Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary time
November 10, 2013
Lord, when your glory appears,
my joy will be full
The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Southampton, NY
Welcome to the Basilica Parish of the
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Daily Mass
Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri. at 12 noon
Tue. at 8:00 am
First Saturday 8:00 am
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5 PM
Sunday: 8 AM, 9:30 AM,
11 AM, 12:30 PM (in Spanish)
and 5 PM
Saturday: 4 PM - 4:45 PM
Ministry to the Sick
For communion at home or Anointing
please contact the Parish Office.
Please contact the Parish Office
to schedule an appointment.
Arranged at least six months in
advance, please call the Parish Office.
Pastoral Team:
Rev. Michael A. Vetrano, Pastor
In Residence: Rev. Msgr. William J. Gill
John Moran, Deacon
Carl Sanfilippo, Deacon
Jennifer Ferrantino, Director, Religious Education
Suzanne Marchisella, Parish & Cemetery Secretary
Jo Ann Morse, Director of Music
Bill Kunzer, Plant and Facilities Manager
Parish Leadership:
Contact Us
Finance Committee
Fred Weinfurt (trustee)
Pat Jordan (trustee)
Jay Diesing
John Neknez
Parish Office
168 Hill Street Southampton, NY
Pastoral Council
In formation
Jack Hanlon
Sr. Barbara McKenna, RSM
Adult Faith Formation
Sr. Mary Assunta, RSM
Becoming A Catholic
We welcome those who would like to
become Catholic and adult Catholics
who have never received formal
religious education and/or sacraments.
Contact the Parish Office.
Human Resources of the Hamptons — Help for those in Need
The Human Resources Program volunteers reach out to meet the temporal needs of the
elderly, the housebound, and the poor of our parish and community. Our parish Care for
the Caregiver Program delivers hot meals to families in need of this kind of help on
Wednesday evenings. Call the Human Resources Office for information and assistance.
P: 631-283-0097, option 0
F: 631-283-3836
W: www.shjmbasilica.org
E: parishoffice@shjmbasilica.org
M-F 9 AM - 4:00 PM
Weekend by appointment
Fr. Mike Vetrano
E: pastor@shjmbasilica.org
Religious Education Office
P: 631-283-0508
E: jferrantino@shjmbasilica.org
Our Lady of Hamptons School
Sister Kathy Schlueter, CSJ
160 North Main Street
Southampton, New York 11968
P: 631-283-9140
E: olh@hamptons.com
Human Resources of the
Maryann Tupper, Director
P: 631-283-6415
E: maryanntupper.hrp@hamptons.com
Apostolado Hispano
Rev. Steve Grozio
631-283-4379 Cell: 631-375-1001
Vincentian Fathers
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time :: November 10, 2013
Readings: 2 Mc 7;1-2, 9-14; 2 Thes 2:16—3:5; Lk 20:27-38
Mission Statement: We are a Eucharistic centered people, who by following Christ’s teaching,
join together to love and serve those in spiritual and physical need in our community.
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
Saturday, Nov 16 5 PM Father Bill Gill
Deacon Carl Sanfilippo
M & W. Bellucci, M. Donovan
T. Cavallaro, J. Costa, M. Lynch
H. Reister, K. Rothwell
Sunday, Nov 17
8 AM Father Joe Finnerty
K. Culver, L. Martin
D. Gilmartin, M. King, J. McKenna,
J. Taranto
A. Enstine, K. King-Bush
9:30 AM Father Mike Vetrano
V. Ching-Roa, Malone Bros., A. O’Connor
J. Diesing, N. McCulley, Sr. B. McKenna
M. O’Connor, M. Wilson
J. McCulley
11 AM
Father Bill Gill
May Family, M. Terry
T. Alegria, G. Bauer, P. Jordan,
S. McCulley, M. McDonald
P. Jordan, O. Mahoney
C. Brown, C. Butler
5 PM Father Mike Vetrano
H. Reyes
L. DeRobertis, G. Reisig
N. Conroy
ALTARS: November: M. Lynch, C. Rotunno
HAND LINENS - Nov 11-23—L. McClain
November 10—N. McCulley
November 17—M. Lynch, H. Ferguson
November 10—J & C Mottern
November 17—N. Conroy, A. Beatty
Rosary—November 14—P. Raynor
Mass Intentions for the Week of Nov 11-17
12:00 Jacques Bodeau
8:00 Cecilia Ospina
Wednesday 12:00 Eugene P. Travers, Jr.
