July 10, 2016 - Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church

Join us in the Historic Church after the
9:00 a.m. Mass for Coffee & Donuts!
Early enrollment for next year’s Faith Formation
programs has ended, but there are spaces still available!
Enrollment will remain open throughout the summer.
Forms are available in the Parish Office.
To complete your enrollment and payment online, visit us at
2855 Briarcliff Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30329
Through worship, education, and
service, we continue the work of Jesus.
phone: 404-636-1418
fax: 404-636-4394
Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.
Saturdays: 8:30 a.m.; 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.; 11:30 a.m.; 5:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. Missa Pro Populo
9:00 a.m. Walt Miller †
11:30 a.m. Maye Sita Agnes †
Misas en Español
Jueves a las 7:00 p.m.
Domingos a la 1:30 p.m. y 7:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 9:00 a.m.
Anytime by appointment
1:30 p.m. Isabel Rodriguez †
5:00 p.m. Holy Souls of Purgatory
7:00 p.m. Baltazar & Huaman Family †
8:30 a.m. Father Rene Robert †
Readings of the Day: Isaiah 1:10-17; Matthew 10:34-11:1
Jueves: 6:00 p.m. en español
Cualquier día por cita.
Eucharistic Adoration
Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. Monsignor Frank Giusta †
Readings of the Day: Isaiah 7:1-9; Matthew 11:20-24
8:30 a.m. Morgan & Vultaggio Family †
Readings of the Day: Isaiah 10:5-7, 13b-16; Matthew 11:25-27
Adoración al Santísimo
Jueves de 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Hora Santa en español: 6:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. Richard Engel †
7:00 p.m. Livia Muñoz †
Readings of the Day: Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Matthew 11:28-30
8:30 a.m. Father Austin Fogarty †
Readings of the Day: Isaiah 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Matthew 12:1-8
Office Hours /Horas de Oficina
Monday–Friday/ lunes a viernes
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fax Number/No. de Fax
Emergency No./No. de Emergencia
IHM School/Escuela de IHM
8:30 a.m. Mary Kurian †
Readings of the Day: Micah 2:1-5; Matthew 12:14-21
4:00 p.m. Tom Moorman †
9:00 a.m. Eun Lucy Song & Byung John Seoh †
11:30 a.m. Nicholas & Joan Gulick †
1:30 p.m. Missa Pro Populo
5:00 p.m. Julito Salgado †
7:00 p.m. Brigida Rodriguez Sanchez & Cosme Torrez †
Website/Sitio Web
Social Media/Red Social
Bulletin Notices
Please submit your request 10 days in
advance to/Envíe su anuncio por
correo electrónico 10 días antes a:
Reading 1: Deuteronomy 30:10-14
Reading 2: Colossians 1:15-20
Luke 10:25-37
To submit a prayer request, please email: bulletin@ihmatlanta.org or call the
parish office at 404-636-1418. Para solicitar una oración, por favor llame a la oficina.
† We ask that you offer a prayer for those who have died, especially for/oremos por
quienes murieron, especialmente por: Carole Ann Sexton, Eugene Joseph Barrelle,
Tomas Gonzalez, Ramon Pego, Suzanne Methvin, Jose Uriastegui Cardenas, Father
Joseph Peek, Anjanie Lorick, William Novak, David Suarez, and Paul Grace.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Also, please pray for those who are sick, especially for/oremos por quienes están
enfermos, especialmente por: Bill Bezaire, Anthony Maloof, Mario Argenti, Roy
Dopelheuer, Dot Todd, Bill Ketchum, Pat Howard, Betty Allen, Brenda Uhler, Mary
Anne Hardy, Joe Cavallaro, Lois Labrecque, Salomon Naranjo, and Robert Dohnal.
Many of the people seeking help from St. Vincent DePaul have children in their
home. These children are living on the edge due to the problems their parents or
guardians are having. So, they may be hungry, poorly clothed, without proper heating
or cooling, or facing eviction.
This is a burden those children should not have to face, and therefore the Vincentian
Case Worker normally takes great care to assure that support is provided in a hurry.
A recent situation with a single Father in Decatur is a good example.
The Father has full custody of his son, who is only eight years old. The Father lost
his job a few weeks prior, but the few weeks between jobs resulted in having no money for the next month’s rent. Families like this typically do not have any savings, and
live paycheck to paycheck.
