term for the studies included in the
Fig. 2. Judgement of the risk of bias made by the reviewers for each item of the cochrane tool for all the studies included in the systematic review.
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
Six hundred five articles were initially identified. After excluding
duplicates and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 14 randomized controlled studies were included in the systematic review
[29 42]. Three studies were considered homogeneous and were
included in the meta-analysis [35,37,38]. There was no conflict
between the reviewers regarding this issue. The flowchart in Fig. 1
shows the selection of articles based on the search strategies.
In the data extraction, we determined that all studies included
were randomized controlled, with five studies comprising the crossover type [31,34,39,41,42].
The selected articles included 668 patients, and the sample size
varied between 10 and 119 patients. The duration of the patient follow-up varied between two weeks and seven years (Table 1). Four
studies randomized the participants into three groups [29,31,33,34]
whereas the other ten studies randomized the participants into two
groups [30,32,35 42]. Of these studies, four studies compared groups
with and without orthosis [30,35,37,38], one study analyzed orthosis
added to exercises and exercises only [36], three studies compared
prefabricated and custom-made orthoses [32,39,42], another study
verified long and short orthosis [41] and the last study analyzed two
types of custom-made orthoses [40]. The four studies that randomized patients into three groups compared occupational therapy,
orthosis and placebo orthosis [29]; prefabricated orthosis, custommade and without orthosis [31]; technological devices, textile and
leather orthoses [33]; and thermoplastic, firm and flexible elastic
orthoses [34].
The orthoses were manufactured with different types of materials:
thermoplastic, neoprene, leather, elastic, and fabric. With the exception of Weiss et al. [41], who compared the effectiveness of long and
short orthosis, all the authors only studied short orthoses.
Regarding the outcomes, substantial heterogeneity was identified
among the studies. Most studies included pain, function, and muscle
strength in their evaluations; the Visual Analogical Scale was the
most widely used tool to measure pain. The Australian/Canadian
hand osteoarthritis index, the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire, the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand, the Cochin
Hand Functional Scale, and the Canadian Occupational Performance
Measure were used to gauge function. In most cases, for pinch and
grip strength assessment, the authors used the pinch gauge and the
Jamar hydraulic dynamometer.
Following the information extraction, a table was created with all
descriptive data for the selected studies (Table 1).
Fig. 2 shows the judgement of the risk of bias made by the
reviewers. There was a single conflict between the reviewers; one
reviewer concluded the assessor was blinded and there was no blinding of the assessor in the study by Bani et al. [31]. This issue was
resolved with the opinion of the third reviewer, JN, who deemed
there was a high risk of bias regarding this parameter.
Table 1 also presents the study classification according to the criteria of the PEDro scale. Seven studies had a low risk of bias for most
items in the Cochrane tool, and the same studies had a general score
greater than or equal to 7 in the PEDro scale [31,35 40].
All studies presented in this review used orthosis to treat rhizarthrosis; however, they were very heterogeneous regarding the type of
Fig. 3. Meta-analysis of the variable pain in the short and long terms.
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
orthosis, study design, follow-up time and assessments. We selected
three studies that were similar in these parameters and presented a
low risk of bias to perform the meta-analysis: Carreira et al. [35] registered in (ID: NCT00612248), Kjeken et al. [37] registered in the ISRCTN register (ISRCTN40357804), and Rannou et al.
[38] registered in (ID: NCT00350896). We used the
intention to treat analysis provided in the results of the three studies
for performing the meta-analysis.
The meta-analysis for the pain variable in the short term (treatment that lasted up to 45 days), with 141 patients, indicated that
there was no statistically significant difference between the groups
and a small effect size [Effect size ¡0.29, CI 95% ¡1.00 to 0.42,
p = 0.42), I2 = 73%]. The meta-analysis for the pain variable in the long
term (treatment that lasted more than three months), with 203
patients, indicated that the group using orthosis had a reduction in
pain compared with the control group, with a statistically significant
difference and a medium effect size [Effect size ¡0.52, CI 95% ¡0.94
to ¡0.11, p = 0.01), I2 = 50%] (Fig. 3).