12:00 Eileen Kenna
12:00 The Costa & Petrella Family
5 PM Roy Bohner
8:00 William L. Zaluski, Jr. &
Harriet & William Zaluski, Sr.,
& Barbara Corwith
9:30 People of the Parish
11:00 Jeff Grattan, Eileen Kenna,
Dominick Sacco
12:30 Mass in Spanish
5 PM Kathleen Brady
Memorial donations
To donate the flowers on the altar or bread and wine and/
or candles offered at Mass each week, please contact the
parish office.
Financial Realities and Stewardship
The November 4th collection was $8,661.00. Feast
of All Saints collection was $1,255.00.
Thank you for your generosity!
Pastor’s Letter
November 9/10
Pope Francis’ Questionnaire
Dear Parish Family,
This week, many sources of Catholic news have reported something quite unique. Pope Francis
will be calling a synod of Bishops together in the fall of 2014. In preparation, he is asking Bishops to
complete a questionnaire on issues of importance to the church. The Bishops have been asked in turn
to distribute the questionnaire as widely as possible to parishes and deaneries.
I think it is no coincidence that the announcement comes as we are celebrating the end of
the year of faith, a year of reflection and prayer to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican
Council. This council brought into focus a pivotal idea in Christianity: that the Holy Spirit, the voice
and inspiration of God, speaks through every member of the church. This of course is not the same
thing as saying that every person is an individual and absolute authority on things of faith. It does
mean that people together each have an important contribution to make to our understanding of the life
of faith.
In an article in America Magazine this week, Father Jim Martin reminds readers that the
Second Vatican Council in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium proclaims:
"They [the laity] are, by [reason of] knowledge, competence or outstanding ability which they may
enjoy, permitted and sometimes even obliged to express their opinion on those things which concern
the good of the Church."
The specific information being asked for in this questionnaire concerns Pastoral Challenges of
the Family in the Context of Evangelization. It asks about the support that Catholic values receive
from society and government. The survey also asks about the way church teachings are received,
understood, and accepted by the faithful. It seems clear that Pope Francis is particularly concerned that
the church would always speak in a way that its love, care, and concern for people are evident and
understood. In asking for this information, it is clear that he wishes the entire Catholic community to
share this concern.
As this year of faith comes to a conclusion, Pope Francis reminds us of the great vision of this
remarkable council: that the prayers, hopes, and dreams of the people of this earth will always be
shared and understood by their church.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Michael A. Vetrano
A Note from Religious Education Director:
Jennifer Ferrantino
In the Religious Education office we are busy preparing for
the year’s sacraments and upcoming events. Second graders
will be receiving the Holy Sacrament of Reconciliation on
Saturday, November 16, at 10 AM in the Church.
Upcoming special events include Thanksgiving activities, Advent preparations and our
special Christmas Celebration contact me at jferrantino@shjmbasilica.org
if you can help!
Youth Group--Christmas Tree Lighting and Social
Date and Time: December 1st, directly following 5:00
Save the date and stay posted for more details to
Do Your Want to Become a Catholic?
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
We hold weekly meetings to discuss the Catholic faith beginning
with an “inquiry” phase to answer questions and explore some of the
teachings of the Church. We meet on Wednesday at 3 PM.
Becoming a Catholic is not a class, but rather a process. We are all on a faith journey throughout our
lives… we recognize that every path is different!!
Those needing to complete the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist are invited to attend. If
you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 631-283-0097 Ext. 0
Religious Education
We are in need of a 4th grade teacher for Sundays after the 9:30
Family Mass. Your help is much appreciated and we provide all the
Welcome: The Basilica Parish of Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary welcomes the following newly baptized children with joy:
Sofia Damaris Altamirano Campoverde
Georgia Lina Doyle
Nicole Cardona Obando
Mathias Herbel-Monsalve
Jayden Jacobs Yepes
Manuel Jose Lozano, Jr.
Frank Joseph Lozano
Carolina Martinez Bonilla
Kabir Vivanco
Matthew Vivanco
Faith Formation
Altar Bread, Wine and Candles
Were given in honor of St. Martin de Tours and in loving memory of Jacques
Bodeau by his wife, Yvonne.
Altar Flowers
The main altar flowers for this week were given in loving memory of Walter &
Mar ion Sarosy by their daughter, Marilyn Stengel.