The Father did find a new job, so it’s likely they will be secure going forward. Our
Vincentian case worker team met with the Father, documented the income and expenses, and worked with the landlord to forgive the $200 eviction dispossessory fees
and stop the process.
Due to the situation and not wanting the Father and Son to be evicted, the Vincentians
decided to make a request above our normal guidelines so they could remain in their
home without fear of eviction.
Thanks to our generous IHM parishioners, St. Vincent DePaul was able to keep that
eight year old boy in his home.
If a parishioner needs help, they can call 678-892-6163.
July 3
Offertory: $19,533.00
Electronic Offertory: $14,730.54
Total: $34,263.54
IHM Debt Reduction: $2,954.00
Ext. 235
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Javier Muñoz
Ext. 228
Pastoral Associate
Deacon Bob Hauert
Ext. 251
Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Gabby Ramirez
Ext. 221
Silvia Maldonado
Ext. 240
Business Manager & Finance Director
Richard Plachta
Ext. 245
Dona Maynard
Ext. 243
Director of Faith Formation
Drew Denton, Ph.D.
Ext. 223
Faith Formation Coordinator
Alicia Guerrero
Ext. 227
Youth Minister
Kathy Guerrero
Ext. 222
This weekend’s second collection is our
monthly appeal for the parish St. Vincent
de Paul Society.
Faith Formation Administrative Assistant
Olga Torres
Ext. 236
Our second collection next weekend will
go to the IHM Debt Reduction Fund.
Director of Liturgy and Music
Jeff Bush
Ext. 247
Liturgy and Music Associate
Yolanda Muñoz
Ext. 241
Communications Coordinator
Jayna Hoffacker
Ext. 226
Director of Operations
David Claussen
Ext. 235
Gifts of Remainders of Estates: When one passes away, ther e is
usually an estate sale to sell assets that no one in the family wanted.
Did you know you can leave all remaining assets to The Catholic
Foundation of North Georgia for the benefit of the parish endowment
fund? The Foundation will handle the estate sale and place the proceeds of the sale into the parish endowment fund. For information
on how to include this idea in your will, please contact: Juliet Greco
at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: jgreco@cfnga.org or
Msgr. Albert Jowdy
We are pleased to announce that we have
received a grant award of $1,000 from the
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, Inc. to
allow us to purchase a portable sound system
for use at Palm Sunday, Good Friday and
Holy Saturday liturgies, and at other times
through the year. We thank the Catholic
Foundation for their support of our parish and
its mission!
Immaculate Heart of Mary and Atlanta Habitat for Humanity invite you to join
on the 2nd Annual Pope Francis Build! Our parish is proud to be one of the lead
sponsors again this year!
July 16 & 17
Due to heavy demand, our SVdP food pantry
inventory is quite low. Therefore, we are
conducting an emergency food drive on the
weekend of July 16/17. Our truck will be
parked in the upper lot and Vincentians will
be there to accept your donations. Your
generosity in helping us to fulfill our mission
to feed the hungry as always is greatly appreciated.
To make a donation for Immaculate Heart of Mary’s sponsorship click here:
https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/immaculateheartofmary. An online volunteer sign-up form for participating in the build will be available soon.
Bake Sale
IHM will have a bake sale the weekend of July 23 & 24 following the English
and Spanish Masses to raise money for our second annual Habitat for Humanity
Pope Francis House Build. There will be individual items for sale for $2 and
whole desserts for sale for $15. We will accept checks and cash.
We need your help! Please sign up to bake a dessert (or two!) and drop them off
in the narthex before the 4:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday (if you can't bring them
Saturday, just bring them with you to mass). Go to http://tiny.cc/ihmbakesale to
sign up to participate! Please bring items packaged and ready for sale. Please
label if they contain nuts.
We also need people to sign up to attend the sale of the baked goods after the
Sunday Masses.
Saturday, October 22
Our Parish Picnic will be Saturday, October
22, 11:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (Note the change in
hours!) More information is coming soon!
Last year we raised nearly $1000 at the bake sale! This year we're hoping to
raise even more! The gift of your baked goods and time to sell the items will be
a great help for us to reach our $2000 pledge.
Saturday, July 23
In celebration of the feastday of St. Charbel Maklouf,
Monsignor Al invites all lovers of Lebanese food to a
potluck supper on Saturday, July 23, 5:30-7:30 p.m. in
the Lower Level of the church. You don’t need to be
Lebanese (or half-Lebanese like Monsignor!) to attend! If you don’t know how to cook kibbeh, koosa
mahshi, fatayer, hummus, baba ghanoush, tabbouleh,
baklava or ma’amoul, you can just order out from a
restaurant, like Monsignor will be doing! Bring plenty
to share. (Monsignor has a plan for the leftovers!)
