Dissidences Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism Volume 2 Issue 3 Violencias en la España posfranquista: antecedentes, representaciones e influencias Article 7 11-30-2012 Sobre guerra e hybris en El pintor de batallas de Arturo Pérez Reverte Alexis Grohmann University of Edinburgh Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.bowdoin.edu/dissidences Recommended Citation Grohmann, Alexis (2007) "Sobre guerra e hybris en El pintor de batallas de Arturo Pérez Reverte," Dissidences: Vol. 2: Iss. 3, Article 7. Available at: http://digitalcommons.bowdoin.edu/dissidences/vol2/iss3/7 This Article / Artículo is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Bowdoin Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissidences by an authorized administrator of Bowdoin Digital Commons. For more information, please contact jmontgom@bowdoin.edu. Sobre guerra e hybris en El pintor de batallas de Arturo Pérez Reverte Keywords / Palabras clave Spain, Pérez Reverte, El pintor de batallas This article / artículo is available in Dissidences: http://digitalcommons.bowdoin.edu/dissidences/vol2/iss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