Grammar Unit 1. 1º BACH

- En acciones o rutinas habituales:
She studies at home
- Con verbos de estado (Stative Verbs):
She loves hockey
*Stative verbs: like, dislike, love, hate, prefer,
want, believe, know, guess, think (creer),
weigh, taste, understand.
- Con adverbios de frecuencia. (ADV+VERB / TO
BE + ADV).
Mum sometimes arrives late
Mum is sometimes late
Afirmativas: SUJ + Vsin to. Se añade –s/es
en la 3ª pers sing.
She enjoys her meal.
* Terminaciones –o , ss, sh, ch, x añaden
-es. Does, misses, wishes, catches, fixes.
Negativas: Suj + don´t / doesn´t + Vsin to
*verbos to be, have got y modales (can,
must…) no se forman con auxiliar.
My parents don´t come to school
She doesn´t eat at school.
Interrogativas: (wh) + do/ does + suj +Vsin
What do you think about the film?
Where does she buy medicine?
- Acciones que están ocurriendo en el
mismo momento.
My teacher is talking now, at the
moment, right now…
*Una acción planificada para un futuro
I´m meeting my friend tonight
- Afirmativas: Suj+ to be + V-ing
She is eating meat
- Negativas: Suj + to be (not) + V-ing
She isn´t eating meat
- Interrogativas: (Wh) + to be + V-ing
What is she eating?
Reglas Ortográficas:
- verbos acabados en –e:
dance- dancing
- verbos acabados en 1 vocal + 1 cons:
(excepto con W y X):
run – running
fix- fixing
- Verbos acabados en –ie:
die - dying