Subido por William Rojas

PROV 24857 RMP Carbonite Availability User Guide 1.2

Resiliency Management
Platform (RMP)
Carbonite Availability
Document Code: PROV 24857
Document Version: 1.2
Date: April 5, 2020
Geminare Inc.
This User Guide provides instructions on how to maintain and manage your accounts, manage the
replication environment, and monitor and report on the business continuity activity.
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Geminare, Disaster prevention trumps disaster recovery, and related marks are trademarks of Geminare
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Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this guide:
or Symbol
Screen name or data field names
Button names or selectable menu
courier Text displayed on the screen and
File and Directory Names
Text to be entered by the user
Additional note about an important
feature or instruction.
Core Details, or FQDN Name
Select Initialize Failover from the
menu and click Apply.
NOTE: Please see section A for
more details.
RMP Carbonite Availability User Guide
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Resiliency Management Platform (RMP) ...................................................................................... 4
Carbonite Availability Overview .................................................................................................. 5
RMP Requirements ................................................................................................................... 5
Readiness Assessment ............................................................................................................... 6
Assigning a Carbonite Availability Job to the RMP ....................................................................... 6
Managing Carbonite Availability ................................................................................................. 7
Control Page - List .................................................................................................................. 7
Control Page – Manage ........................................................................................................... 7
Monitoring ..............................................................................................................................12
Service Health..........................................................................................................................13
Orchestration ..........................................................................................................................14
Runbook Steps ......................................................................................................................14
Supported Versions ..................................................................................................................14
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Resiliency Management Platform (RMP)
The Resiliency Management Platform is a tool to help facilitate the setup and management of many
DRaaS technologies. By using the platform, you will have access to:
Monitoring and status of all your devices and technologies
Control over the protected environment and interacting with the individual installed
Tools for testing the various servers and devices in the environment
Change management tools for the configuration and modification of existing or new servers
The platform is made up of the following components:
RMP Multi-Tenant Interface
The Multi-Tenant Interface is a hosted web platform in which partners, customers, and all users of the
RMP login to monitor and manage their environments and the integrated technologies. Standard
secured web access (HTTPS) is the standard method of access for partners and customers.
RMP Multi-Tenant API
The Multi-Tenant API is a set of external API’s that the RMP exposes as an alternative to using the Web
Interface for monitoring and control of the integrated technologies. The RMP API uses RESTful based
methods of interaction to be exercised through an HTTP client or programmatically from an application.
RMP Controller
The RMP Controller is a set of RMP services that run on a host server which is typically deployed in the
recovery side of the customer’s environment. The Controller is deployed as single-tenant instance so
one Host Controller is deployed per customer environment or environment authentication domain and
not shared among multiple customers.
RMP Hypervisor Controller
The Hypervisor Controller is based on the same principals as the Controller however is architected for
deployment into environments that have multi-tenant infrastructure technology to be monitored and
controlled. Examples would be HyperV, VMware, EMC RecoverPoint.
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Carbonite Availability Overview
This document outlines the setup and use of RMP (4) integration with Carbonite Availability.
The Carbonite Availability Agent Service must be installed on the RMP Controller (1). This Carbonite
Availability Agent Service will communicate with the Carbonite Target Servers directly. By doing so it
facilitates the communication of all the monitoring and control information between the RMP (4) and
the Carbonite Availability software running on the endpoints.
RMP Architecture
Carbonite Availability Integration
March 2, 2020
Customer A
Carbonite Availability
Physical Server
RMP Controller
Physical Server
Resiliency Management
Platform (RMP)
Customer B
Carbonite Availability
Physical Server
RMP Controller
Physical Server
RMP Requirements
The product selection for Carbonite Availability must be assigned to the customer account in the
User details page.
RMP Controller deployed with RMP Carbonite Availability Agent Service installed.
Carbonite Availability software engine installed and available on the Target server. The RMP
Controller must have access to the Carbonite engine port of the endpoints (by default TCP port
6325). This is the same requirement as the Carbonite console having access to the endpoints.
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Readiness Assessment
Business continuity and management plans include the outline, measures, and arrangements of both
technology and process to ensure the continuous delivery of critical services and products. The
Resiliency Management Platform provides the Readiness Assessment (RA) as a place to record the
information about your environment for use in the configuration of services. To manage your Readiness
Assessment, navigate to the Readiness Assessment -> Detail section in the main menu.