Fresh pita and family-friendly beverages will be provided. RSVP with number
attending and your planned dish to Jayna Hoffacker at 404-636-1418, ext. 226
or jhoffacker@ihmatlanta.org.
IHM wishes you safe travels! Enjoy your trips
and we look forward to seeing you when you
return! If you have not already done so, please
consider signing up for electronic giving at
www.ihmatlanta.org. It’s fast, it’s simple, and
it really helps us keep the lights on and
programs going during the summer months.
For those members in town for part or all of
the summer, remember to check out our website for summer activities!
Sunday, August 7
Uncommon Grace traces the people and events that shaped Flannery O’Connor’s remarkable career, as well as the important role that Catholicism played in
her writing. Featuring expert commentary and rare photographs, Uncommon
Grace will give you a new appreciation for this highly celebrated, yet often
misunderstood, storyteller.
The film will be screened at the Marietta International Film Festival at The
Strand Theatre on Sunday, August 7. Visit http://www.beataproductions.com
for more information.
Drew Denton, Ph.D.
404-636-1418, ext. 223
This fall we will inaugurate the Life Teen (high school) and The EDGE (middle
school) ministries at IHM! We are seeking for adults (18 years and older) to join
us in this exciting journey. Both groups will meet on Sunday evenings right after
the 5:00 p.m. Mass, from 6:15-7:30 p.m.
Alicia Guerrero
404-636-1418, ext. 227
You do not need any previous experience in youth ministry. However, the only
requirement is that all volunteers are Safe Environment approved and have a
background check prior to becoming a volunteer. There is no age limit to volunteer, but you must be at least a high school graduate. If you are interested in
working with the youth starting in September, please contact Kathy Guerrero for
more information.
Administrative Assistant
Olga Torres
404-636-1418, ext. 236
Youth Minister
Kathy Guerrero
404-636-1418, ext. 222
Are you interested in becoming
Catholic, or simply learning more
about the Catholic faith? We look
forward to meeting you, answering
your questions, and helping you
discern God’s call. Please join us for
the first of our summer “inquiry”
sessions on Wednesday, July 27, 7:008:00 p.m., in the lower level of the
church. Contact Drew Denton in the
parish office for more information.
Each Thursday, Dr. Louanne Bachner
leads an informative and prayerful
discussion of the lectionary readings
for the following Sunday. The study
meets in the Lower Level at two
different times: 9:30 a.m. or 7:00 p.m.
There is no registration required and
no fee to participate. Feel free to join
the group as your schedule permits.
In preparation for the 2016-2017 school year, we are also seeking additional
catechists for our faith formation programs. If you would like to help others
understand and live their faith more fully – whether young children, teenagers, or
adults – please let us know! Contact Drew Denton or Alicia Guerrero for more
information on how to get involved.
When: Sunday, July 24
Time: 6:00 p.m. –8:30 p.m.
Where: IHM (in the lower level of church)
When: August 12-14
Where: Hidden Lake Life Teen Camp
Come join us for an evening For adults (18 and over) who are
interested in becoming part of our NEW youth ministry
program. Please RSVP at kguerrero@ihmatlanta.org by
July 17th.
**This fall we will inaugurate the Life Teen (high
school) and The EDGE (middle school) ministries at
IHM! We are seeking for adults to join us in this
exciting journey. Both groups will meet on Sunday
evenings right after the 5:00 p.m. Mass, from 6:157:30 p.m.
If you are interested in working with the youth starting in
September, please contact Kathy Guerrero for more
When: Saturday, August 6
Time: 8:30 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.
Where: Cathedral of Christ the King
2699 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta, GA 30305
Empower is a training for youth ministers and adult Core
Members in the best practices in youth ministry (small
groups, relational ministry, Edge / Life Nights, etc.). The goal
remains simple: to help parishes lead teens closer to Christ.
We encourage all adults who are interested in volunteering at
IHM for the Life Teen/EDGE program to take the time and
attend the training that will allow us all to interact and get a
taste of what youth ministry is all about!
We will be taking our group of new Core Team members to
participate in this unique training opportunity. Space is
limited and we are registering this week, so if you would like
to join the team, please contact Kathy Guerrero
(kguerrero@ihmatlanta.org) immediately!
