COLEGIO LA SALLE Bucaramanga ¡Lasallista! "Lo mejor entre lo mejor" PLAN DE TRABAJO PARA ARS ASIGNATURA: Inglés Intermedio DOCENTE: Carmen Stella Bernal Rey ESTUDIANTE: CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN COGNITIVOS PRAXIOLÓGICOS. Muestra un buen dominio conceptual. Reconocimiento y uso de estructuras gramaticales. Redacción de oraciones empleando estructuras y vocabulario adecuado. FECHA DE ENTREGA: PERÍODO: IV CURSO: 5 CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN AXIOLÓGICOS Y/O ACTITUDINALES. Escribe con claridad y buena ortografía. Sigue con atención las instrucciones dadas para el desarrollo de la evaluación. Presenta la evaluación con estética y orden. INDICACIONES GENERALES: 1) El trabajo de ARS se debe presentar bien organizado y completo en la carpeta de Ingles. 2) El estudiante debe presentar el trabajo como requisito para realizar su evaluación de ARS de lo contrario no lo podrá hacer. ESTÁNDAR No. 2 READING: Reconozco, en un texto corto, aspectos como qué, quién, cuándo y dónde para luego responder a preguntas de comprensión u otro tipo de actividades. Reading In the family Hi I’m Billy. I’m fourteen. My family live in Wimbledon, London. We live next to the famous tennis courts. My mum and dad have a big house with five bedrooms. My uncle Jack lives in the house opposite. He’s a scientist. My dad, Philip is a doctor. My mum, Grace, is a doctor as well. She works in a children’s hospital. I have two brothers. James is 23. He’s tall and he’s got brown eyes and curly brown hair. He is studying to be a doctor. In the summer holidays my brothers come home and we play football together. My other brother, Jeff, is only 18 but he’s also tall. He’s got green eyes and short, dark hair. He’s a scientist. Last year he was in Hawaii. He studied volcanoes at the University of Hawaii. He’s really cool. Oh, I’ve also got a pet cat called Marvin – he’s very intelligent. 1) Read the text. Complete the answers. 1 Who is Philip? Billy’s dad 2 Who is Jeff? Billy’s ____________ 3 Who is James? Billy’s _______ 4 Who is Grace? Billy’s ______ 5 Who is Jack? Billy’s ___________ 6 Who is Marvin? Billy’s _____ 2) Read the text again. Answer the questions. 1 Where are the famous Wimbledon tennis courts? A: They are next to Billy’s house. 2 Where does his mother work? 3 What does Jeff do at University? 4 What are Billy’s parents’ jobs? 5 What is James studying to be? 6 Where does his uncle Jack live? ESTÁNDAR No. 4 LISTENING: Extrae información de los textos escuchados, utilizándola para el desarrollo de actividades basadas en el texto 1) Listen to the dialogue. Underline the correct option. 1 Celine is a children’s / adult’s book writer. 2 She liked / didn’t like her school when she was young. 3 There were some / a lot of rules when she was at school. 4 She did / didn’t like science and drama. 5 Now she thinks science and drama are boring / interesting. 6 In her books students do homework / magic. 2) Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1 You must not talk in class. 2 You must not _________________ questions. 3 You must not _________________ in school. 4 In Celine’s books, the _________________ make the rules. 5 There are _________________ Wild School books. 6 Celine is going to write _________________ more.