1 Course Guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 _________________________________________________________________________________ ______ COURSE GUIDE: PROCESSES OF TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM: TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES Catholic University of Valencia Course 2014-15 Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Course Guide: Processes of teaching and learning in the classroom: tools and techniques ECTS Subject: EDUCATION 24 Module: PROCESSES AND EDUCATIONAL CONTEXTS 6 YEAR: 2 nd Semester: 1st Type of training: BASIC Instructors: Javier Castellá Roberto sanz Department:General Didactis, Theory of Education and Technological Education Luis Marco José Mula Javier.castella@ucv.es, Roberto.sanz@ucv.es luismar@ucv.es, jose.mula@ucv.es, Education EdEducation Education ORGANIZATION OF THE SUBJECT Nº ECTS: 12 PROCESSES AND EDUCATIONAL CONTEXTS Duration and temporal location within the curriculum. Topics and Subjects Topic ECTS 9 SUBJECT ECTS Course/ Semester SUBJECT 1: Processes and Educational Contexts 6 2º-1º SUBJECT 2: Design and Educational evaluation of action plans 6 2º-2º Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 3 Course Guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 COURSE GUIDE MATTER: EDUCATION Prerequisites: there are no GENERAL OBJECTIVES a. Analyze the bases of the most relevant theories of education, as well as their different organizational models. b. Identify the main characteristics of the current educational legislation. c. Contrasting the different styles of teaching and learning and its impact on the management of the classroom. d. Design action plans and projects of educational innovation educational. e. Implement strategies for the development of competencies. e. Implementing strategies for the development of competencies. Competence GENERAL COMPETENCES measuring scale 1 1. Effectively address situations of learning languages in multicultural and multilingual contexts. 2. Encourage reading and critical commentary of the texts different scientific domains and cultural content in the school curriculum. 3. Express oneself correctly in forms orally and in writing, in the official languages of the autonomous community and master the use of different techniques of expression. 4. Meet the curricular areas of primary education, the interdisciplinary relationship between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of teaching knowledge about teaching and learning procedures, knowing design and plan learning projects. 2 3 x x x x 5. Design, plan, and evaluate processes of learning and learning, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals of the Centre. 6. Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve the teaching. know and propose the quality improvement models with application to schools. 8. Know systematically observe contexts of learning and coexistence and learn to reflect on them, establishing a balance and issuing judgements. 9. Design and regular learning spaces in contexts of diversity and which address gender equality, equity and respect for human rights that make up the training values citizen. 10. Rating the individual and collective responsibility in the achievement of a sustainable future and to project their sensitivity towards the environment. 4 x x 7. x x x x Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 4 11.Meet and analyze the Organization of primary education schools and diversity of actions and strategies comprising. x 12. Meet operation and apply information and communication technologies in the classroom. Selectively discern audiovisual information that contributes to learning, political education and cultural wealth. x 13. Promoting coexistence in the classroom and outside of it; solve discipline problems and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. x 14. Stimulate rating, effort, perseverance and personal discipline in the students. x 15. Perform tutoring and guidance functions with the students and their families, serving the unique needs educational. x 16. Assist students with the various sectors of the educational community and the social environment. x 17. Assume the educational dimension of the teaching function and promote democratic education for citizenship active. x 18. Designing and regulating learning environments to promote the comprehensive development of the students from a transcendent dimension. x 19. Be able to justify their decisions concerning the learning, assessment and education of students, and be consistent with the decisions taken. x 20. Assume to the exercise of the teaching function of go improvement and adapt to the changes scientists, pedagogical and social throughout life. 21. Understand function, the possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the core competencies that affect schools of primary education to their professional. x x 22. Purchase habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promoting it among students. x 23. Maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with regard to the knowledge, values, social and institutions public and private. x 24. Know work in team contexts interdisciplinary, demonstrating initiative and creativity. x Competence measuring scale SPECIFIC COMPETENCES 1 1.Understand learning processes relating to the 6 - 12 year period in the context of family, social and school. 