The meta-analysis for the function variable in the short term, with
141 patients, indicated that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups and a small effect size [Effect size 0.11,
CI 95% ¡0.22 to 0.44, p = 0.53), I2 = 0%]. The meta-analysis for the function variable in the long term, with 201 patients, indicated that the
group that used orthosis had an improvement in function compared
with the control group, with a statistically significant difference and a
medium effect size [Effect size ¡0.44, CI 95% ¡0.72 to ¡0.15,
p = 0.002), I2 = 0%] (Fig. 4).
The meta-analysis for the pinch strength variable in the short
term, with 142 patients, indicated there was no statistically
significant difference between the groups and a very small effect size
[Effect size ¡0.02, CI 95% ¡0.35 to 0.31 p = 0.91), I2 = 47%]. The metaanalysis for the pinch variable strength in the long term, with 136
patients, indicated there was no statistically significant difference
between the group that used orthosis and the control group with a
small effect size [Effect size ¡0.18, CI 95% ¡0.52 to 0.16, p = 0.30),
I2 = 0%] (Fig. 5).
Table 2 presents a summary of the findings and the GRADE results.
Summary of main results
This review analyzed 14 studies on orthosis for rhizarthrosis,
which were qualitatively analyzed [29 42] and included a metaanalysis of three studies [35,37,38]. These were taken into consideration when it was possible to compile the results of similar studies. According to the numerical analyses, this study presents a lowquality evidence suggesting that the orthosis group decreased pain
in the long term in patients with rhizarthrosis compared with a
control group. Furthermore, it presents low-quality evidence that
the orthosis and control groups behave in the same way, with no
differences regarding pain in the short term. It also presents moderate evidence that function increases in the long term; moreover,
there is no difference between the orthosis and control groups concerning the function outcomes in the short term and pinch
strength in the short and long term. Besides improving function in
the long term, the orthosis is a low cost and low risk intervention
which should be considered in the treatment of rhizarthrosis. The
Fig. 4. Meta-analysis of the variable function in short and long terms.
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
reliability in the effect estimations varies from very low to
medium; therefore, future studies may modify this perspective and
impact the results. The heterogeneity among the studies and the
low number of samples available for the analyses account for these
Quality of the evidence
The three studies included in the meta-analysis presented a
low risk of bias assessed by the Cochrane collaboration tool and
the PEDro scale [35,37,38]. The only items of these instruments
considered to have a high risk of bias for the three studies were
the blinding of the patients and those applying the intervention.
In the case of the randomized controlled studies with orthosis as
the intervention, it is impossible to blind patients and appliers
because they are compulsorily aware of the intervention application. We considered this to be an item not to be taken into
account in the assessment of these types of studies. Therefore, we
consider that the three studies that were included in the metaanalysis presented a low risk of bias [35,37,38]. For the other
studies included in the qualitative description of this review, we
identified a similar scenario. However, some tool items were considered uncertain because of the lack of description of the parameters identified in the articles.
When we applied the GRADE, we determined that the quality of
the evidence varies from low to moderate for the outcomes quantitatively analyzed. The low number of the sample (imprecision) and the
heterogeneity (inconsistency) of the data limited the strength of the
conclusion of our review.
Agreements and disagreements with other reviews
In 2007, Egan and Brousseau [18] published a systematic review
with the same aim as the current study, i.e., to assess the effectivity of
orthosis in OA of the TCM joint. This is the only systematic review
identified that exclusively analyzes this intervention. Although Egan
and Brousseau [18] conducted a review with the same purpose as
ours, their review is a decade older. In recent years, the volume of
studies with better methodological quality has increased, and in our
study, we included more complete, recent and better designed
articles than the previous authors. They included seven studies in
their review; however, only four randomized controlled studies were
included [33,34,41,42], which were also included in our research. The
other studies were not controlled, which characterizes the inaccuracy
of their results. In contrast to our study, this review does not present
a meta-analysis, which is likely a result of the lack of similarity among
the articles included. In contrast to these authors, our research did
not have a restriction regarding languages, and although we only
identified studies in English, this is an important inclusion criterion
which should be taken into account. In the study by Egan and Brousseau [18], a single author verified the risk of bias in the works
included and used a tool rarely cited in the literature. Our assessment,
however, had the risk of bias assessed by two authors (SMM and AJ),
and when there was a conflict of opinion, a third author (JN) was consulted. Our study used the Cochrane collaboration tool to analyze the
risk of bias, which is currently considered the most complete form for
this type of analysis [25]. Furthermore, our research presents an
assessment of the methodological quality using the PEDro scale,
which is the most widely used tool in rehabilitation studies. Corroborating our findings, despite the difference in conduction and the lack
Fig. 5. Meta-analysis of the variable pinch strength in the short and long terms.