The elements pertinent to your environment must be added to the Readiness Assessment -> Detail
section under the Devices tab. The information of your RMP Controller and each Carbonite Endpoint
(Source & Target) that will be managed/monitored. This is necessary to provide the details about how to
communicate to the Carbonite Availability software.
Assigning a Carbonite Availability Job to the RMP
In order for the RMP to monitor and manage a Carbonite Availability job, the job must be assigned
within the Readiness Assessment. The following steps should be taken when assigning the Carbonite
Availability job to the RMP:
1. Navigate to Readiness Assessment and click the Carbonite Availability tab.
2. Click the Assign New Carbonite Availability Job button.
NOTE: Carbonite Availability licenses are assigned for each customer account separately.
If you are already at the maximum licenses you must remove a job from the management
list first or purchase additional licenses before a new assignment can be made and the
Assign button is enabled.
3. Under Hostname / IP Address Choose the Target Server that has been deployed in the DR
environment from the list. Optionally, you may also change the port that Carbonite uses for API
management (defaulted to 6326). Then select the Get Availability Job Configuration button to
have the RMP attempt to communicate with the endpoint to discover the job. The
communication method is listed in the Carbonite Engine section.
4. If successful communication to the Carbonite Engine occurs the RMP will return the Job Name /
Job Type / Source / Target information about the job.
5. Complete the assignment by clicking the Assign button at the bottom of the form.
Repeat the process for each of the Carbonite Availability jobs you wish the RMP to manage.
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Managing Carbonite Availability
Using the Resiliency Management Platform you will have access to monitor and control aspects of
Carbonite Availability jobs and targets.
Control Page - List
Visibility into the state of your Carbonite Availability jobs is done from the control pages. Within the
RMP navigate to Servers -> Carbonite in the main menu to see the listing of all your protected jobs. The
main listing page presents quick summary information on the job details and the Carbonite health and
To manage an individual job, find it in the list and click the Manage button to navigate to the
management page.
NOTE: If this is the first time viewing the control page the data for the device might not
have completed its initial collection and there may not be any statistics presented for the
Control Page – Manage
The Carbonite Availability management control page gives you detailed information about the protected
jobs and control options. You are provided all the relevant properties about the source and the target as
well as protection statistics regarding data transfers, and recent activities.
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Control Options
The control options available for a Carbonite Availability job are as follows:
Refresh ( )
This forces a refresh of the properties, statistics, and activities from Carbonite Availability into
the portal. The last time the data was updated is shown above the section.
Start Job
Start the Carbonite Availability backup job.
Stop Job
Stops the Carbonite Availability backup job.
Pause Job
Pauses the Carbonite Availability backup job.
Failover Job
Start the failover process for the Carbonite Availability backup job.
Source and Target Server
Information about the Source and Target servers provided by Carbonite are displayed.
The properties section includes information about the health of the replication, the target state, and
Job Type
This specifies the type of job that was configured within Carbonite Availability for protection.
Files and Folders—This job type is protecting data stored in files and folders.
Full Server Failover—This job type is protecting an entire server, including the system
state, which is the server's configured operating system and applications.
Full Server to Hyper-V or ESX—This job is protecting a physical server or a virtual
server, at the guest level, to a Hyper-V or ESX server.
Health / Activity
The Health indicates the overall heath of the protection and Activity provides what Carbonite
Availability is currently doing on the server.
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Connection ID
Connection ID shows the counter used to number each connection established. This number is
reset to one (1) each time the Carbonite Availability service is restarted.
Transmit Mode
Presents the Transmit mode activity. Possible values are
Active—Data is being transmitted from the source to the target.
Paused—Data transmission has been paused.
Scheduled—Data transmission is waiting on schedule criteria.
Error—There is a transmission error.
Unknown—Cannot determine the transmission status.
Target Data state / Target route
Shows the target data reported state and the IP address on the target used for Carbonite
Availability transmissions.
Compression / Encryption
Displayed the configuration if compression and encryption are enabled.
