Dissidences Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism Volume 2 | Issue 4 Article 9 11-30-2012 La ironía de lo político. Reflexiones sobre “El Gaucho Insufrible” de Roberto Bolaño Federico Pous Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.bowdoin.edu/dissidences Recommended Citation Pous, Federico (2008) "La ironía de lo político. Reflexiones sobre “El Gaucho Insufrible” de Roberto Bolaño," Dissidences: Vol. 2: Iss. 4, Article 9. Available at: http://digitalcommons.bowdoin.edu/dissidences/vol2/iss4/9 This Article / Artículo is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Bowdoin Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissidences by an authorized administrator of Bowdoin Digital Commons. For more information, please contact jmontgom@bowdoin.edu. La ironía de lo político. Reflexiones sobre “El Gaucho Insufrible” de Roberto Bolaño Keywords / Palabras clave Bolaño, Chile, Argentina, El gaucho insufrible This article / artículo is available in Dissidences: http://digitalcommons.bowdoin.edu/dissidences/vol2/iss4/9 !"# $%%&'& (%$)(% '*+, ' $ '-&&./# 0&-1$))&'& &&''*,/2%345567 &' ' &&'&%$8 &&%&7$%9' ':#0)&!%%& Dissidences. Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism 4/5 (2008) 1 %;8%%&'' $&#)$!#&'% %&78&%&&%$- '&'%*+,'8;/2%<==>6# % !''$?)$&&&&''# @''A"1%#/@& !"2&)BCD/%7 /%"167&#"1% )&%$&')' 8 '$<3#E')& '&%&''%''''?' &&7&)"%' &/# !%&$ *3,#0$)''?'!$ '')7''&' 7 %%'')/%)')#% F-)')/GE$)/7 $&'&&7$' &'&$8$ ')$?# Dissidences. Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism 4/5 (2008) 2 &% '!"1'')$ H'%&H&-%& %%&) ' ''%;8%')#I-' '& ' %')')2&'A *3444,67&''')2&' '')7%*3445,6#%-% )&''H#H&?F &26&"1 ')')' G E'')#I)) !#E& %'1 )'%&&/2'<J6#'% 8$E/&' & )/1'2BK36# &&"1!&$ $)2'&6#" "*+,-8*+,'@*+,./2BKJ6#@L"& $&-;&#%"1% & %&'&&-& $&'%9;!/2'MM6# @')'&)&$&)$& &N&#&&& Dissidences. 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