Subido por David Gonzalez

Role Models: Falcao, Einstein, Musk - Essay

English Dot Works 7
Evidence: Modelling Excellence
I chose these people because they are a good example of life for me,
becauseeach one of them have a particular aspect, which could be productive
for me as person. And I want to have a bit of them for having strong confront in
the life.
Radamel Falcao Garcia, professional footballplayer
Albert Einstein. Was a German Physicist of Jewish origin, later nationalized Swiss
Australian and American
Elon Musk. Is a Good bussnesman and is the richest man in the world
Radamel Falcao Garcia, he has 35 years old, he is a professional football player
who recently has a difficult situation, a lesion which stopped his
successful career. For being again the same good player, he wasa true
challenge him, but actuality, Falcao is an excellent player. He has the same
physical and he continues with a good technique with the ball and the same
hungry of goal
Albert Einstein thinks about physics and the theory and experimenting with
formulas.Plato doesn`t think about the philosophy and logics of life and Aristotle
does too.In 1905, when he was an unknown young physicist, employed at the
Bern Patent Office, he published his theory of special relativity. In it he
incorporated, in a simple theoretical framework based on simple physical
postulates, concepts and phenomena previously studied by Henri Poincaré and
Hendrik Lorentz. As a logical consequence of this theory, he deduced the
equation of physics best known at the popular level: the mass-energy
equivalence, E = mc². That year, he published other papers that would lay some
of the foundations of statistical physics and quantum mechanics.
In 1915, he presented the theory of general relativity, in which he completely
reformulated the concept of gravity One of the consequences was the emergence
of the scientific study of the origin and evolution of the universe by the branch of
physics called cosmology. In 1919, when British observations of a solar eclipse
confirmed his predictions about the curvature of light, he was idolized by the
press. Einstein became a world-famous popular icon of science, a privilege
available to very few scientists. Too the people say that he is The father of the
atomic bomb
For his explanations of the photoelectric effect and his numerous contributions to
theoretical physics, in 1921 he won the Nobel Prize in Physics and not for the
Theory of Relativity, since the scientist who was entrusted with the task of
evaluating it did not understand it, and they feared running the risk that it would
later be proven wrong.67 At that time it was still considered somewhat
Faced with the rise of Nazism, Einstein left Germany in December 1932 for the
United States, where he taught at the Institute for Advanced Study. He became
an American citizen in 1940. During his last years he worked to integrate the
gravitational and electromagnetic forces into the same theory.
Elon Musk. He has 50 years old. He is a professional busnesman.He owns Tesla
Kimbal accompanied Elon on a car trip across the United States in a month, from
Silicon Valley to Philadelphia, where Elon had to complete his studies at Penn.
During the trip they talked a lot about starting a business.In 2003 JB Straubel and
Elon Musk visited the company AC Propulsion, which had a prototype electric
sports car based on a kit of a gasoline car to which they had adapted an electric
motor and lithium-ion batteries. The prototype accelerated from 0 to 100 km/h in
less than 4 seconds and had a range of 300 kilometers. For months Elon Musk
tried to convince them to market the vehicle, but they were not interested in doing
so. The members of AC Propulsion put him in touch with Martin Eberhard, Marc
Tarpenning and founded Tesla Motors with the intention of manufacturing an
electric sports car. Too Elon Musk has been a great entrepreneur for which his
entrepreneurial knowledge has helped him to be in a very high life.