facebook.com/IHMatlanta Dear friends in the Lord, As with only a few other days of shared pain and distress, all of us of a certain age can remember where we were and what we were doing on Septem- ber 11, 2001 as the news of the attacks began to arrive. I was at St. Mary’s Hospital in Athens, sitting in the surgery waiting room with my mother, as my father underwent a procedure for the cancer that would take his life 19 days later. My mother and I made a decision then and there that we would shield him from this horrific news during his last days. And so ours was perhaps the only home in the nation where the television was never turned on during the days and weeks following the attacks. Nonetheless, I hurried back to my parish to preside at a Mass hastily scheduled for that evening. Like so many other houses of worship of every tradition, our church was filled with parishioners and neighbors who, in their grief and rage, turned instinctively to God for consolation. Some of you who did the same may recall that the Gospel reading assigned by the lectionary the following day was from Luke 6: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you and pray for those who maltreat you.” Such was the rage of many Americans at the time that several parishioners were offended that a reading like that would be proclaimed at Mass the day after 9-11. That, of course, is the most frightening power of evil: It can harden the hearts of otherwise faithful disciples. We are as dependent upon the Lord for consolation today as we were fifteen years ago. We do not have easy answers for the hatreds and violence that beset our world. But as we remember the victims of 9-11 in our prayer, we pray also for ourselves, that our hearts will always be open to God’s word and Christ’s peace, especially in our darkest hours. Your brother in Christ’s word and work, 2855 Briarcliff Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Through worship, education, and service, we continue the work of Jesus. @IHMatl Due to the Convocation of Priests this week, Communion Services will be celebrated in place of the daily 8:30 a.m. Mass from Monday, September 12 through Thursday, September 15. phone: 404-636-1418 fax: 404-636-4394 Mass Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m. Saturdays: 8:30 a.m.; 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass Sunday: 9:00 a.m.; 11:30 a.m.; 5:00 p.m. Saturday 6:00 p.m. Jimmy Rodriguez Cardona † Sunday 9:00 a.m. Charles Geiss † Misas en Español Jueves a las 7:00 p.m. Sabados a las 6:00 p.m. Domingos a la 1:30 p.m. Reconciliation Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. Anytime by appointment Confesiones Jueves: 6:00 p.m. en español Cualquier día por cita. 4:00 p.m. Ramon Pego † 11:30 a.m. Nicholas Gulick † 1:30 p.m. Antonio Ramirez † 5:00 p.m. Missa Pro Populo Monday 8:30 a.m. Communion Service Readings of the Day: 1 Corinthians 11:17-26, 33; Luke 7:1-10 Tuesday 8:30 a.m. Communion Service Readings of the Day: 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31a; Luke 7:11-17 Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Communion Service Readings of the Day: Numbers 21:4b-9; Philippians 2:6-11; John 3:13-17 Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Adoración al Santísimo Jueves de 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Hora Santa en español: 6:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Thursday 8:30 a.m. Communion Service 7:00 p.m. No Mass Readings of the Day: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 2:33-35 Friday 8:30 a.m. Eun Lucy Song & Byung John Seoh † Readings of the Day: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Luke 8:1-3 Saturday Readings of the Day: 1 Corinthians 15:35-37, 42-49; Luke 8:4-15 Office Hours /Horas de Oficina Monday–Friday/ lunes a viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fax Number/No. de Fax 404-636-4394 8:30 a.m. Mark Jardina † 4:00 p.m. Joan Keane & Mary Carroll † 6:00 p.m. Repose of the Souls in Purgatory † Sunday 9:00 a.m. Gene & Abby Smith 11:30 a.m. Maye Sita Agnes † Emergency No./No. de Emergencia 770-890-5299 IHM School/Escuela de IHM 404-636-4488 1:30 p.m. Carmita Artime † 5:00 p.m. Morgan & Vultaggio Family † Website/Sitio Web http://www.ihmatlanta.org Social Media/Red Social www.facebook.com/IHMAtlanta www.twitter.com/IHMatl Bulletin Notices Please submit your request 10 days in advance to/Envíe su anuncio por correo electrónico 10 días antes a: bulletin@ihmatlanta.org. Reading 1: Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14 Reading 2: 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Gospel: Luke 15:1-32 To submit a prayer request, please email: bulletin@ihmatlanta.org or call the parish office at 404-636-1418. Para solicitar una oración, por favor llame a la oficina. † We ask that you offer a prayer for those who have died, especially for/oremos por quienes murieron, especialmente por: Robert Bellingrath, Ninfa Soria Esquivel, Alfredo Muñoz Duran, Ruth Carroll, Ranferi Garcia, James Bentley, Paul Glele Kakai, Mary Molina, Derrell Jones, Emma Baker, and William A. Lyons Jr. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Also, please pray for those who are sick, especially for/oremos por quienes están enfermos, especialmente por: Michael Garrett, Lynn Malloy, Patti Simpson, Bill Ketchum, Mary Hundley, Richard Plachta, Francie Mooney, Mary McCreary, Roy Doppelheuer, Brenda Uhler, and Robert Dohnal. is now underway! This week registered households received a letter from Monsignor Jowdy introducing our annual Stewardship Renewal and inviting our participation. on the spiritual principles of the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus. It is a way of thanking God for all the blessings he has given us by returning to him a portion of our Time, Talent and Treasure. Stewardship changes the lives of people who practice it and transforms our parish as a whole. Mary Jo Lechowicz and Phil Jardina who shared with us today the story of their own growth in understanding of Christian Stewardship, and how it has blessed them and their families. , the annual showcase of all of our parish’s many ministries and organizations. Plan now to stay a few minutes after Mass next week to share some food, drink and camaraderie, and begin praying about how you might be called to serve. and we will prayerfully return our Time, Talent & Treasure commitments during Mass. Thank you for your good stewardship of IHM! Pastoral care of Catholics in hospitals and other healthcare facilities is the responsibility of the parish in whose boundaries the facility is located. Although many of the Emory Healthcare campuses are in our parish, for many years Monsignor Frank Giusta was employed by Emory as the full-time Catholic chaplain there. Since Monsignor Giusta’s death earlier this year, that ministry once again falls to us at IHM. In addition to our clergy, we have a very dedicated cadre of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who bring the Sacrament to patients in healthcare facilities, residents in personal care homes and the homebound. You often see them receiving the Blessed Sacrament at the foot of the altar at the end of Mass. Yet the need for pastoral care of the sick now exceeds the resources of these very dedicated volunteers. If you are presently an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and you assist only at our daily and Sunday Masses, please consider whether you might also be willing and able to bring Holy Communion to the sick from time to time. If you are willing and able, please contact Jeanette Dohnal at 678-399-3584 or jayteedee75@att.net or Jeff Bush at jbush@ihmatlanta.org for more information. If you are not presently an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and you would like more information about this ministry, please see the information sheets in the literature rack in the narthex or on our parish website. September 3 & 4 Offertory: $24,375.00 Electronic Offertory: $14,142.54 Total: $38,517.54 This weekend’s second collection is the monthly appeal for our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society. Next weekend’s collection will go to the Catholic University of America: $2535.00 IHM Debt Reduction Fund. IHMATLANTA.ORG Pastor Msgr. Albert Jowdy ajowdy@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 235 Parochial Vicar Fr. Javier Muñoz jmunoz@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 228 Pastoral Associate Deacon Bob Hauert bhauert@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 251 ***** Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Gaby Ramirez mperales@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 221 Secretary Silvia Maldonado smaldonado@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 240 Business Manager & Finance Director Richard Plachta rplachta@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 245 Bookkeeper Dona Maynard dmaynard@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 243 Director of Faith Formation Drew Denton, Ph.D. ddenton@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 223 Faith Formation Coordinator Alicia Guerrero aguerrero@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 227 Youth Minister Kathy Guerrero kguerrero@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 