1 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 TEACHER OF THE SUBJECT GUIDE PROCESSES OF TEACHIG AND LEARNING IN THE CLASSROMM: TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTS Degree in education Infantil Facultad of psychology, teaching and science of Educacion Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Martir Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 Curso 2016/17 SUBJECT TEACHING GUIDE ECTS SUBJECT: PROCESSES OF TEACHING LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM: TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTSESOS DE ENSEÑANZA APRENDIZAJE EN EL AULA: TÉCNICAS E INSTRUMENTOS MATERIAL: ORGANIZATION OF THE SCHOOL SPACE, MATERIALS AND SKILLS TEACHING MÓDULE: PROCESSES AND EDUCATIONAL CONTEXTS Type of training: BÁSIC Profesorado: Dra. Dª Remedios Aguilar Moya D. Javier Castellà Beltrán Dª Mª Isabel Díaz García Dª Lydia Faus Dalmau Dª Eva Romero Úbeda 6 12 42 COURSE: 3rd Semester: 1st Department: GENERAL DIDACTICS, EDUCATION AND THEORY OR TECNOLIGICAL INNOVATION E-mail: remedios.aguilar@ucv.es javier.castella@ucv.es misabel.diaz@ucv.es lydiafaus@ucv.es eva.romero@ucv.es Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 3 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 ORGANIZATION OF MODULE ____________________________________________________________________________ PROCESSES AND EDUCATIONAL CONTEXTS Nº ECTS 42 Materials and Subjects Material Organizacion of school space, materials and faculty skills ECTS SUBJECT 12 La organization of the classroom and the Centre of ed. infantil Processes of teaching and learning in the classroom : technical and instruments ECTS Course/ semester 6 2/2 6 3/1 SUBJECT TEACHING GUIDE : TEACHER OF THE SUBJECT GUIDE PROCESSES OF TEACHIG AND LEARNING IN THE CLASSROMM: TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTS Previous recuirements: GENERALS OBJECTIVES a. Learn about the most common teaching styles in practice educativa. b. Design and plan various teaching-learning processes and to evaluate the result of the same, evaluating different techniques and tools to use . Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 4 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 c. Acquire the domain of the social skills necessary for the educational practice as a teacher in a community educative. Ponderation of the competences GENERICS COMPETENCES 1 2 3 G2. Promote and facilitate learning in early childhood, from a global perspective and integrating the different dimensions of cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional. 4 X G4. Promoting coexistence in the classroom and outside of it and deal with the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Learn systematically observe contexts of learning and living together and learn to reflect on them. X G10. Act as guiding of parents and mothers in relation to the education family in the period 0-6 and master skills social in the try and relationship with the family of each student and with the set of them families. X G11. Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promoting it in the students. X ESPECIFICSCOMPETENCES 1 2 E12. Understand that the daily dynamics in pre-school education varies according to each student, group and situation and to be flexible in the exercise of the teaching function. E16. The needs of students and pass security, tranquillity and affection. LEARNING OUTCOMES 3 4 X X COMPETENCES Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 5 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 R-1 Identifies disciplinary problems and solves them using different plans of Intervention. G4, G10, R- 2 Identifies the style of learning of the students. G2, G11,E12 R-3 Plans different processes of learning based on the diversity of the group. G2, G11 R-4 The student relates the different teaching styles with the classroom management. G4, G10, E16 R-5 Classroom management designed different strategies for teaching based on the diversity of the students G2, E12 TRAINING ACTIVITIES IN RECEIVABLES ECTS, HIS METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING-LEARNING AND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE RESULTS OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES TRAINING OF WORK ACTIVITIES TRAINING OF WORK ACTIVITY THEORETICAL CLASSES Learning teaching Methodology . Theoretical exposure of contents by the Professor, analysis skills, explanation and demonstration of skills, abilities and knowledge in the classroom . Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Relationship with learning outcomes R3, R4, R5 ECTS 0,6 6 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 0,4 PRACTICAL CLASSES STATEMENT OF WORK TUTORIAL ATENTION TEST Working sessions of group work supervised by the professor. Study cases, field study, classroom computer, visits and didactic itineraries, data libraries, Internet, etc. Activities in spaces with specialized equipment. Sharings of acquired knowledge. Oral presentations of elaborate work. Teacher-pupil interaction between students Tutorial atention custom and in small group. Period of instruction or direction made by a tutor in order to review and discuss the materials and themes presented in classes, seminars, readings, work, etc. Test set used in the initial formative or summative evaluation of the student. Written tests. Oral presentations. Review of texts Bibliografics. R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 0,6 R2, R3, R5 0,4 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 0,4 R2, R3, R4, R5 TOTAL 2,4 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 7 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 TRAINING ACTIVITIES IN RECEIVABLES ECTS, HIS METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING-LEARNING AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO ACQUIRE SKILLS AUTONOMOUS WORK TRAINING ACTIVITIES OF STUDENT ACTIVITY TEAM WORK INDIVIDUAL WORK Learning teaching Methodology . Relationship with learning outcomes Readings. Preparation of trials, work, study cases, reports, preparation of seminars, etc. to expose or deliver in theoretical classes practical classes and/or small group tutoring. Work on the platform of the University or other virtual spaces. Selfemployment data libraries, documentary databases, information seekers, magazines scientific, etc. (www.plataforma.ucv. es) Individual preparation of readings, essays, resolution of issues, seminars, jobs, reports to expose or deliver in theoretical classes, practical classes and/or small group tutoring. Work on the platform of the University (www.plataforma.ucv. es) or other virtual spaces. Autonomous work of searching for data in libraries, documentary databases, search engines for information, scientific journals, etc. Internet, etc. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” R1 a R5 R1 a R5 ECTS 1,6 2 8 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 TOTAL 3,6 ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ACQUISITION OF SKILLS AND GRADING SYSTEM Assessment Tool LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSED Percentage granted Written test R2, R3, R5 45 % Development of portfolio R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 20% Oral presentation of cooperative work R2, R3, R4 20% Presentation of analysis and critical appraisal of bibliographic texts Monitoring group and individual assistance and participation 10% R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 5% R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 The final grade will be the weighted average of the results obtained in each of the previous sections, provided that they have passed all with 50%. All work will have a date of execution and concrete delivery. All oral and written production by students will be evaluated at a formal level according to the document "Level C1 (common European framework of reference for languages) in pre-school and primary education teacher grades. •A granted honors to students who obtain one score of more than 9 points, at first call. •The attendance at face-to-face meetings , the active participation and involvement in the classes theoretical practices as well as in the rest of training activities from the learner, candidate to receive the distinction, it should reach the levels of excellence. •the mention of honours may be awarded to students who have obtained a score equal to or greater than 9.0. Their number may not exceed 5% of the students enrolled in a matter in the corresponding academic year, unless the number of registered students is less than 20, in which case a single honours may be granted. (Royal Decree 1125 / 2003) Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 9 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Lesson 1: Styles docentes. 