Subido por María Arellano Valle

Vertebrates: Characteristics, Classification, and Groups

Unit 7:
1. Characteristics of animals
2. Mammals
3. Birds
4. Reptiles
5. Amphibians
6. Fish
Think and answer?
a. What animal can you see in the photograph?
b. Why do you know it is an animal?
c. Is it a vertebrate or an invertebrate? Why?
d. How are vertebrates classified?
In this unit you will learn:
 To define what is an animal
 To identify the differences between vertebrates and
invertebrate animals
 To describe the morphologic characteristics of the different
groups of vertebrates
 To describe the way the different groups of vertebrates
perform the vital function
 To classify the vertebrates
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
1. Characteristics of animals.
Organisms of Animal Kingdom are multicellular living beings, made up of eukaryotic animal
cells and heterotrophs.
Almost all animals have organs and systems so that they can perform vital functions very
- Nutrition: They have a digestive system, a respiratory system, a circulatory system
and an excretory system.
- Interaction: They have a nervous system, an endocrine system and a tegument.
- Reproduction: They have a reproductive system.
Traditionally the Animal Kingdom is divided into two groups:
- Vertebrates. They are the animals with internal skeleton.
- Invertebrates. They are the animals without internal skeleton.
This classification is not scientific because invertebrates do not have evolutionary relationship
among them. In contrast Vertebrates are related, that is they have a common ancestor.
Vertebrates are the most evolved group of the Phylum Chordates.
1.1. Characteristics of Vertebrates
All vertebrates have in common the same organization body model. They share the following
They have internal skeleton (endoskeleton) with backbone (spinal column)
Its body is divided into a head, a trunk and most have a tail.
They have four limbs.
They have bilateral symmetry.
They have a complete digestive tube (with mouth and anus) with digestive glands.
They have a close circulatory system (that is blood always flows within the blood vessels)
They have a well-developed nervous system (encephalon, spinal cord, nerves and sense organs).
They have sexual reproduction and sexes are separated (male and female)
They are divided into five groups: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:
Remember: you must make complete sentences.
1. 1. Answer the questions:
a. What does that all vertebrates share a same organization
body model mean?
b. Do these characteristics have scientific value? Why?
c. We can use them to include all vertebrates in the same
taxonomic rank. What is it?
d. Classify the animals represented in the pictures in their
correspondent group:
1.2. Listen and indicate if the sentences about vertebrates are true or false:
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
2. Mammals
There are about 5,700 species of mammals. They appeared 200 million years ago.
They evolved from a group of reptiles that developed hair and capacity for feeding their calves with
milk that they selves produce.
a) Habitat
They are terrestrial tetrapods. Some are aquatic (e.g. dolphins) and only one group can fly (bats)
b) Morphologic characteristics
- They have four limbs. These extremities are adapted
to different ways to move and can be wings, legs or fins.
- Their body is divided into: head, trunk and tail.
The head is joined to the trunk by the neck.
- Their skin is covered by hairs. They protect of heat loss.
- They have several types of glands:
sweat glands, sebaceous glands and mammary glands.
c) Vital functions:
The digestive system is complete.
They have mouth with teeth and lips (to suction).
Teeth have different shape depending on the kind
of feeding the animal has. Anus opens outside directly.
Mammals breathe through lungs.
They have double circulation.
This means that blood follows a double circuit:
- Pulmonary circulation (Heart-Lungs)
- Systemic circulation (Heart- Body)
Their heart has four chambers: two upper atriums and two lower separated ventricles,
so that they have complete circulation. This means that oxygenated blood and deoxygenated
blood don´t mix.
They have two kidneys.
They have a well-developed brain and sense organs: eyes (with eyelids), ears (with auricles),
taste, smell and touch.
They are homeotherms (warm-blooded). This means that they can keep their body temperature
Fertilization is internal. They are viviparous. Young grow in the mother’s womb (uterus).
Mammals care young and females feed them with milk produced in their mammary glands.
d) Classification:
- Monotremes
They are oviparous. They have a beak without teeth.