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
of quantitative data, the researchers also concluded there is reasonable evidence for using orthosis to alleviate rhizarthrosis pain. However, they classified the studies included as low-quality concerning
the methodological characteristics, thus suggesting, as in our
research, that additional studies should be conducted regarding the
In 2009, Moe et al. [19] published a study on the overview type,
compiling systematic reviews on non-pharmacological interventions
for OA of the hands, including three reviews that contained orthosis
for rhizarthrosis [6,16,18]. They concluded there were no high quality
studies on the theme for any assertion, and considering the impact
this condition causes, there was an urgent need to conduct novel
studies. Their analysis is important to evidence the relevance of our
Table 2
Summary of findings
findings, as only seven years ago, this issue had been rarely explored
in detail.
In 2011, Kjeken et al. [22] conducted a systematic review of
exercises and orthoses in OA of the hands and included seven studies
that assessed the effectivity of orthosis for rhizarthrosis
[33 35,38,41,42,43]. Of these studies, only McKee and Eason-Klatt
(2006) [43] was not considered in our review because it was not a
randomized controlled study. As in our study, these authors state
that research studies on orthosis and rhizarthrosis are very different,
which hinders the analysis of a set. This was the first review that
included a meta-analysis with the studies by Carreira et al. [35] and
Rannou et al. [38]. Similar to our group, the authors believe that these
two studies are the best published, with a low risk of bias, thus
Exercise compared to control for osteoarthritis of the hand
OutcomeFollow up
N of participants (studies)
Assumed riskwithout
The mean hand pain was
Short-term pain
47.7 pointsa
Follow up: mean 37,5 days
Number of participants:
141 (2 RCTs)
Corresponding riskwith
Anticipated absolute effects
(95% CI) Difference
Mean hand pain in
intervention groups was
5.7 points lower (8.3
points higher to 19.8
points lower)
Effect size 0.29 lower (1.00
lower to 0.42 higher)
The mean hand pain was
Long-term pain*
47.7 pointsa
Follow up: mean 6 months
Number of participants:
(3 RCTs)
Mean hand pain in
intervention groups was
10.3 points lower (18.6 to
2.2 points lower)
The mean hand pain was
Short-term function
17.7 pointsd
Follow up: mean 37,7 days
Number of participants:
(2 RCTs)
Mean hand function in
intervention groups was
1.4 points higher (2.8
points lower to 5.6 points
Effect size 0.52 lower (0.94
lower to 0.11 lower)
Effect size 0.11 higher (0.22
lower to 0.44 higher)
Absolute reduction in hand
pain 5.7% (8.3% increase to
19.8% reduction) on a
0 100 mm scale
Relative change 12%
(17% increase to 41%
Absolute reduction in hand
pain 10.2% (2.1 to 18.6%)
on a 0 100 mm scale
Relative change 22% (5 to
Absolute worsening in hand
function 1.5% (3.1%
improvement to 6.3%
worsening) on a 0 90
Relative change 8% (16%
improvement to s32%
The mean hand pain was
Long-term function*
17.7 pointsd
Follow up: mean 6 months
Number of participants:
(3 RCTs)
Effect size 0.44 lower (0.72
Mean hand function in
lower to 0.15 lower)
intervention groups was
5.6 points lower (9.2 to 1.9
points lower)
Absolute improvement in
hand function 6%
(2 to 10%) on a 0 90 scale
Relative change 32%
(10 to 52%)
Effect size 0.02 points lower
Short-term pinch strength
(0.35 lower to 0.31 higher)
Follow up: mean 37,5 days
Number of participants:
(2 RCTs)
Effect size 0.18 points lower
Long-term pinch strength
(0.52 lower to 0.16 higher)
Follow up: mean 7,5
Number of participants:
(2 RCTs)
GRADE: Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation RCT: Randomized controlled trial
GRADE Working Group grades of evidence
High quality: We are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect
Moderate quality: We are moderately confident in the effect estimate: The true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is
substantially different
Low quality: Our confidence in the effect estimate is limited: The true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect
Very low quality: We have very little confidence in the effect estimate: The true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect
P < 0.05
Control group baseline pain mean (SD) 47.7 (19.8) from Rannou et al. (2009).