Thanksgiving Mass
Please join us on Thursday, November 28th, at 9 AM to
celebrate Thanksgiving Day. This is also our Basilica’s 2nd
Anniversary. On November 21, 2011, our parish was declared to be
a Basilica church by Pope Benedict XVI. I invite you to come to this
special mass, to bring your family and friends, and to bring a gift for
our food pantry. I also invite you to bring something from your table to bless — a loaf of bread, a
bottle of wine, a treat to share. In this way you can unite your thanksgiving table with the altar of
Eucharistic Adoration Concludes the Year of Faith
During the first three days of Thanksgiving Week parishes throughout our diocese will be hosting
Eucharistic Adoration to celebrate the conclusion of the year of faith. Our parish will participate on
Monday, November 25 from 12 noon (after the mass) until 6 pm. We would like to be sure that
someone is present throughout this time of adoration. If you would be willing to Watch one Hour
during this time of prayer please call the rectory.
Our Lady of the Hamptons
….. The fifth grade Girl Scouts visited the senior citizens at Bishop Ryan Village in
Hampton Bays on All Saints’ Day to do a ‘reverse trick or treat” by bringing gifts and
greetings to the seventy-five residents. Senior Citizen Outreach will continue with the
Hamptones, the elite chorus’ visit to St. Joseph’s Convent, Brentwood.
Our Lady of the Hamptons School will hold its annual Bucks for Books drawing on December 16, with the big winner
claiming the $15,000 jackpot. All proceeds from this raffle are used to supplement operating costs for the school. Tickets
are available at the school 283-9140.
Plans are being made for the expansion of the upper middle-school program at Our Lady of the Hamptons School,
Early inquiry, interview and application is advised for this program as well as grades K-5. Call 283-9140 for information
and appointments to tour the facility.
We invite anyone who is willing to consider the possibility of a memorial gift for the Building Fund in any amount to visit
the school, call for an appointment (283-9140) or visit the website www.olh.org where a full video of the constriction
project is available.
Bishop McGann-Mercy Diocesan High School Students to
Perform Neil Simon's
"Laughter on the 23rd Floor"
November 21st - 23rd, the members of the award winning McGann-Mercy Theatre Company will
perform their version of Neil Simon's comedy, “Laughter on the 23rd Floor”.
Running from Thursday, November 21st , through Saturday, November 23rd in the school
auditorium, the show starts at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $8 per person and are sold at the door.
Bishop McGann-Mercy High School is located at 1225 Ostrander Avenue in Riverhead.
Be the first to find out what is happening at SHJM
Visit our Website
Regional School News
focusing on the new classroom development. Information about possible enrollment is now available for the 2014-15.
Music at the Basilica
A Special Thanksgiving Event
The Kings Chapel Full Gospel Choir Returns
Upcoming Events
On Saturday, November 23rd, at 6:30 PM
we will welcome back the Kings Chapel
Full Gospel Choir in a special
Thanksgiving concert .
Come together to raise our voices at this
most thankful time of the year! The Kings
Chapel Choir was one of our most popular events last year. If you missed
them the first time—make plans to attend this year’s concert!.
Light refreshments will be served.
A free will offering will be taken to benefit both churches.
Save the Date!
A Festival of Lessons and Carols
Sunday December 1st
3 PM
Join us as we begin the Advent Season.
Our festival of Lessons and Carols brings together the music, carols, and scriptures of this most
beautiful season in which we anticipate the
meaning of Christmas – that our God is with us.
Stewardship in Action:
Thank you to Pat & Ed Corrigan for the beautiful autumn decorations in the front of our Church.
Do you have any time or talent to give to your church?
Snowbirds! Please Don’t Forget Us
No doubt this is a great time to get away to warmer places for the winter or even
just a few weeks. Please remember that your parish is alive and active all year
round, and that these are some of the most expensive months for us! In winter
our fuel bills alone are over $5000 a month — that is almost one whole collection
just for heat.
So please don’t forget us when you are gone. Keeping up a weekly pattern of support will keep our
parish financially healthy. Enjoy your time away and remember that you can read our weekly bulletin at www.shjmbasilica.org.
as a cantor, an instrumentalist or voice in the choir. Looking for children (for the
9:30Mass), Young Adults and Adults for our other masses.
If you would like to join this ministry please contact JoAnn Morse at 631-807-7907 or email her at
Choir Rehearsals:
Women’s Ensemble: every 2nd & 4th Monday—7-8 PM
Children’s Chorus: every Wednesday—5—6 PM
Choir: every Wednesday—6—7:30 PM
All rehearsals take place in the Church—New voices always welcome!
For more information please call our Music Director, JoAnn Morse: 631-807-7907.
Adult Faith Opportunities for Prayer & Study
Bible Study :: meets every Tuesday at 1 PM in the upper meeting room of the Parish Center. New
members are always welcome!
Spiritual Book Group :: meeting every Tuesday at 1 PM in the dining room of the Parish Center.
New members are always welcome!