- Marsupials
They are viviparous but claves birth very immature and have to complete their development
into the mother’s pouch (marsupium).
- Placentals
Young develop completely into the mother’s uterus. Embryo is connected to the female by the
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
Tasmanian devil
(Spiny ant-eater)
Marsupial wolf
(Lions, tigers,
wolfs, bears…)
(seals, sea lions,
(Whales and
(Horses, tapirs,
and rhinoceroses)
(Mice, rats, squirrels…)
(Pigs, camels, deers, giraffes,
sheeps, goats, cows, etc)
(Rabbits and hares)
(Monkeys, apes
and humans)
(Moles, shrews and hedgehogs)
(Manatees and dugongs)
Toothless mammals
(Pangolins, anteaters, etc)
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:
Remember: you must make complete sentences.
2.1. Answer the questions about mammal jaws:
a. Indicate, in each picture, the different types of teeth:
- Incisors (colour them in yellow)
- Canines (colour them in red)
- Molars (colour them in blue).
b. What type of tooth is more developed in every case?
c. We can deduce by the type of dentition, what kind of food they take. Try to identify what of the
skulls belong to a carnivorous, to a herbivorous and to an omnivorous.
2.2. Listen and indicate if the described characteristic belongs to:
a. Placentals
b. Marsupials
c. Monotremes
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
3. Birds
There are about 10,000 species of birds. Birds appeared 160 million years ago.
They evolved from reptiles related to dinosaurs that developed feathers and capacity for flying.
a) Habitat
Birds are terrestrial tetrapods, although some of them are adapted to pass a lot of time on water
(e.g. penguin). Most are flying animals but some have lost this capacity (e.g. ostrich)
b) Morphologic characteristics
- They have four limbs. The forelimbs are wings
and the hind limbs are legs.
- Their body is divided into: head, trunk and tail.
- Their skin is covered by feathers. They protect
the bird of heat loss and are the sustentation
surface for flying.
c) Vital functions:
The digestive system is complete. They have a mouth covered by a beak without teeth,
a very muscular stomach, intestine and anus. It opens outside by the cloaca, a common
opening to digestive, reproductive and excretal systems. Their feeding is very diverse and
the shape of beak is adapted to.
They need a lot of energy for flying, so that they have many adaptations to increase the
amount of oxygen that arrives to muscles.
Birds breathe through lungs. They have special organs called air sacs attached to their
lungs that increase the amount of oxygen that a bird can take.
They have double circulation. Their heart has four chambers: two upper atriums and
two lower separated ventricles, so that they have complete circulation.
They have two kidneys.
They have a well-developed brain and sense organs:
eyes (with eyelids) ears (without auricles), taste and touch.
They are homeotherms (warm-blooded).
Bird skeleton is compact and strong. They have some
fused bones (some of the vertebrae, ribs and hip bones).
This makes the skeleton more rigid than in other
vertebrates and allows move wings more efficiently.
They have hollow bones that reduce the weight of bird,
making easier fly.
They have keel, a prolongation of the breastbone (sternum)
that provides of a good attached for the powerful flight muscles.
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
Fertilization is internal. They are oviparous, this is the embryo develops inside an egg.
This egg has a hard and rigid shell and an internal impermeable membrane (amnion). They
incubate the eggs and take care of their young (chicks).
d) Classification:
- Carinatae (flying birds)
They have keel. It is the most numerous group.
- Ratites (non-flying birds)
They don’t have keel and are adapted to running. Their wings are atrophied and reduced.
After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:
Remember: you must make complete sentences.
3.1. The shape of the beak of Birds is an adaptation to the
type of feeding. Can you relate every picture on the
right with its correspondent way of feeding?
a. They use it to make holes in wood looking for insects.
b. They use it to break seeds.
c. They use like a harpoon to fish.
d. They use it to tear meat.
e. They use it to sweep water surface to catch molluscs and insects.
3.2. Listen and indicate which of these characteristics are adaptations for flying.
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
4. Reptiles
It is estimated that there are about 8,200 species of reptiles.
Reptiles appeared more than 310 million years ago.