2.Learn about the characteristics of these students, as well as the characteristics of their motivational and social contexts. 3.Mastering the knowledge necessary to understand the development of the personality of these students and identify dysfunctions. 2 3 4 x x x Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 5 Course Guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 4. Identifying learning difficulties, inform them and assist in their treatment 5. Learn about the proposals and current developments based on the learning of skills 6. Identify and plan for the resolution of educational situations affecting students with different abilities and different rhythms of learning 7. Analyze and understand the educational processes in the classroom and outside of it relating to the period 6-12 8. x x x x Learn the basics of primary education x 9. Analyze the teaching practice and institutional conditions that frame it 10. The historical evolution of the educational system in our country and the political and legislative conditions of the educational activity x x 11. Understand the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom 12. x Address and resolve problems of discipline. Promote cooperative work, individual work and effort x Promote the preparation of a democratic and active citizenship-oriented education in values. x 14. Know and deal with school situations in multicultural contexts x 15. Design, plan, and evaluate the teaching and learning in the classroom x 13. 16. Know and apply innovative experiences in education elementary x 17. Participate in the definition of the educational project and the general activity of the center according to criteria of quality management 18. Know and apply methodologies and techniques of educational research and be able to design innovation projects by identifying indicators of evaluation LEARNING RESULTS x x COMPETENCES R-1 Identifies disciplinary problems and solves them through the elaboration of different intervention plans R-2 Identifies the student's own learning style G.8, G. 13, E.11, E.12, E.13 G.5, G.14, G.19, E.4, E.6, E.18 R-3 Plan different processes of learning based on the diversity of the Group G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8, G.20, E.6 R-4 The student relates the different styles of teaching with classroom management G.17, G.18, G.24, E.15 Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 6 R-5 He designed different strategies for teaching based on the diversity of the student body G.9, G.12, G.20, E.4, E.5, E.13, E.18 ON‐CAMPUS EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY CLASSROOM PRACTICAL CLASSES EXHIBITION WORK GROUP TUTORING EVALUATION Relation with Learning Outcomes of the Subject Teaching‐Learning Methodology Exhibition of contents by the Professor, analysis skills, explanation and demonstration of abilities, skills and knowledge in the classroom. Session of group work in groups supervised by the professor. Field, classroom computer, visits, data search, study cases, diagnostic tests, problems, study libraries, network, Internet, etc. Significant construction of knowledge through the interaction and the student activity. Application of interdisciplinary knowledge Personalized care in small group. Period of instruction or direction made by a tutor in order to review and discuss the materials and themes presented in classes, seminars, readings, work, etc. Set of oral and/or written tests used in the initial, formative or additive evaluation of the student. ECTS ALL 1 R.1, R.2 1,5 R.3, R.4, R.5 1 ALL 0,5 ALL 0,5 Total l 4,5 Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 7 Course Guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TRAINING ACTIVITIES OF AUTONOMOUS STUDENT WORK ACTIVITY WORK IN GROUP Relation with Learning Outcomes of the Subject Teaching‐Learning Methodology Preparation in Group readings, essays, resolution of issues, seminars, jobs, reports to expose or deliver in theoretical classes, practical classes and/or small group tutoring. Work carried out on the platform of the University The student study: individual