Secular Franciscans :: meet on the third Sunday of the month in the dining room of the Parish
Center. Would you like to know more about us? Please come to our meeting. Bring a bag lunch and
we will supply the coffee.
Parish News
Raise your Voice in Praise!
Join one of the Basilica Choirs
Pilgrimage to Lourdes & Shrines of the Sacred Heart
Our Next Meeting, Monday, Dec. 2
7 PM in the Rectory
A photo tour of Lourdes
All Souls Day— The souls of the just are in the hands of God
Jeffrey B. Grattan
Patricia Ellard Brown
Frances Gemelaro
Margaret M. Citek
Olympia Cracchiola
Grace McNamara
Jack Rist
Jean P. Zirnis
Jeanne M. Krajewski
Joseph Caravetta, Jr.
Peter Gambino
Patricia Delury
Elizabeth Croke
Rose Mary Wagner
Lino Bergenti
Emily Teed Scott
Mary Viola Collum
Dorothy M. Renna
Mary Ellen Welsh
Lillian Rhoads
Rita L. Bourke
Dr. Richard Lennon
Forrest Counihan
Guy N. Squires
Stefania Zugaj
Eileen Kenna
Sylvia Waltzer
Dominick A. Sacco
November is the Month of the Holy Souls. Our church has the
custom of giving a place of honor to a book in which parishioners write the
names of their deceased. We recall and pray for our beloved dead, trusting in
God's eternal love and mercy to welcome them into the glory of heaven.
We invite you to share this time of remembrance by writing in the book the names of
those friends and loved ones who have fallen asleep in Christ. The book will be conveniently
located in the church's center aisle.
Rededication of the Respect Life Statue
The Southampton Council of Knights of Columbus invites everyone to the rededication of our
Respect Life Statue on Saturday, November 16th. This is the 15th anniversary of the statue. Mass
will be at noon with the blessing of the statue to follow. Lunch will be served in the school
auditorium next to the church. This is the Year of Faith and special graces are granted for services
held in a Basilica.
We pray for the sick of our Parish and Community
Winnie Chin
John Bishop
Robert O’Shea
Suzanne Parillo
Jean Kearns
Gwendolyn Porter
John Cuccia, Sr.
Eileen Finlay
Roger Williams
Robert Melter
Daniel Sheerin
Stan Witkowski
Anne O’Brien
Anna Norsic
Filomena Marciw
Stephanie Golio
Emil Norsic
J T Welker
Khristina Muller
Marcelle Enne
Peg Jordan
Rev. Eugene McGovern
Bruce Peterson
Philip Masi
Patricia Kahl
Aubrie Press Rodecker
Prayer and Spirituality
Richard Shuster
William Moffat
Harold Gryzbowski
Ted Curry
Louis Parillo
Howard Pierse
Rose Swanson
Theodore B. Rosko, Jr.
Eleanor Musarra
Eric B. Nastri
Kevin J. Cancellieri
Mary Jane Medler
Carol A. Costello
Joan G. Foley
Angela Scavarelli
Donate your used laptop!
Do you have a gently used laptop computer that you would consider donating to
Sacred Hearts?
Community and Parish Events
We are in need of one for our cemetery. Please bring it to the Parish Center during
the week. This is a tax deductible donation.
Blood Drive
When: Tuesday, November 12th
12 Noon — 7:15 PM
Where: Hampton Road Fire House
Contact: Jim Frankenbach 283-2431
No appointment necessary. Please have ID and drink plenty of fluids.
Community Thanksgiving Celebration
7:30 PM
First Presbyterian Church
2 South Main Street, Southampton
Please bring a non-perishable food item for the
Food Pantry at Human
Resources of the Hamptons
Taller para la Protección de los Niños - El sábado, 16
de noviembre, a las 9:00 AM habrá un taller sobre la
protección de los niños en el Apostolado Hispano en
Southampton. El taller enseña sobre la realidad del
abuso sexual a menores. Es muy informativo y además
nos capacita para prevenir el abuso. Uno puede
inscribirse para el taller por el internet en la página
www.drvc.org o allí en la puerta. Pedimos que no
traigan niños menores de 18 años al taller.
primero en nacer de entre los muertos”, tenemos la seguridad
de que el aguijón de la muerte es el montaje de un drama
para llegar a la vida con Él. Nosotros no podemos evitar el
dolor, el vacío y la tristeza que dejaron aquellos que
partieron antes que nosotros, ellos se adelantaron en el
camino y partieron marcados con la cruz, signo de nuestra
fe. Hay razón para que lloremos, pero nuestro dolor está
unido a la esperanza de la resurrección, camino de esperanza
que nos dejó el Mesías, Jesús mismo. ¡Aleluya! ¡Alabemos
al Señor! Texto: Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001, OCP. Derechos
.Rincón de Información
Curso Pre-Bautismal
Domingo, 24 de noviembre, a la 1:30 PM en el
Apostolado o las 5 PM en la iglesia en East Hampton
Favor de llevar la copia del acta de nacimiento del niño.