They evolved from a group of amphibians that developed impermeable skin without glands,
and eggs with shell that allowed them leave wet environments.
a) Habitat
Reptiles are terrestrial tetrapods. Most reptiles live in very dry environments, although some of
them spend a lot of time in water (e.g. crocodiles) and some are marines (e.g. marine tortoises).
b) Morphologic characteristics
- They have four limbs,
except snakes that do not have legs.
- Their body is divided into: head, trunk and tail.
- Their skin is thick and is covered by
hard scales and does not have glands.
It protects them from water loss.
Lizards and snakes shed their skin and
tortoises have a hard shell called carapace.
c) Vital functions:
The digestive system is complete. They have a mouth,
stomach, intestine and anus. It opens outside by the cloaca.
Most are carnivorous. They have teeth to capture preys.
Turtles do not have teeth but have beak. Many snakes have
poisonous gland connected to fangs.
Reptiles breathe through lungs.
They have double circulation.
Their heart has four chambers:
two upper atriums and two lower connected ventricles,
so that they have incomplete circulation. This means that
oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood mix.
They have two kidneys.
They have a well-developed brain and sense organs: eyes (with eyelids), ears (without
auricles) and taste, smell and touch.
They are poikilotherms (cold-blooded). That means that they can not keep their body
temperature constant. They adapt it to the environment temperature.
Fertilization can be external or internal.
Most of them are oviparous.
Some snakes are ovoviviparous, this is the
embryo develops inside an egg that remains
inside the female until hatching.
They lay eggs with a flexible shell and an
internal impermeable membrane (amnion)
that protect the embryo and allows laying
them out of water.
Usually, they do not incubate the eggs
or take care of their young.
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
d) Classification:
- Chelonians (Turtles and tortoises)
Their body is covered by a carapace.
They don’t have teeth, but a beak.
Adults are mainly terrestrial and some are aquatic
(fresh water and marines)
- Crocodilians (Crocodiles. alligators and gavials)
Their body is elongated and large.
They live in aquatic environments (swamps and rivers)
All of them are carnivorous.
- Squamata
They live terrestrial environments.
All of them are carnivorous.
- Saurians (Lizards).
They have four limbs
- Serpents (Snakes).
They do not have limbs.
After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:
Remember: you must make complete sentences.
4.1. Reptiles are poikilotherms or cold-blooded animals.
a. What does it mean?
b. In spite of this, many of them can control
their body temperature keeping it, higher
or lower than the environment, with their
behaviour. Pictures represent a desert
lizard in different day moments. Describe
its behaviour in each moment and explain
what consequences can it has in its body
A. At dawn, the lizard ……………………………………………, as a result ……………………………………………………
B. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
C. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.2. Listen and relate each sentence with the group of Reptiles it belongs to:
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
5. Amphibians
It is estimated that there are about 7,000 species of amphibians.
Amphibians appeared more than 360 million years ago. They are the oldest group of tetrapods.
They evolved from a group of fish that developed legs and primitive lungs.
a) Habitat
“Amphibians” means “double life”. All amphibians begin life in water, but adults are terrestrial
animals although they have to live in wet places, near fresh water.
b) Morphologic characteristics
- They have four limbs.
- Their body is divided into: head, trunk and tail.
- Their skin is very thin and is not covered by any
protective structure. They have glands
that produce mucus and keep the skin moist.
c) Vital functions:
The digestive system is complete. They have a mouth
without teeth, a stomach, an intestine and an anus.
It opens outside by the cloaca.
Young usually are herbivorous and adults carnivorous.
Young breathe by gills, and adults breathe by lungs and skin.
Amphibians have double circulation.
Their heart has only three chambers:
two upper atriums and a lower ventricle.
They have incomplete circulation.
They have two kidneys.
They have a well-developed brain and sense organs: eyes (with eyelids), ears (without
auricles), taste, smell and touch.
Many of them have poisonous glands.
They are poikilotherms (cold-blooded).
Fertilization can be
external or internal.
They are oviparous,
except salamanders
that are ovoviviparous.