1.1.-Analysis of the different classifications of styles docentes. 1.2-Types of docentes. 1.3-Non-verbal communication styles and their influence in the classroom. . Lesson 2: Learning styles. 2.1 Approach to different styles. 2.2.-Incidence in the teaching-learning process. 2.3.-The reflective practice Lesson 3: The intelligences multiples. 3.1.-Definition of intelligences multiples. 3.2.-How work intelligences multiples. 3.3-Planning of multiple intelligences Lesson 4: Social skills. 4.1 - What are social skills?. 4.2 Need for construction of a climate of affection, trust and security. 4.3 Interaction with others. 4.4.-Autonomy. 4.5.-Rules, routines and conflicts. 4.6.-Programme of skills social. COMPETENCES G11, E12 G 2, G11, E12, E16 G2, G11, E12, E16, G2, G4, G10, E16 TEMPORAL ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING BLOQUE DE CONTENIDO/UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA Lesson 1: Styles docentes. 1.1.-Analysis of the different classifications of styles docentes. 1.2-Types of docentes. 1.3-Non-verbal communication styles and their influence in the classroom.. Lesson 2: Learning styles. 2.1 Approach to different styles. 2.2.-Incidence in the teaching-learning process. 2.3.-The reflective practice Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Nº DE SESIONES 8 8 10 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 Lesson 3: The intelligences multiples. 3.1.-Definition of intelligences multiples. 3.2.-How work intelligences multiples. 3.3-Planning of multiple intelligences Lesson 4: Social skills. 4.1 - What are social skills?. 4.2 Need for construction of a climate of affection, trust and security. 4.3 Interaction with others. 4.4.-Autonomy. 4.5.-Rules, routines and conflicts. 4.6.-Programme of skills social. 8 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 1 1 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 Basic bibliography AGELET, J. (2001). Estratégias organizativas de aula. Ed. Graó. ANDRES, J. (2004). Aprender a aprender. Ed. CCS. ARELLANO, J. y SANTOYO, M. (2010). Investigar con mapas conceptuales. Procesos metodológicos. Editorial Narcea. Madrid. ARGENTE, A. et al (2013). Docencia y práctica educativa: la estilística en la educación. Colección Portulario. BARNETT, L. (2003). Motivación tratamiento de la diversidad y rendimiento académico. Ed. Graó. ESCAMILLA, A. (2014). Inteligencias múltiples. Claves y propuestas para su desarrollo en el aula. Graó FICHTNER, B. (2002). Enseñar y aprender. Ed. Octaedro. GADNER, H. (2010). La inteligencia reformulada. Barcelona. Paidós. GADNER, H. (2011). Inteligencias múltiples. Barcelona. Paidós GALLEGO, j. (2004). Enseñar a pensar en la escuela. Madrid. Pirámide. GARCIA, E. (2004). Didáctica y currículum: claves para el análisis en los procesos de enseñanza. Ed. Mira Editores S.A. GARCIA. M.C y colaboradores (2000). El Constructivismo en la práctica. Ed. Graó. GILBERT, I. (2005). Motivar para aprender en el aula. Las siete claves de la motivación escolar. Ed. Paidós. LÓPEZ MOJARRO, M. (2002), A la Calidad por la evaluación. Praxis. Barcelona MARCELO C. y VAILLANT, D. (2010) Desarrollo profesional docente. ¿Cómo se aprende a enseñar? Revista Teoría de la Educación. Educación y cultura en la sociedad de la información. Vol. 11 MARTÍNEZ, P. (2008). Aprender y enseñar. Ed. Mensajero S.A. Unipersonal. NIETO, J.M. (2004). Estrategias para mejorar la práctica docente. Ed. CCS. PENNAC, D. (2007). Mal de Escuela. Ed. Mondadori. PROT, B. (2004). Pedagogía de la motivación. Cómo despertar el deseo de aprender. Ed. Narcea. REYES, E. (2014). Inteligencias múltiples en educación infantil: La práctica en el aula. Editorial Círculo Rojo. SANTOS, M.A. (2000) Entre bastidores. El lado oculto de la organización SANZ, R. (2001) Orientación psicopedagógica y calidad educativa. Pirámide. Madrid. THORNE, K. (2010) Motivación y creatividad en clase. Ed. Graó. Barcelona. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 12 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 TRUJILLO, F. (2006). Experiencias educativas en aprendizaje cooperativo. Ed. Grupo Editorial Universitario. Webgraphy. http://www.revistaeducacion.educacion.es/re334/re334_03.pdf http://assets.mheducation.es/bcv/guide/capitulo/8448175743.pdf Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”