Bautizos en Southampton serán el 8 de diciembre (no
habrá bautismos el 1º de diciembre), el 5 de enero, 2 de
febrero y el 2 de marzo.
La Vida se Transforma - Con las sonogramas podemos
ver a los bebés en el seno materno. Al nacer hay una
transformación; al morir también. Algunas personas han
tenido la experiencia de morir y describen una luz brillante,
un sentido de paz profunda antes de volver a la vida terrenal.
Es difícil imaginarnos la vida eterna basada en nuestra
experiencia presente. Los saduceos del relato evangélico no
creían en la resurrección y le hicieron a Jesús una pregunta
capciosa: ¿De quién iba a ser esposa la viuda que había
perdido siete esposos? Jesús les hizo ver lo irrelevante de su
pregunta: "Dios no es Dios de muertos, sino de vivos". La
liturgia de exequias dice: "la vida se transforma, no se
termina". By María Dolores Martínez from Liturgia y Canción 2010, © 2010,
OCP. All rights reserved.
El Fin de los Tiempos - Quizás nos preguntemos por
qué las lecturas de hoy destacan el tema de la
resurrección. En realidad, nos estamos acercando al
final del año litúrgico y las lecturas de estas próximas
semanas van a resaltar el fin de los tiempos y la llegada
del Salvador. Tanto en el libro de los Macabeos como
en la carta de san Pablo a los tesalonicenses o el
Evangelio de san Lucas, el mismo tema se repite:
tenemos que vivir con esperanza porque nuestro Dios
es Dios de vivos y no de muertos. Hacia Él caminamos
por la vida. By Juan J. Sosa, Pbro., from Liturgia y Canción 2013 © 2012,
OCP. All rights reserved
El Asesor de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas
En el Apostolado el 14 de nov., de las 2 a las 5 PM.
Comunidad de Oración para Adultos y Familias
Los martes a las 7:30 PM en la el salón parroquial. El
tercer martes de cada mes se reúne en la iglesia para la
hora santa.
Divina Misericordia - Misa en la Basílica cada cuarto
miércoles a las 8:00 PM.
Proclamas Matrimoniales – Segunda Noticia
Nancy Rosete y Nelson Buestan
Requisitos para el Bautismo de un Niño
Curso: Para bautizar a su hijo, es necesario que los padres
y padrinos asistan al curso pre-bautismal. Traiga consigo
el acto de nacimiento del niño.
Padrinos: Debe escoger a los padrinos conscientes de los
requisitos. Los padrinos tienen que haber recibido sus
tres sacramentos de iniciación (Bautismo, Primera
Comunión y confirmación) y deben poder comulgar, es
decir no deben estar viviendo en unión libre o casados por
civil nada más, El padrino (madrina) debe ser un(a)
soltero(a) o debe ser casado por la iglesia.
Permisos: Si viven afuera de la zona servida por el
Apostolado Hispano, necesitan una carta de su párroco
dándonos permiso para bautizar su hijo.
Padre Esteban: Cel: 631-375-1001; Fax: 631-287-0986
Apostolado Hispano: 631-283-4379
Intenciones del Papa para Noviembre
General: Que los sacerdotes que experimentan
dificultades sean confortados en su sufrimiento,
XXXII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. Año C. Ilustración © 2001 K. Sullivan. Printed from
sostenidos en sus dudas y confirmados en su fidelidad.
Misionera: Que como fruto de la Misión Continental,
Dios de los Vivos - Él es Dios, no de los muertos sino de los las Iglesias en América Latina envíen misioneros a
vivos. Como hermanos y hermanas del Señor Jesús, “el otras Iglesias
November 10, 2013
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Something to Draw
Draw God sitting in his big rocking chair
with you on his lap.
Kid’s Page
Sharing the Gospel
You can be like an angel because you are a
child of God. You can sing songs to honor
God. You can warn people to change their
evil ways, or to help people who are in
danger. God promises that those who do
good will see God face to face. You can sit
on his lap in his big rocking chair and laugh
and laugh together. It will be fun in
Lord, help me obey your commandments.
Mission for the Week
I will pray for those who are in danger
whenever I hear a siren.