Bandwidth limit
If bandwidth limiting has been set, this statistic identifies the limit. If “none” is displayed that
means, there is no bandwidth limit set for the connection.
Connected Since
The date and time when the current connection was made.
Activities Tab
The activities section shows you the job activity. Most of the activity messages are informational and do
not require any administrator interaction.
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The statistics tab section provides specific values for the job regarding the Mirroring and Replication.
Mirror status
Provides the status of the Carbonite Availability mirroring operations. Possible values and their
explanations are:
Calculating—The size of the data to be mirrored is being calculated.
In Progress—Data is being mirrored from the source to the target. If the amount of data
has been calculated, a percentage of the data that has been sent will be displayed.
Idle—Data is not being mirrored.
Paused—Mirroring has been paused.
Stopped—Mirroring has been stopped.
Removing Orphans—Orphan files on the target are being removed.
Verifying—Data is being verified between the source and target.
Restoring—Data is being restored from the target to the source.
Unknown—Cannot determine the mirroring status.
Mirror percent complete
The percentage of the mirror that has been completed.
Mirror remaining
The total number of mirror bytes that are remaining to be sent from the source to the target.
Mirror skipped
The total number of bytes that have been skipped when performing a difference or checksum
mirror. These bytes are skipped because the data is not different on the source and target.
Mirror start time(UTC) / Mirror end time(UTC)
The start and end time of the last mirroring operation.
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Total time for last mirror
The amount of time the last mirror operations took to complete.
Replication status
Current status of the replicating data. Possible values are:
Replicating—Data is being replicated from the source to the target.
Ready—There is no data to replicate.
Pending—Replication is pending.
Stopped—Replication has been stopped.
Out of Memory—Replication memory has been exhausted.
Unknown—Cannot determine the replication status.
Replication queue
The total number of replication bytes that are in the source queue.
Disk queue
The number of bytes of disk space being used to queue data on the source.
Bytes sent
The total number of mirror and replication bytes that have been transmitted from the source to
the target.
Bandwidth Limit (Compressed)
The total number of compressed mirror and replication bytes that have been transmitted to the
target. If compression is disabled, this statistic will be the same as Bytes Sent.
Recovery point latency
The Recovery Point Latency metric reports on any lag in replicating data from the source to the
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All the activity changes for Carbonite Availability jobs are logged and available on the Main -> News &
Events page of the RMP.
Activities such as requests to Start or stop jobs, or changes to the job health are all logged in News &
Events. The following severities and events are being reported:
Type of Request
Request to Start Carbonite Availability Job
Request to Stop Carbonite Availability Job
Request to Pause Carbonite Availability Job
Request to Failover Carbonite Availability Job
Status change from Warning to OK
Status change from Error to OK
Status change from OK to Warning
Status changed to OK to Error
Severity Level
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Service Health
Service Health services allow you to get a quick view of the managed devices and how healthy they are
based on the components chosen for review. Service Health works by the RMP Controller
communicating with the technology and reporting back overall status information.
The Service Health services for Carbonite Availability are:
Carbonite Availability Job Health / Activity – This component monitors the health of the Carbonite
Availability replication job and indicates if there are warnings or errors as a part of the protection.
Carbonite Availability Job Replication Queue – This component monitors the health of the Carbonite
Availability replication queue and indicates if there are warnings or errors as a part of the monitoring.
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Runbooks are the RMP orchestration tool to bring together all the technology the RMP communicates to
in one place to help automate a set of tasks. These can involve different technologies and actions across
single or multiple DR assets. Each step of the Runbook can have success conditions defined before it is
executed. This allows you to manage steps one after another in series, or have steps to execute at the
same time, dependent on how you need your Runbook to behave.
Runbooks steps for controlling the Carbonite Availability jobs have been added for management from
the RMP.
Runbook Steps
Carbonite Availability Request
A step type for Carbonite Availability has been added with the following request types available
for orchestration.
Initiate Pause Job - Pauses the Carbonite Availability job.
Initiate Stop Job - Stops the Carbonite Availability job
Initiate Start Job – Starts the Carbonite Availability job
Initiate Failover Job - Start the failover process for the Carbonite Availability job.
Supported Versions
The following versions of Carbonite Availability are supported by the Geminare Resiliency Management
Platform (RMP):
Version 8 & above
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