preparation of readings, essays, WORK SELF-EMPLOYED resolution of issues, seminars, jobs, reports to expose or deliver in theoretical classes, practical classes and/or small group tutoring. ECTS R.3, R. 4, R. 5 2 R.1, R.2 2,5 Work on the platform of the University Totall 4,5 THE ACQUISITION OF THE SKILLS EVALUATION SYSTEM AND GRADING SYSTEM Assessment tool ASSESSED LEARNING OUTCOMES Percenta ge granted (state code) % R.1, R.2 30% Written tests ALL 30% Targeted jobs R.3, R.4, R.5 40% Resolution of cases Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 8 DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Organization in blocks of content or thematic groupings. Development of content in teaching guides. THEME 1: The management of the classroom 1.1.-Motivation. 1.2.-Classroom climate and its impact on learning. 1.3.-Conflict resolution. COMPETENCE (Indicate, numerically, the related competences) G.7, G.8, G.13, G.18, G.19, G.24, E.7, E.11, E.12, E.15 THEME 2: Learning styles and evaluation. 2.1.-Approach to the different educational styles and their impact G.8, G.12, G.14, G.17, G.19, on the process of e-a. E.4, E.6, E.15 2.2.-The reflective practice. THEME 3: Techniques and tools for learning 3.1-Classifications and proposals. 3.2-Teaching strategies for learning. 3.3-Strategies for the acquisition of attitudes and values. THEME 4: Learning Based on Competencies. 4.1.-Approach to competency-based learning. 4.2.-Competence-based learning: techniques. G.7, G.17, G.20, G.22, E.12, E.13, E.15 G.7, G.9, G.19, G.20, G.24, E.5, E.15, E.18 THEME 5: Innovation in the processes of teaching and learning. 5.1.-Approximation to the concept and practice of innovation. 5.2.-Models of educational innovation. G.6, G.14, G.18, G.20, E.16, E.18 REFERENCES AGELET, J. (2001). Estrategias organizativas de aula. Ed. Graó. ANDRES, J. (2004). Aprender a aprender. Ed. CCS. ARELLANO, Y y SANTOYO, M. (2010). Investigar con mapas conceptuales. Procesos metodológicos. Editorial Narcea. Madrid. Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 9 Course Guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 BARNETT, L. y Colaboradores. (2003). Motivación tratamiento de la diversidad y rendimiento académico. Ed. Graó. ESTEFANÍA, J. L. & SARASÚA, A., (1998). Proyecto Educativo de Centro. Revisión, seguimiento y evaluación. Madrid: Ed. CCS. FICHTNER, B. (2002). Enseñar y aprender. Ed. Octaedro. GARCIA, E. (2004). Didáctica y currículum: claves para el análisis en los procesos de enseñanza. Ed. Mira Editores S.A. GARCIA. M.C y colaboradores (2000). El Constructivismo en la práctica. Ed. Graó. GILBERT, I. (2005). Motivar para aprender en el aula. Las siete claves de la motivación escolar. Ed. Paidós. GONZÁLEZ, J.; GUTIERREZ, F. & RUEDA, J., (1998). Programación Curricular y unidades didácticas. Madrid: Ed. Escuela Española LÓPEZ MOJARRO, M. (002), A la Calidad por la evaluación. Praxis. Barcelona MARCELO C. Y VAILLANT, d. (2010) Desarrollo profesional docente. ¿Cómo se aprende a enseñar? MARTÍNEZ, P. (2008). Aprender y enseñar. Ed. Mensajero S.A. Unipersonal. MUÑOZ, A. & MORIEGA, A. J., (1996). Técnicas básicas de programación. Madrid: Escuela Española. NIETO, J.M. (2004). Estrategias para mejorar la práctica docente. Ed. CCS. PASCUAL, A., (1995). La Unidad Didáctica en Educación Primaria. Barcelona: Bruño. PENNAC, D. (2007). Mal de Escuela. Ed. Mondadori. PROT, B. (2004). Pedagogía de la motivación. Cómo despertar el deseo de aprender. Ed. Narcea. SANTOS GUERRA, M.A. (2000) Entre bastidores. El lado oculto de la organización escolar. Aljibe. Archidona (Málaga) SANZ ORO, R. (2001) Orientación psicopedagógica y calidad educativa. Pirámide. Madrid. THORNE, KAYE (2010) Motivación y creatividad en clase. Ed. Graó. Barcelona. TRUJILLO, F. (2006). Experiencias educativas en aprendizaje cooperativo. Ed. Grupo Editorial Universitario. Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 1 TEMPORAL LEARNING ORGANIZATION: BLOCK CONTENT / TEACHING UNIT 1 2 3 NUMBER OF SESSIONS The management of the classroom NUMBER 1.1.-Motivation 1.2.-Classroom climate and its impact on learning. 1.3.-Conflict resolution Learning styles and evaluation 2.1.-Approach to the different educational styles and their impact on the process of e-a 2.2.-The reflective practice Techniques and tools for learning 3.1.-Classifications and proposals 3.2.-Teaching strategies for learning 3.3.-Strategies for the acquisition of attitudes and values 7 7 8 4 Learning skills 4.1.- Approach to skills 4.2.- Competency-based learning approach: its techniques 4 5 Innovation in the processes of teaching and learning 5.1.-Approximation to the concept and practice of innovation 5.2.-Models of educational innovation 4 Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”