Downgraded for inconsistency, and imprecision.
Downgraded for inconsistency, and imprecision.
Control group baseline pain mean(SD) 17.7 (12.9) from Rannou et al. (2009).
Downgraded for imprecision.
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
presenting similarities in the design, assessment and follow-up time.
Kjeken et al. [22] performed a similar meta-analysis to those
presented in the current paper and obtained similar results, with
the exception of the function in the long term, which did not present
evidence of improvement. This difference occurred because we had
one additional article for this analysis.
In 2015, a systematic review of conservative treatment for the
base of the thumb in patients with OA was published by Spaans et al.
[14] These authors employed a search strategy different from the current strategy. They searched only in the MEDLINE and EMbase databases, whereas we also included the CENTRAL, PubMed, LILACS,
OTseeker and PEDro bases. This is a recommendation of the Cochrane
collaboration, and we sought to conduct a more comprehensive
search. In contrast to our study, the research by Spaans et al. [14] did
not employ the guidelines given by the Cochrane collaboration. These
authors described the diversity in the study design and types of
orthosis identified, which suggests that orthosis presents evidence of
decreasing pain in patients with rhizarthrosis, with no impact on
function, strength and dexterity. We agree with the finding that there
is evidence of a decrease in pain after the use of orthosis. Nevertheless, with respect to function, we obtained different results. This discrepancy may be explained by the fact that we performed a metaanalysis of the data, whereas Spaans et al. [14] solely conducted a
qualitative analysis of the studies. The systematic review by Spaans
et al. [14] is the most recent and complete in the literature to date.
It presents inclusion criteria similar to our research and similar
results; however, it does not present a quantitative analysis of the
data or assessments of the risk of bias in the studies.
In 2015, Bertozzi et al. [15] published a systematic review and
meta-analysis regarding conservative interventions for OA of the
thumb carpometacarpal joint. These authors included three studies
on orthosis, including Kjeken et al. [37], Carreira et al. [35] and Rannou et al. [38], and considered, as in the present review, that they presented a low risk of bias, as the most adequate in the literature, in
assessing the effectivity of the orthosis in rhizarthrosis. They verified
? records
? records
that orthosis improved the function of patients in the long term and
considered this moderate evidence. As in the present study, they
used GRADE to assess the quality of the evidence. The conclusions of
Bertozzi et al. [15] are somewhat different from our conclusions. The
results also show that the patients improved function in the long
term with a moderate quality of evidence. However, we verified that
pain decreased in the long term with the use of orthosis. For the
meta-analysis, we used the same works as Bertozzi et al. [15]; however, we believe that the assessment tools used in the quantitative
analysis by these authors differed from our tools.
All published reviews suggest that additional randomized controlled studies should be conducted, an opinion we agree with given
that the quality of the evidence is related, among other variables, to
the number of subjects who participate in the studies.
Fourteen studies on orthosis and rhizarthrosis were included in
this review. The identified studies were heterogeneous regarding the
study design, type of orthosis, follow-up time and assessments.
Based on a numerical analysis, we concluded that orthosis for rhizarthrosis presents low-quality evidence for pain reduction in the
long term and moderate evidence for an increase in function in the
long term.
No side-effect was described regarding the use of orthosis for rhizarthrosis. We therefore consider it a safe intervention.
