You have 200 years old to proudly enjoy in a Mexican way Abstract

Voices and Contexts
Congratulations! You have 200 years old to proudly
enjoy in a Mexican way
Diana Plaza Martín1
In this article we will try to point a constant, the denial of the miscegenation, through
the colonial denial and the idealization of the indigenous past, which since the
Independence of Mexico to this day has been present, particularly in those who were
positioned as “legitimate” holders of power, reproducing and deepening in racialized
social inequality.
Constant that we will analyze through the Lacanian psychoanalytic concept of
surplus-enjoyment in the sense of enjoyment of the Other, in order to show that those
who became the "legitimate" Mexican-Administration- reproduced the way of enjoy of
the "illegitimate" -Colonial Administration- sustaining the descendants of the
"legitimate", but "underdeveloped" Mexican past, in exclusion.
Key words: Mexico, Independence, Revolution, Racism, enjoyment.
Iberofórum. Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Iberoamericana.
Año V, No. 10. Julio-Diciembre de 2010. Diana Plaza Martín.
pp.53- 68. ISSN: 2007-0675.
Universidad Iberoamericana A.C., Ciudad de México. www.uia/iberoforum