222 Faith Formation Administrative Assistant Olga Torres otorres@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 236 Director of Liturgy and Music Jeff Bush jbush@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 247 Liturgy and Music Associate Yolanda Muñoz ymunoz@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 241 Communications Coordinator Jayna Hoffacker jhoffacker@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 226 Director of Operations David Claussen dclaussen@ihmatlanta.org 404-636-4488 Ext. 235 BLOOD DRIVE WORKING IN ST. VINCENT’S VINEYARD Wednesday, September 14 The Red Cross blood drive will be held on Wednesday, September 14, 3:00-8:00 p.m., in the Historic Church. Anyone donating blood after July 20 is not eligible to give at this time. The first 60 donors will receive a Chick-fil-A meal coupon. Signups will take place after all Masses the first 2 weekends of September. You can schedule an appointment to donate, by visiting redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: IHM; contacting Nikki VanDerGrinten at 770-986-4996; or calling 1-800 RED CROSS. What happens to your family when the power and water companies turn you off? Your home is nearly uninhabitable and creates much added stress and disruption. And when it’s a Veteran, it seems even more painful to see. CRISTO REY JOB OPENING Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School has an immediate opening for a high school language teacher. Spanish I, Latin I preferred but also open to other languages. Interested candidates should email their resume to Mrs. Diane Bush, Principal, at dbush@cristoreyatlanta.org. BRIDGE PLAYERS WANTED The IHM First Friday Bridge Group has lost one of its 20 teams for 2016-17. Meetings are the first Friday of each month, 1:00-4:00 p.m., September 2, 2016 - June 2, 2017. We value new teams capable of moderate speed. We can teach skill. Our group offers bridge classes every Monday afternoon on Declarer Play (Fall 2016) and Defender Play (Spring 2017). The Group is certified to use the textbooks and training methods of Audrey Grant. Contacts are our members Angela and Phil Jardina, 404-321-3606, or the group's hosts/ teachers Carol and David Warlick, 404-3254300. GRIEFSHARE Wednesdays, Starting September 7 GriefShare is a bereavement support group open to anyone in our community or parish, sponsored by the Stepping Stones Ministry. The group meets on Wednesdays, 7:00-8:45 p.m. This week’s topic: “Challenges of Grief” For more information about the program, contact Margaretann Harris via email at griefshare@ihmatlanta.org or by phone 404483-3559. A recent case with a Vietnam Veteran living in Decatur is a good example. Although in his late 60’s, this Vet was working as a painter to bring in extra money to support his family. His VA disability check and Social Security were not enough to maintain his family of three. Then he fell off a ladder, injuring himself to the point he could not work. As a result, he fell behind on his utility payments. When our two Vincentian volunteers went to his home, he showed them the cut off notices from both the power and water companies. He was very concerned, as the cutoff date was only 48 hours away. They documented his income and expenses, including the fact he was thousands of dollars in debt from old credit card bills. And they said some prayers together too. They recommended we get them current on their utility bills to keep the lights on and water flowing. Thanks to our generous IHM parishioners, St. Vincent DePaul was able to keep the utilities on, reducing his stress, and giving him time to heal and return to painting. If a parishioner needs help, they can call 678-892-6163. ALTAR SERVER APPRECIATION NIGHT Friday, September 16 Attention all altar servers! In appreciation of your service, Monsignor Al and Father Javier invite you to attend the Atlanta Braves vs. Washington Nationals game this Friday, September 16. First pitch is at 7:35 p.m. We will ride to and from Turner Field as a group, departing from IHM. Today is the deadline to return permission forms. For more information, please contact Yolanda Muñoz at ymunoz@ihmatlanta.org or 404-636-1418, ext. 241. FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP Sunday, September 25 Has this election year have you worried? Are you unsure how your Catholic faith should inform your political choices? Do you need guidance on how to form your conscience in the upcoming election? Join Adult Education and the Social Justice Ministry as we present "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship" on Sunday, September 25 between