Declarations of interest
Appendix 1. Search strategies in databases and results
#1 Mh:Osteoartrite OR Osteoartritis OR Osteoarthritis OR (Artrite Degenerativa) OR Osteoartrose OR (Osteoartrose Deformante) OR Artrose OR
MH:C05.550.114.606$ OR MH:C05.799.613$ OR rhizarthros$ OR rizartrose
~o" OR (Articulaciones de la Mano) OR (Hand Joints) OR MH:A02.835.583.405$ OR MH:"Articulaç o
~ es Carpometacarpais"
#2 Mh:"Articulaç ~ao da Ma
~o carpo-metacarpica) OR
OR (Articulaciones Carpometacarpianas) OR (Carpometacarpal Joints) OR MH:A02.835.583.405.200$ OR (articulaç a
(Carpometacarpal Joints) OR (Articulation trapezo-metacarpienne) OR (Trapeziometacarpal joint)
cnicas)) OR (Te
#3 Mh:"Modalidades de Fisioterapia" OR (Modalidade$ de Fisioterapia) OR (Physical Therapy Modalities) OR (Fisioterapia (Te
picas) OR MH:E02.779$ OR MH:Reabilitaç a
~o OR Rehabilitacio
n OR Rehabilitation OR Habilitaç ~ao OR MH:E02.831$ OR MH:
H02.403.680.600$ OR MH:N02.421.784$ OR MH:SP4.046.442.633.869.155$ OR MH:SP8.946.117.208$ OR MH:VS4.$ OR MH:
Exercício OR EXERCICIO$ OR Ejercicio OR Exercise OR MH:G11.427.590.530.698.277$ OR MH:I03.350$ OR MH:Terape
utica OR Therapeutics OR Terapia$ OR Mh:E02$ OR Mh:VS3.003.001.006$ OR splint$ OR electrotherapy OR massage$ OR shortwave OR
tese$ or orthosi$ or Brace$ or "Orthotic Devices" or (Ortope
dic$ and (Aparato$ or aparelh$)) or Ortese$
rehabilitation or orto
#4 ((Pt:"randomized controlled trial" OR Pt:"controlled clinical trial" OR Mh:"randomized controlled trials as topic" OR Mh:"random allocation" OR
Mh:"double-blind method" OR Mh:"single-blind method") AND NOT (Ct:animals AND NOT (Ct:humans AND Ct:animals))) OR ((Pt:"clinical trial"
OR Mh:E05.318.760.535$ OR (clin$ AND (trial$ OR ensa$ OR estud$ OR experim$ OR investiga$)) OR ((singl$ OR simple$ OR doubl$ OR doble$ OR
duplo$ OR trebl$ OR trip$) AND (blind$ OR cego$ OR ciego$ OR mask$ OR mascar$)) OR Mh:placebos OR placebo$ OR (random$ OR randon$ OR
casual$ OR acaso$ OR azar OR aleator$) OR Mh:"research design") AND NOT (Ct:animals AND NOT (Ct:humans and Ct:animals))) OR
((Pt:"comparative study" OR Mh:E05.337$ OR Mh:"follow-up studies" OR Mh:"prospective studies" OR control$ OR prospectiv$ OR volunt$ OR
volunteer$) AND NOT (Ct:animals AND NOT (Ct:humans and Ct:animals)))
#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4
#1 "Osteoarthritis"[Mesh] OR Osteoarthritides OR Osteoarthros* OR (Arthritis, Degenerative) OR (Arthritides, Degenerative) OR (Degenerative
Arthriti*) OR (Osteoarthrosis Deformans) OR rhizarthros*
#2 "Hand Joints"[Mesh] OR "Carpometacarpal Joints"[Mesh] OR (Carpometacarpal Joint*) OR (Joint, Carpometacarpal) OR (Joints, Carpometacarpal)
OR (Joints, Hand) OR (Intermetacarpal Joint*) OR (Joint*, Intermetacarpal) OR (trapeziometacarpal joint*)
#3 "Physical Therapy Modalities"[Mesh] OR "Rehabilitation"[Mesh] OR Rehabilitation OR "Therapeutics"[Mesh] OR Therapeutic* OR Physical
Therapy Modalit* OR (Physiotherap* (Techniques)) OR Physical Therapy Technique* OR splint* OR orthotic devices OR orthosis OR orthoses OR
devices, orthotic OR device, orthotic OR Brace*
