Subs%tución Electro1lica Aromá%ca (SEAr) What Is Coal? Nomenclature of Benzene Deriva%ves Polysubs%tuted Deriva%ves of Benzene 1. Iden%fy and name the parent. 2. Iden%fy and name the subs%tuents. 3. Assign a locant to each subs%tuent. 4. Arrange the subs%tuents alphabe%cally. Structure of Benzene Stability of Benzene The Criteria for Aroma%city 1. The compound must contain a ring comprised of con%nuously overlapping p orbitals. 2. The number of π electrons in the ring must be a Hückel number. Aroma%c Heterocycles Reac%ons at the Benzylic Posi%on Electrophilic Aroma%c Subs%tu%on Mecanismo general Halogena%on Sulfona%on Nitra%on Friedel-­‐CraVs Alkyla%on Friedel-­‐CraVs Acyla%on Clemmensen reduc%on Los halógenos son la excepción ac%vadores desac%vadores débiles moderados fuertes Determine si el anillo está ac%vado o desac%vado y clasifique al subs%tuyente ¿Cual anillo es más reac%vo en una SEAr? ¿Cual sera la posición mas reac%va en una SEAr?