the 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses and again after the 5:00 p.m. Mass. This thought provoking presentation and discussion will be held in the IHM School Library. All are welcome to attend. The nursery remains open between the morning Masses for young children. For more information contact Adriana de la Torriente or Sarah Mancini at socialjustice@ihmatlanta.org. Director Drew Denton, Ph.D. 404-636-1418, ext. 223 ddenton@ihmatlanta.org Coordinator Alicia Guerrero 404-636-1418, ext. 227 aguerrero@ihmatlanta.org Administrative Assistant Olga Torres 404-636-1418, ext. 236 otorres@ihmatlanta.org Youth Minister Kathy Guerrero 404-636-1418, ext. 222 kguerrero@ihmatlanta.org Today we bless and give thanks for all of the catechists who bring to life the truth, goodness, and beauty of our Catholic faith. May the Lord accompany them and their students as they begin a new year of faith formation here at IHM. On the lips of the catechist the first proclamation must ring out over and over: “Jesus Christ loves you, he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.” - Pope Francis, “The Joy of the Gospel” Today we begin a new year of faith formation programs for our children and youth. Over 500 students will attend one of our two sessions: the morning session (10:1511:15 a.m.) for grades K-5 or the evening session (6:15-7:30 p.m.) for Grades K-12. Enrollment for our parish faith formation programs closed on August 28. These programs are already at maximum capacity. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please contact us. Please join us on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm in the lower level of the church. Contact Drew Denton in the parish office for more information. Each Thursday, Dr. Louanne Bachner leads an informative and prayerful discussion of the lectionary readings for the following Sunday. The study meets in the Lower Level at two different times: 9:30 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. There is no registration required and no fee to participate. Feel free to join the group as your schedule permits. Sacramental enrollment will remain open through September at http://www.ihmatlanta.org/sacramental-enrollment. This is a separate form to be filled out by those students who are eligible to receive the sacraments of Confirmation or First Holy Communion during the 2016-2017 school year. Hard copies are also available in the parish office. Dates to Remember Eligible students will receive their First Holy Communion at regular Mass times on the weekends of April 29-30 and May 6-7, 2017.As part of their preparation to receive the Eucharist, students will make their first confessions at special penance services on November 7 and November 14, 6:30 p.m. Parents of First Communion candidates should plan to attend an important meeting in the main church on October 3 at 6:30 p.m. This includes parents of IHM School students. Please submit the sacramental enrollment form (see above) prior to the meeting. Confirmation will be celebrated on May 10, 2017. The first meeting for confirmation candidates and their parents will take place in the church on September 25, 6:15 p.m. YOUTH MINISTRY ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED XLT ATLANTA SEASON 5 COMING SOON! We are seeking for adults (18 years and older) to join us in this exciting journey as CORE MEMBERS, learning practices in youth ministry and leading a small group during the sessions. You do not need any past experience! Come share your time and talent with the youth of IHM! What is XLT? XLT Atlanta is a once a month Tuesday gathering for the Catholic high school teens of the diocese of Atlanta. Chick Fil -A dinner is sold during the social at 7:00 p.m. The nights will start at 7:30 p.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. Every XLT has powerful and inspiring talks and prayerful Eucharistic Adoration accompanied by incredible live music! IMPORTANT: All volunteer s will need to complete the Safe Environment “VIRTUS” Training (every 5 years) and background screened prior to working with the youth. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kathy Guerrero for more information. ENCOUNTER ATL YOUNG ADULT CONFERENCE That's why Life Teen is incredibly excited to partner with Franciscan University of Steubenville to host our first ever young adult conference, Encounter ATL. We invite all teens to come join us for a night of Praise and worship, a talk and Adoration. So often in our lives we feel that no one else believes and that we are all alone in a world that is constantly attacking our faith. This is a night to rise up with hundreds of teens from all over your area and show the world that we still believe! Encounter Conferences are events that gather Catholic Young Adults (ages 20 to 30) and draw them into an intimate encounter with Jesus. These events feature great music, prayer, and sessions that both equip young adults and connect them to others on the journey. If you are thirsty for a deeper sense of love, purpose and community, then come to an Encounter Conference. Space is limited so reserve your seat today! For more info and registration, head to LFTN.CO/ ENCOUNTER. These events are held at and brought to you by All Saints Catholic Church (2443 Mt. Vernon Rd. Dunwoody, Georgia) in collaboration with Life Teen, Inc. Sponsored by the Atlanta Vocations office. SAVE THE DATES! 2016 October 4 November 8 November 11 2017 January 10 February 4 March 7 May 6 May 20 Niños menores de 7 años, Los padres DEBEN registrarse antes en la oficina parroquial; en ese momento recibirán la fecha de la plática correspondiente y del bautismo. Al registrarse deben entregar copia del Acta de Nacimiento de la persona que va a ser bautizada. Llamar al Padre Javier Muñoz y hacer cita para hablar de los requisitos, por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada. Jueves de 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. en español, y en inglés los sábados a las 9:00 a.m. o durante la semana haciendo cita con el sacerdote. ya está en marcha! Una carta de nuestro párroco, Monseñor Jowdy, está disponible en la mesa en el nártex después de la misa. por la Iglesia está fundada en los principios espirituales del Antiguo Testamento y las enseñanzas de Jesús. El concepto tradicional del diezmo es una manera de dar gracias a Dios por todas nuestras bendiciones por volver a Dios una parte de nuestro Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro. Corresponsabilidad cambia la vida espiritual de personas que la practica—y la parroquia en su conjunto. a Estela Flores y Fernando Muñoz por compartir con nosotros sus experiencias con Corresponsabilidad a través de los años. la celebración anual de los muchos ministerios y organizaciones de nuestra parroquia. Por favor, visite la Feria, comparta la comida y bebida gratis, y planee su compromiso de Tiempo y Talento para el próximo año. Llamar a la oficina y comunicarse con Yolanda Muñoz por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada. cuando volveremos con oración nuestros compromisos de Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro durante el ofertorio de la misa. ¡Gracias por su buena corresponsabilidad por nuestra parroquia! Si no eres católico (a) o si eres mayor de 18 años y no has recibido los sacramentos de Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación, te invitamos a aprender más acerca de nuestra fe. Comuníquese con Alicia Guerrero en la oficina parroquial. ¿Qué le pasa a su familia cuando cortan el servicio de agua y electricidad? Su casa se vuelve casi inhabitable y esto crea mucha angustia e interrupciones. Y cuando se trata de un veterano, es aún más doloroso. Bienvenidos a nuestra comunidad; visítanos en la oficina para llenar la hoja de registro. Es muy importante que estés registrado en la parroquia. I Lectura: Éxodo 32:7-11, 13-14 II Lectura: 1 Timoteo 1:12-17 Evangelio: Lucas 15:1-32 3 y 4 de septiembre Ofertorio en misa: $24,375.00 Contribución electronica: $14,142.54 Ofertorio total: $38,517.54 Un buen ejemplo es el reciente caso de un veterano de Vietnam en Decatur. Aunque ya tiene más de 60 años, este veterano trabajaba como pintor para ganar dinero extra y mantener a su familia. Su cheque de discapacidad del VA y la seguridad social no eran suficientes para mantener a su familia de tres personas. Además, el veterano se cayó de una escalera, y se lastimo al punto de que no podía trabajar. Como resultado de ello, se retrasó en sus pagos de servicios públicos. Cuando nuestros dos voluntarios vicentinos fueron a su casa, les mostró los avisos notificando el corte de los servicios de agua y electricidad. Él estaba muy preocupado, ya que la fecha de corte era solo en 48 horas. Ellos documentaron sus ingresos y gastos, incluyendo el hecho de que tenía miles de dólares en deuda de tarjetas de crédito. También oraron juntos. Los voluntarions vicentinos recomendaron pagar sus facturas de servicios públicos para mantener los servicios públicos funcionando. Gracias a nuestros feligreses de IHM, San Vicente de Paul pudo mantener los servicios públicos para este veterano y su familia dándole tiempo para sanar tranquilamente y volver su trabajo de pintor. Si algún feligrés necesita asistencia, puede llamarnos al 678-892-6163.