#4 (randomized controlled trial [pt] OR controlled clinical trial [pt] OR randomized controlled trials [mh] OR random allocation [mh] OR doubleblind method [mh] OR single-blind method [mh] OR clinical trial [pt] OR clinical trials [mh] OR ("clinical trial" [tw]) OR ((singl* [tw] OR doubl* [tw]
OR trebl* [tw] OR tripl* [tw]) AND (mask* [tw] OR blind* [tw])) OR ( placebos [mh] OR placebo* [tw] OR random* [tw] OR research design [mh:
noexp] OR comparative study [mh] OR evaluation studies [mh] OR follow-up studies [mh] OR prospective studies [mh] OR control* [tw] OR
prospectiv* [tw] OR volunteer* [tw]) NOT (animals [mh] NOT humans [mh])
#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4
S.M. Meireles et al. / Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 00 (2018) 1 13
? records
#1 'osteoarthritis'/exp OR (arthritis, degenerative) OR (arthritis, noninflammatory) OR arthrosis OR (degenerative arthritis) OR (degenerative joint
disease) OR (osteo-arthritis) OR (osteo-arthrosis) OR osteoarthrosis OR (primary osteoarthritis) OR (rheumatoid arthrosis) OR rhizarthros*
#2 'hand joint'/exp OR (hand joint*) OR (joint, hand) OR 'carpometacarpal joint'/exp OR (carpo metacarpal joint) OR (carpometacarpal joint*) OR
(joint, carpometacarpal) OR (metacarpocarpal joint i) OR (trapeziometacarpal joint*)
#3 'physiotherapy'/exp OR 'rehabilitation'/exp OR 'therapy'/exp OR Physical Therapy Technique* OR 'orthosis'/exp OR 'orthosis' OR 'splint'/exp OR
#4 (randomized controlled trial) OR (controlled clinical trial) OR (randomized) OR (placebo) OR (drug therapy) OR (randomly) OR (trial) OR
random* OR factorial* OR crossover* OR cross AND over* OR placebo* OR 'placebo'/exp OR doubl* AND blind* OR singl* AND blind* OR assign* AND
allocate* OR volunteer* OR 'volunteer'/exp OR crossover AND procedure OR double AND 'blind'/exp AND procedure OR randomized AND
controlled AND trial OR single AND 'blind'/exp AND procedure OR (controlled AND clinical AND trial) OR (clinical AND trial)
#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4
#1 "Osteoarthritis" OR Osteoarthritides OR Osteoarthros* OR (Arthritis, Degenerative) OR (Arthritides, Degenerative) OR (Degenerative Arthriti*)
? records
OR (Osteoarthrosis Deformans) OR rhizarthros*
#2 "Hand Joints" OR "Carpometacarpal Joints" OR (Carpometacarpal Joint*) OR (Joint, Carpometacarpal) OR (Joints, Carpometacarpal) OR (Joints,
Hand) OR (Intermetacarpal Joint*) OR (Joint*, Intermetacarpal) OR (trapeziometacarpal joint*)
#3 "Physical Therapy Modalities" OR "Rehabilitation" OR Rehabilitation OR "Therapeutics" OR Therapeutic* OR Physical Therapy Modalit* OR
(Physiotherap* (Techniques)) OR Physical Therapy Technique* OR splint* OR orthotic devices OR orthosis OR orthoses OR devices, orthotic OR
device, orthotic OR Brace*
#1 AND #2 AND #3 FILTER: trials
Abstract & Title: osteoarthritis
? records
Therapy: orthosis, taping, splinting
Body Part: hand or wrist
Method: clinical trial
Abstract & Title: osteoarthritis
? records
Intervention: physical modalities/orthotics/splinting
Method: Randomized controlled trial
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