Based upon the popular teen book “Positively Dangerous”
by Frank Mercadante, this retreat
challenges young people to live in a
Positively Dangerous manner by
loving God, loving others, being
authentic, living with integrity, and
being on call 24/7 for the Holy
This event is for High School
Students grades (9th-12th) that have
expressed interest to be part of the
leadership team in their youth ministry programs. We begin
Friday, August 12th at 4 p.m. and conclude on Sunday,
August 14th at 1 p.m.
Cost: $90 per person
The fee covers housing, all meals, workbook, t-shirt. Please
complete the online registration at www.atlyouth.org/
event/positively-dangerous/. Registrations are due no
later than July 15, 2016, depending on availability, and
are NON-REFUNDABLE. Once registered, you will
receive a confirmation email (**please email Parent
Consent Forms to Katherine Angulo, kangulo@archatl.com
AND “cc” Kathy Guerrero, kguerrero@ihmatlanta.org).
If you cannot email the forms from home, you can drop
them off at the IHM main office and Kathy Guerrero will
email them for you. Please note: you must register online
first by the deadline, then turn in your consent forms after
Niños menores de 7 años,
Los padres DEBEN registrarse antes en la
oficina parroquial; en ese momento
recibirán la fecha de la plática
correspondiente y del bautismo. Al
registrarse deben entregar copia del
Acta de Nacimiento de la persona que va
a ser bautizada.
Llamar al Padre Javier Muñoz y hacer cita
para hablar de los requisitos, por lo
menos 6 meses antes de la fecha
Jueves de 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. en
español, y en inglés los sábados a las
9:00 a.m. o durante la semana haciendo
cita con el sacerdote.
Llamar a la oficina y comunicarse con
Yolanda Muñoz por lo menos 6 meses
antes de la fecha deseada.
Si no eres católico (a) o si eres mayor de
18 años y no has recibido los
sacramentos de Bautismo, Primera
Comunión y Confirmación, te invitamos a
aprender más acerca de nuestra fe.
Comuníquese con Alicia Guerrero en la
oficina parroquial.
Bienvenidos a nuestra comunidad;
visítanos en la oficina para llenar la hoja
de registro. Es muy importante que estés
registrado en la parroquia.
La inscripción para el Programa de Formación en la Fe del próximo año ya está
abierta y permanecerá abierta durante todo el verano. Los formularios estarán
disponibles en las clases de GIFT y en la oficina parroquial. A partir de este año,
también vamos a aceptar la inscripción y el pago en nuestra página de Internet: http://
¡Cada invitado aporta un plato!
En la celebración de la festividad de San Charbel Maklouf,
Monseñor Al invita a todos los amantes de la comida
libanesa a una cena potluck (cada asistente aporta un plato)
el sábado, 23 de julio del 2016 a las 5:30 p.m. hasta las 7:30
p.m. en la planta baja de la iglesia. No es necesario ser
libanés (o medio-libanés como Monseñor) para asistir. Si
usted no sabe cómo cocinar kibbeh, Koosa mahshi, fatayer,
hummus, baba ghanoush, tabulé, baklava o ma'amoul,
¡ordene y traiga la comida de un restaurante, como
Monseñor va a hacer!
Traigan suficiente comida para compartir (¡Monseñor tiene un plan para las sobras!).
Habrá bebidas apropiadas para toda la familia y pan de Pita fresco para todos.
Por favor confirme cuántos atenderán y el plato que traerán llamando a Jayna
Hoffacker al 404-636-1418 extensión 226 o envíe un correo electrónico a
Retiro de Hombres
CRHP /Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia
16 y 17 de julio, 2016
Para información: Jonathan Hurtado: 404-820-1657
Retiro de Mujeres
CRHP /Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia
23 y 24 de julio, 2016
Para información: Gabriela Perez 404-451-7361
I Lectura: Deuteronomio 30:10-14
II Lectura: Colosenses 1:15-20
Evangelio: Lucas 10:25-37
2 y 3 de julio
Ofertorio en misa: $19,533.00
Contribución electronica: $14,730.54
Ofertorio total: $34,263.54
La segunda colecta de este fin de semana es para nuestra campaña mensual dedicada a
la parroquia de San Vicente de Paúl.
Nuestra segunda colecta el próximo fin de semana irá al Fondo de Reducción de la
deuda de IHM.