They have to lay eggs into water,
because they do not have
impermeable shell.
Usually, they do not care
the eggs or young.
Young (tadpoles) have to change
to became adult. They undergo metamorphosis.
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
d) Classification:
- Anurans E. g. Frogs and toads.
Their body is compact.
They don’t have tail.
Their hind limbs are longer and stronger
than the forelimbs
Adults are mainly terrestrial.
- Urodeles E.g. Salamanders and newts
Their body is elongated.
They have tail.
Their hind limbs and forelimbs are similar
Adults are mainly aquatic.
After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:
Remember: you must make complete sentences.
5.1. The following sequence of pictures represents the metamorphosis of a frog.
a. Cut out them and glue on the right order on your notebook. Do the same with the labels.
Relate every phase with its description
Female frog lays eggs on
water and male frog
fertilizes them
One tadpole hatches from
every egg. It has gills and
tail and lives on water.
Gills and tail disappear
and tadpole develops
Adult frog can live out of
water. It has lungs and
four legs.
b. Why do they have to lay eggs in water?
c. What phases have gill breathing?
d. What differences are there between tadpole and adult frog feeding?
5.2. Listen and relate each sentence with a characteristic of Amphibians:
a. Metamorphosis
b. Pulmonary and cutaneous respiration
c. Tetrapods
d. Poikilotherms (cold-blooded)
e. Naked skin with mucuous glands
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
6. Fish
This is the most numerous group of Vertebrates.
It is estimated that there are more than 25,000 species of fish.
Fossil evidence indicates that fish appeared about 500 million years ago.
a) Habitat
All fish are aquatic vertebrates.
We can find them in fresh water, living in lakes or rivers, but the most part of them are marines.
b) Morphologic characteristics
- Their body is spindle-shape (fusiform)
to make them easier to move into water.
It is divided into: head, trunk and tail.
- Their limbs are modified into fins
for swimming.
- Their skin is covered with scales,
which protect the body and reduce
the friction with water.
- Most of them have swim bladder.
It is a balloon-like organ filled
with gases which help to float.
c) Vital functions:
The digestive system is complete. They have a mouth with teeth,
a stomach, an intestine and an anus. It opens outside by the cloaca.
Their type of feeding is very diverse.
They breathe through gills.
Fish have simple circulation. This means that blood follows
a single circuit: heart-gills-body-heart.
Their heart has only two chambers: an upper atrium
and a lower ventricle. Only blood without oxygen flows through it.
They have two primitive kidneys.
They have a well-developed brain and sense organs: eyes (without eyelids), ears (without
auricles), taste, smell and touch. In addition they have an exclusive sense organ, the lateral
line. It is row of sensorial receptors along each side of the body and the head. This system
detects water vibrations.
They are poikilotherms (cold-blooded).
Most of them have external fertilization. The female lays eggs in the water and the male
drops sperm on them.
They are oviparous and usually do not care the eggs or young.
UNIT 7: Vertebrates
Biology and Geology (1 ESO)
d) Classification:
- Bony fish
They are the most numerous group of fish (95 %).
Their skeleton is made of bone.
The skin is covered by scales.
They have protected the gill openings by an operculum.
They have a very diverse feeding kind.
- Cartilaginous fish
Their skeleton is made of cartilage (no bone)
The skin is covered by dermal denticles (no scales). It is similar to sandpaper.
They do not have protected the gill openings by an operculum.
They do not have swim bladder.
They are mainly predators.
After read the text, copy and answer the following questions on your notebook:
Remember: you must make complete sentences.
6.1. Answer the following questions:
a. Which organ allows fish to breathe into water?
b. What is the swim bladder?
c. Which morphologic characteristics allow fish to move into water?
6.2. Complete the comparative chart cartilaginous fish and bony fish.
Bony Fish
Cartilaginous Fish
Skeleton made of…
Skin covered by…
Swim bladder
6.3. Listen and identify which characteristic of fish is described:
a. Spindle-shape body (fusiform)
b. Scales
c. Fins
d. Gills
e. Swim bladder
f. Lateral line